Can plan b cause spotting 2 weeks later

Emergency contraception, sometimes known as the ‘morning-after pill’, is a medication that reduces the chances of pregnancy after unprotected sex. One type of emergency contraception is called Plan B One-Step. If you’ve had unprotected sex, the sooner you take Plan B the more effective it is, so you don’t have to stay up all night worrying. You only need one pill, and this will contain 1.5 milligrams levonorgestrel, which is an active ingredient in many contraceptive pills, albeit at lower doses. Some women may experience changes to their menstrual cycles after taking Plan B, and wonder, “Does plan B cause spotting?” This article describes what to expect and the common side effects of emergency contraception.

Is Spotting After Plan B Normal?

If you see spotting, small dots of red or brown blood in your underwear, after taking Plan B, don’t worry – this is perfectly normal. Emergency contraceptive pills contain high levels of the reproductive hormone progesterone – significantly stronger than the dose in normal birth control pills. Progesterone is usually secreted at high quantities during pregnancy, so when you take Plan B, this sends false signals to your body saying that you’re pregnant, and this inhibits ovulation. The progesterone in the pill will then pass through your body, and you will experience a sharp decrease in your progesterone levels. This indicates to your body that the pregnancy is over, and the thick uterine lining will now be shed, resulting in Plan B spotting, even if you don’t have a full period.

However, in some cases, the bleeding may indicate a more serious underlying condition. If you have heavy blood loss, where you have to change your sanitary towel, tampon or menstrual cup every hour or more, you need to see your doctor to check if everything is okay. Cramping, similar to normal period pain, is another common symptom after taking emergency contraception, but is only an issue if it is particularly strong.

Should I worry about pregnancy?

If you take Plan B, or the alternative Next Choice, less than 24 hours after unprotected sex, there is a 95% chance that you will not become pregnant. However, the odds of pregnancy steadily increase after this. If you want to make sure if you are pregnant or not, it’s better to take a pregnancy test, or wait a few days and check other early pregnancy symptoms. Here’s the experience of one woman:

“I took Plan B at the beginning of September, less than 48 hours after I had unprotected sex. Then I started bleeding a week later, so I went to see a nurse and asked her, ‘Does Plan B cause spotting?” She said that spotting after plan B is normal, and that I might not get my next period. At the end of the month, I did miss my period, and I still haven’t had it. My breasts feel sore, I feel a bit dizzy, and my lower back hurts at times. I’m really confused with what’s going on in my body right now.”

Other Side Effects of Plan B

Plan B is generally considered safe, but some women may experience side effects, including the following:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Weariness
  • Abdominal pain
  • Changes to the usual menstrual cycle
  • Tenderness in the breasts

If you do vomit within two hours of taking emergency contraception, contact a healthcare professional for advice on whether you need to take another pill.

In addition to Plan B spotting, you may find that your next period is heavier or lighter, and/or earlier or later than usual. This is perfectly normal. However, if you don’t have a period within the next three weeks, take a pregnancy test to ensure that you’re not pregnant.

Wondering how taking Plan B might affect you? We’ve got you.

Plan B is safe and effective. Some women may experience side effects from taking Plan B; these side effects tend to be mild. Remember: Plan B doesn’t stay in your body long term—it works to help prevent pregnancy after only one incidence of unprotected sex.

Possible Plan B side effects include:

  • A period that’s lighter, heavier, early, or late
  • Nausea
  • Lower abdominal cramps
  • Tiredness
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Breast tenderness
  • Vomiting

Some women taking Plan B One‑Step may have changes in their period, such as spotting or bleeding before their next period. If your period is more than a week late, it’s possible you might be pregnant. Get a pregnancy test and follow up with your healthcare professional.

If you vomit within 2 hours of taking Plan B, talk to your healthcare
professional to find out if you should repeat the dose.

Still have questions?

We’ve got you covered.

If you’ve recently had unprotected sex, or if your regular method of contraception failed, using the morning-after pill is a safe, effective way to reduce your risk of becoming pregnant.

Currently, there are two different types of morning-after pill. The first is the ulipristal acetate pill, which is available under the brand name ella®. The second is the levonorgestrel morning-after pill, which is sold under several brand names, including Econtra® EZ and Plan B One-Step®.

Used shortly after you have unprotected sex (generally between three to five days, depending on which pill you take — but the earlier the better, in any case), both of these pills are highly effective at reducing your risk of pregnancy. Both pills can also cause side effects, including bleeding and disruptions to your normal menstrual cycle.

We’ve explained why these side effects occur, how common they are and the steps that you can take to manage them in more detail below. 

Why the Morning-After Pill Can Cause Bleeding

Some women may experience light bleeding, known as spotting, after using the morning-after pill. The morning-after pill can also affect some womens’ periods,  meaning you might get your period earlier or later than you normally would. 

Some women experience an early or late period after taking the morning-after pill. However, if there is a delay in the onset of your expected period, you should take a pregnancy test as soon as possible. 

In order to explain why the morning-after pill can cause bleeding, we need to look at how the pill works to prevent pregnancy in the first place. 

As we mentioned earlier, there are two different types of morning-after pill currently available in the United States. The first, ella, contains the active ingredient ulipristal acetate. The second, available as Econtra EZ, Plan B One-Step or other names, contains levonorgestrel. 

Despite containing different active ingredients, both types of morning-after pill work similarly to prevent pregnancy. 

When you take the morning-after pill, the ingredients in the medication suppress luteinizing hormone (LH), which delays or inhibits ovulation. This significantly reduces the risk of your partner’s sperm coming into contact with the egg and fertilizing it, which would normally lead to pregnancy. 

The morning-after pill may also prevent a fertilized egg from successfully attaching to the lining of your uterus (a process called implantation), further reducing your risk of becoming pregnant even if your partner’s sperm comes into contact with an egg. 

The same hormones (or, in the case of ella, a selective progesterone receptor modulator) that make the morning-after pill effective at preventing you from becoming pregnant can also lead to changes in your menstrual cycle. 

After you take either type of morning-after pill, you may experience spotting — a form of light and irregular bleeding that occurs outside your normal period.

Because the morning-after pill affects the ovulation process, it could also cause you to start your period earlier or later than normal. When you get your period, it may be heavier or lighter than it normally is, or last for a longer or shorter amount of time. 

How Common Is Bleeding From the Morning-After Pill?

Some degree of spotting is a common side effect of the morning-after pill. It’s also very common to experience changes in your menstrual cycle such as those listed above.

As such, there’s generally no need to worry if you experience light bleeding or an unusually mild or heavy period after you use either type of morning-after pill.

According to data from the World Health Organization, approximately 30 percent of women who use the levonorgestrel morning-after pill experience some degree of bleeding within seven days, with up to 13 percent experiencing a delay of more than 7 days to their menstrual cycle. 

Among women who used ella, FDA data indicates that approximately nine percent of reported intermenstrual bleeding after using the pill, with 19 percent reporting a delay of more than seven days to their menstrual cycle. 

Seven percent of the women who took ella reported getting their period more than seven days earlier than normal. 

In short, if you experience spotting after using the morning-after pill, or get your period earlier or later than normal, you’re not alone. In fact, bleeding and changes to your period are some of the most common side effects of either type of morning-after pill.

How to Treat Bleeding From the Morning-After Pill

Most of the time, there’s no need to do anything if you experience bleeding or an unusually late or early period after using the morning-after pill.

If you’re worried about spotting or a heavy period after using the morning-after pill, it can help to keep some extra tampons, sanitary napkins or other menstrual hygiene products on hand.

If you have an unusually heavy or uncomfortable period after using the morning-after pill, using over-the-counter pain relief is usually fine. Pain relief medications like ibuprofen (Advil®, Motrin® or Nuprin®) can help to ease menstrual cramps and, in some cases, lighten blood flow.

If you’re worried about persistent or excessive bleeding after using the morning-after pill, make sure to call your healthcare provider. 

Finally, if it’s more than seven days after the date at which your period normally begins and your period has yet to start, or if you only get a very light or short period after using the morning-after pill, you may be pregnant and should seek advice from your healthcare provider . 

In Conclusion

Some women experience  bleeding after using the morning-after pill. This type of bleeding is called spotting, and it’s a fairly common side effect that’s caused by the effects of the active ingredients in the pill on your reproductive system. 

It’s also common to experience some changes in your next period after taking the morning-after pill. These usually only affect you for one menstrual cycle, meaning your period should go back to normal in the future. 

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment. Learn more about our editorial standards here.

Why am I bleeding 2 weeks after taking a Plan B?

Some irregular bleeding — also known as spotting — can happen after you take the morning-after pill. Getting your period after taking emergency contraception (EC) is a sign that you're not pregnant. It's also normal for your period to be heavier or lighter, or earlier or later than usual after taking EC.

How long does it take for spotting to occur after Plan B?

According to data from the World Health Organization, approximately 30 percent of women who use the levonorgestrel morning-after pill experience some degree of bleeding within seven days, with up to 13 percent experiencing a delay of more than 7 days to their menstrual cycle.

Can your period come 2 weeks early after Plan B?

Both emergency contraception and hormonal birth control can cause your period to come early. When it comes to emergency pills, like the Plan B pill, they work by disrupting ovulation, meaning they can cause an early period, as well as a late one.

Can Plan B cause delayed spotting?

Official answer. Yes, Plan B (levonorgestrel) can delay your period or cause bleeding to occur outside of regular menstrual bleeding because levonorgestrel is a synthetic hormone. To prevent pregnancy, Plan B, like other birth control pills, must alter your hormone levels, which can prompt these menstrual changes.