Plan b messed up my cycle for months reddit

Biologically, it prevents ovulation, so there's no egg present for any sperm to reach, and may prevent implantation of a fertilized egg.

It makes you feel nauseated, incredibly unhinged emotionally, weepy, and all-over "sick", in my experience. It is not fun, and may mess up your menstrual cycle for a while afterwards (skipped period, long period, heavy or light period, etc).

Plan B is an absolute TRUCK TON of progesterone in the form of levonorgestrel. It’s kind of like you shoved a dozen Mirenas into your uterus. It’s going to absolutely fuck with your cycle and every other cycle related thing it possibly can. Late periods, no periods, lots of periods, all common and happen when one takes Plan B. It may take about 3 months or a bit longer for your body to sort itself out, you flooded it with hormones.

I’m not on birth control right now. I just have a question about plan b. I took it on February 15th and it shortened my cycle for that month as my period came early and my cycle was only 22 days long.

But now, I haven’t had a period at all. I’m very late, and I’m not pregnant. I tested yesterday and it was negative. Basically I’m 5 days late for my period. Has this happened to anyone else who took plan b?

Posted by11 years ago


Plan b messed up my cycle for months reddit

So ya, basically was very stupid, was using the withdrawal method with my bf. i took the morning after pill, and i think i got my period i cant remember, and then three weeks later i took it again. I had my period two weeks after that (a week earlier than my normal period would be due) I got another period (which was just brown spotting) two weeks after that. It is now 4 weeks since that brown period. I'm really scared. Is it normal for the morning after pill to mess up your cycle beyond those two periods, should it have gone back to normal by now? i dont even have cramps or anything. I'm sorry ladies, I know this gets asked a lot, but im really afraid and I dont know who to tell. I dont want to worry my bf. help. x This is a throwaway because my bf knows my reddit ac. sorry.

Posted by10 years ago


Plan b messed up my cycle for months reddit

I'm not going to get into it but basically I had a moment of weakness and had unprotected sex. I took Plan B around 7-8 hours afterwards then 6 days later I bled heavily for 3 days, now I'm about a week late for my period. Was the bleeding I had my period, I was only about 16 days into my cycle and I'm fairly regular. I'm just a bit worried and I'd like to hear some of your experiences to help calm me down.

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My (21 f) last real period was on September 16. I had unprotected sex a week later (he didn't cum in me) and took plan b on the 27th. I had something like a period (slightly heavier than normal for 3 days, my normal period is 4 days). I had unprotected sex again on October 24 (he didn't cum in me) and didn't take plan b. My period was supposed to start today (Nov 1) and I'm freaking out. My period is never late ever. I can always predict my period down to the hour.

Could this be a side effect of plan b? Should I take a pregnancy test, or wait a couple of days?

This feels like a weird place to post something about Plan B but I'm not sure any other forum would understand WHY I'm so stressed out about a whacked out cycle...

I took Plan B in mid-January because I totally messed up and we DTD without protection around my fertile window the day after I received two vaccines that are not fetus-friendly. I was really sad doing it, but it just didn't feel worth the risk. I got my period 7 days later, which gave me an 18 day cycle, compared to my normal 28-30 day cycle. Okay, I expected that.

Foolishly, I suppose, I was expecting my cycle to return to relative normalcy after that, because my period regulated immediately after quitting oral BC and I thought they were kind of the same. Guess who just got her period today, making it a 21 day cycle? ME. This certainly means that this cycle was anovulatory. Again.

We're supposed to be trying in June, which I know is still a few months away, but I'm freaking out! How long is my cycle going to be messed up for? When will I ovulate again? Did I do permanent damage? :(

Anyone experienced anything similar who can give me some advice (and hopefully comfort)?

I’ve noticed a lot of girls asking about Plan B and what happens afterward because Plan B is what led to this forum in the first place I think it would only be right to share my experience in detail.

Disclaimer: As you know every person is different and will react differently this is just my personal experience. Hopefully it’ll be helpful.

I’ve taken Plan B twice in my life. The first time I got it from Planned parenthood. I took it in the morning with food and late that night it gave me some ummm stomach issues and that was that. No pregnancy, no other side effects.

The second time I got it over the counter at a drugstore. I took it. I had no immediate side effects this time. However, I had already had my period a week prior to taking the Plan B and it caused me to get my period a week later again. This was the start of my messed up cycles.

It went like this: Week 1: Normally Scheduled Period Week 2: No Period/Took Plan B Week3: Period Week4: No Period Week 5: Normally Scheduled Period (might have been a few days late but was within the Scheduled week)

That was for November and December.

January- 6 or 7 days late February- 8 days late March- About 8 days late again I realize my cycle has lengthened to around 35 days April- App adjusts itself however it’s still unpredictable I get my period a day early

Before taking plan b this second time my periods were super predictable. If my Period app said I was getting my period then I was getting my period.

Early this month I got Nexplanon inserted due to the irregular periods giving me anxiety about being pregnant. So far I’m 2 days late for my period and with my period being unpredictable these days I don’t know if it’s the Nexplanon or just me yet.

If you take Plan B just know it can mess up your cycles and for quite a while. If you’re really bothered of course take a test but just know stress and plan b can delay your period. Even for a few months after you’ve taken it! I’ve seen some people say that it’ll only affect you for a month or two but here I am 6 months later. When I talked to my doctor about it she didn’t blink an eye so I’m assuming it’s not uncommon for Plan B to reset your cycle!

Can Plan B Make your period irregular for months?

Official answer. Yes, Plan B (levonorgestrel) can delay your period or cause bleeding to occur outside of regular menstrual bleeding because levonorgestrel is a synthetic hormone. To prevent pregnancy, Plan B, like other birth control pills, must alter your hormone levels, which can prompt these menstrual changes.

Does Plan B mess with monthly cycle?

Levonorgestrel is found in birth control pills, but Plan B contains a higher dose that can alter your body's natural hormone levels. The extra hormones can, in turn, affect the menstrual cycle, leading to an earlier or delayed period as well as heavier or lighter bleeding.

Can Plan B throw off future cycles?

Emergency contraception can delay your period. In fact, getting your period later or earlier than usual is one of the most common side effects of emergency contraception pills like Plan B and ella.