Do tears make your eyelashes grow longer

Do tears make your eyelashes grow longer

There’s nothing like a good cry every now and then and over the last few years scientists have started taking a serious interest in some of the weirdly wonderful effects of crying. But is lash growth one of them or is that just an urban myth? 

We’ve saved you the trouble and found the answer! 

What’s good about crying?   

When we said scientists had been looking at this, we don’t mean just any scientists. The good folk at the famous Harvard Medical School have found time to delve into the topic and they’ve come up with some pretty interesting stuff. 

1) Tears serve different functions 

That’s right, there are actually three types of tears. Reflex tears and continuous tears lubricate, clean and protect our eyes from infection. Emotional tears release endorphins, the feel-good chemical which relieves stress and pain and even gives us pleasure.

2) It brings us closer 

OK, yes, there are plenty of ways to make friends which don’t involve crying! But studies have shown that crying actually encourages empathy in the people around you, acting as a signal to friends and family that you need support. 

3) It keeps us healthy 

Psychologists have found that crying is an effective way of releasing the pent-up emotions which could otherwise make us feel anxious and weaken our immune system. 

But does that translate to better lashes? 

As you can see, tears have a cleansing effect on our minds and bodies. Keeping your eyes free of irritants and keeping your body relaxed is no doubt a good state to be in, but there’s no evidence to suggest that crying boosts your lash growth.  

Then what's behind the myth?  

The most common claim is that tears have a nourishing effect on lashes, but as we’ve learnt, tears are 98% water. So crying isn’t actually providing any extra special form of nourishment. The misunderstanding probably arises from the fact that when your lashes get wet they become slightly more prominent, so people might confuse this temporary effect with a longer-term lash boost. 

So what does make lashes longer? 

Knowing the fact from the fiction is all well and good, but if it’s not crying, then what can help you get those long, beautiful lashes you’re after? Well, this is where we’ve got a little science of our own. Our Lash Growth Serum (clue is in the name, right 😉 ) is specially formulated to stimulate your hair follicles. Its dual action ingredients support lash growth and strengthen the surrounding skin, reducing lash loss at the same time.  

It’s super easy to apply, you’ll see results after just one week (though we recommend a 6-week cycle) and because we stand by our science, we offer a 60-day, 100% money back guarantee.  

Of course, you can also get a same-day lash revolution with a double set of our gorgeous beauty-enhancing lashes. Cue tears of joy 😊

Do tears make your eyelashes grow longer

The rumor is out there: does crying make your eyelashes longer?

Truth is, crying and tears have many benefits for both the mind and the mind, but making your natural eyelashes longer isn’t one of them.

While this might seem like bad news for people with weak and battered eyelashes, the good news is that crying doesn’t make your eyelashes extension fall out.

The positive sides of crying aren’t just emotional.

First, it’s important to know what tears are made of. Tears are made 98 percent of water, with sodium, bicarbonate, and chloride.

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Do tears make your eyelashes grow longer

They are not harmful, so what are their benefits?

Do tears make your eyelashes grow longer

1. It relieves pain

Researchhas shown that crying is self-soothing. Tears release oxytocin and endorphins with benefits to our body.

The industry’s Medical News Today website calls oxytocin the “love hormone,” while endorphins help reduce stress and weight loss.

2. It detoxifies the body

When dust or debris gets into your eyes, tears are a useful reflex to get it out and they also protect the eyes from infections.

Crying aides the immune system, since it protects from irritation and the lacrimal fluid fights against bacterial infections.

3. It releases toxins

Tears contain stress hormones and mood-regulating manganese. When you cry, you reduce the levels of stress chemicals and, therefore, your stress reduces. As a result, your muscles release, instead of tightening.

4. The effect on your skin

Thanks to the relief of stress, crying can have positive side effects to your skin. Since acne and other skin illness are caused by anxiety and stress, tears can help soothe and heal them.

5. The emotional benefits

Do tears make your eyelashes grow longer

Needless to say, crying is an emotional relief and a bonding agent. When you cry, you get rid of the things that weigh on you and you receive support from the people around you.

Crying shouldn’t be seen as a weakness, but as a necessary step towards your mental and emotional health.

Still, crying can have its side effects, especially excessive crying.

The disadvantages of crying include:

  • Your skin might turn red and broken capillaries due to rubbing.
  • Tear fluid increases the blood flow to our eyes, which causes bloodshot eyes and pupil dilation.
  • The dilation of blood vessels can cause swelling.
  • Excessive crying can make you tired because your heart rate increases as your breathing slows.

To avoid the side effects of crying, remember to avoid rubbing your eyes (otherwise they will irritate and get puffy) and, if you find yourself excessively crying, focus on your breathing and relax your facial muscles to stop the tears.

While crying doesn’t make your eyelashes longer, its benefits far outweigh the disadvantages, so don’t be scared, embrace it.

Crying or not – Consider using our reader’s choice for naturally growing eyelashes

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Do tears make your eyelashes grow longer