How much money does mcdonalds make in a day

This question is about McDonald's.

By Zippia Expert - Aug. 22, 2022

McDonald's makes approximately $57,745,205 per day. This figure is determined by McDonald's 2019 fiscal report, which saw the company earning annual revenue of $21,077,000,000 that year.

How much money does mcdonalds make in a day

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  • How Much Does Mc Donalds Make A Day

The company itself is booming, but what does that mean for an individual franchise owner?

McDonald’s is one of the ultimate examples of a Great American Success Story. What started as a small-time burger joint in 1948 would eventually grow to become one of the most recognizable chains in the world, with more than 38,000 locations globally by 2020.

Considering its wild success in the food world, it’s no surprise that McDonald’s restaurants make some mind-blowing cash, raking in about $37.5 billion a year in U.S. sales alone in 2017. In 2019, McDonald’s surpassed $100 billion in global sales for the first time in a decade and posted approximately $21 billion in revenue. But that’s the total for the corporation, which has the advantage of thousands of stores working toward that total revenue. How much can an individual restaurant expect to make per year?

McDonald’s has close to 14,000 stores nationwide. If you’ve already been doing the math in your head, you’ll realize each location makes an average of $2.7 million annually, according to QSR data available from 2018, the most recent we can find individualized U.S. data for. That number has been increasing steadily over time, inching up from a $2.1 million average ten years earlier. Check out more facts about McDonald’s you never knew.

Making you see dollar signs? Don’t quit your day job to open a Mickey D’s just yet. New restaurants require a $45,000 franchise fee to the company, not to mention the cost of building and decking out the restaurant. The initial cost can run anywhere from $1 million to $2.2 million, and the owner can only get up to 60 percent of that financed, according to the McDonald’s website. The rest would need to come out of your own (very deep) pocket. From there, owners need to keep paying a 4 percent service fee every year, not to mention rent and employees’ wages. But there is hope for those who dream of running a fast-food restaurant: This is why it’s so cheap to open a Chick-fil-A. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you.

McDonald's is one of the most well-known and popular companies in the world. With over 38,000 locations in 119 countries and $27 billion in revenue each year, it’s no surprise that people want to know how much money McDonald’s makes. Some sources estimate that McDonald’s makes roughly $2 billion a year, while others claim it makes closer to $30 billion.

McDonald's makes its revenue through sales of food at the restaurants as well as through franchise fees. Roughly 70 percent of McDonald’s locations are actually run by franchisees.

How much money does mcdonalds make in a day

However, the company is able to generate a hefty income without having to pay for labor costs since franchisees are responsible for hiring and paying employees.


  • History Of McDonald's:
    • How Does McDonald's Make Money?
      • Franchise Fees:
      • Convenience Fees:
      • Food:
      • Marketing:
      • Royalty Payments:
    • Why Doesn't McDonald's Franchise More Locations?
    • McDonald's Transition From Privately Owned Company To Publicly Traded Enterprise
    • What Are Some Interesting Facts About McDonald's?
    • How Much Does McDonald’s Make A Day 2022
    • In Order To Estimate Daily Profits, We Will Need To Make A Few Assumptions.
    • Real Revenue:
  • Conclusion

History Of McDonald's:

McDonald's was founded in 1940 by brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald. The restaurant originally sold hot dogs until the owners switched to hamburgers in 1948.

How much money does mcdonalds make in a day

They created a streamlined production line for their food in order to speed up service. This system eventually became the fast-food assembly line that is used by the company today, with employees making predetermined amounts of food to fill orders.

How Does McDonald's Make Money?

With over 38,000 locations in 119 countries, it’s clear that McDonald’s has a well-established presence not only in restaurants but also through various marketing efforts and partnerships with other companies. Here are some examples of how McDonald’s makes money.

Franchise Fees:

McDonald’s is able to avoid paying employees at most locations because the restaurants are operated by franchisees who pay fees in exchange for their use of the company’s name and business model.

This means that most of the revenue generated by these stores goes directly to McDonald’s Corporation instead of to workers.

Convenience Fees:

The company also makes money through convenience fees since it’s much more convenient for patrons to get McDonald’s than to find a grocery store or restaurant that serves the same type of food.

This means that many people are willing to pay slightly higher prices at McDonald’s than at other places, and some people even regularly visit for this reason.


One of the biggest reasons that people visit McDonald’s is to purchase food, and while some people may opt for a healthier option than others, many customers regularly choose items such as Big Macs and fries. This translates to higher sales for the company.


McDonald’s also makes money through marketing schemes such as product placement, where the company pays for its products to be placed in movies and TV shows. It works with entertainment companies to create these deals and continues advertising on cable networks or in movie theaters.

Royalty Payments:

The company also makes money through royalties on food items, which are paid by suppliers in exchange for the right to use McDonald’s brand names.

Why Doesn't McDonald's Franchise More Locations?

McDonald’s has become an iconic American brand because it does not franchise very many of its locations. When the founders initially started the business, they did not want to franchise because they felt that it would create conflict between company representatives and local owners.

They also didn’t want to burden themselves with the responsibility of training new managers, although some small-scale franchising began in 1955.

McDonald's Transition From Privately Owned Company To Publicly Traded Enterprise

As early as the 1980s, it became clear that McDonald’s future growth would be difficult with its current approach to franchisees. This led to a new philosophy of allowing some places to be owned by individuals while still keeping most locations under the company’s name.

When McDonald’s went public in 1965, there was little change in how the company did business because majority rules still applied. As time went on, however, it became clear that more modifications needed to be made to the company’s philosophy in order to meet shareholders’ demands.

It wasn’t until 1997 that the company began offering its first franchise opportunities outside of North America. This meant that some locations were able to choose the extent of their individual participation with McDonald’s Corporation, which was often limited due to local laws and regulations.

What Are Some Interesting Facts About McDonald's?

  1. Many restaurants are located near or inside gas stations or convenience stores, like Kum & Go. There are also many McDonald's inside Walmart stores.
  2. It requires more than 1,000 cows to supply the world with enough leather for McDonald's uniforms each year.
  3. McDonald's was banned from Israel between 1958 and 1993 due to CEO Ray Kroc’s connections with Dick Gregory, an American comedian who wrote a letter protesting the unfair treatment of Arabs in Israel. This decision was later overturned after Israelis protested the lack of American fast food.
  4. In 2011, McDonald's became a certified halal restaurant in Bahrain. This means that all meat served is processed and handled as appropriate for Islamic dietary law, which forbids pork products.
  5. Due to its popularity worldwide, it has been proven that on one day out of every year, McDonald's serves an average of 68 customers every second.
  6. 1953: The first McDonald’s outside America is established at the World Expo in Marienplatz. Since then, the chain has opened over 33,000 locations and employs more than 1.7 million people worldwide.
  7. The 2020 Olympic Games will be held in Tokyo, and McDonald’s will be the official food supplier. The company has been the number one seller of french fries in Japan since 2013.
  8. The largest McDonald's in the world is located near Pudong, China. It features six floors, employs 1,500 people, and includes a karaoke room and wedding chapel that can accommodate up to 200 people.
  9. In order to strive for transparency with its customers in 2009, McDonald's began posting calorie information on menus and menu boards in U.S. restaurant chains with 250 or more locations. The information handout includes a chart that shows that a cheeseburger has 250 calories while a medium soft drink has 100 calories. Both have less than the majority of items on the menu.

How Much Does McDonald’s Make A Day 2022

In order to answer this question, we must first define the types of income and expenses that McDonald's has. Firstly, revenue is all money brought in through sales and services. This includes not just food items but also any items that are sold within a store.

Revenue does not include money made from franchise or licensing agreements or royalties on food items that are sold to other companies.

How much money does mcdonalds make in a day

No one can say for certain how much revenue McDonald's makes in a day because sales change from hour to hour and day today. The company does provide quarterly reports, but these do not contain information as detailed as daily revenue.

Secondly, expenses are all money spent during the course of business operations, such as payments to suppliers, payments for labor, payments for equipment, and payments on real estate.

Once again, it is not possible to know how much revenue McDonald's makes in a day because expenses also change from hour to hour and day today. A second factor that makes it difficult to estimate daily profits is the effect of exchange rates with international locations.

In Order To Estimate Daily Profits, We Will Need To Make A Few Assumptions.

The first assumption is that all revenue is pure net income and not gross or operating revenue. This estimation process does not take into account every expense possible, but it takes into account the majority of expenses.

The second assumption is that all revenue and expense changes from hour to hour or location to location are consistent within a particular time frame.

For example, if a McDonald's in China is open for 24 hours, then there is no extra cost associated with being open during the night as opposed to being open during normal business hours.

However, the third assumption may not be true for every location and time frame: we will assume that revenue and expenses remain consistent on a daily basis.

This process of estimation is very imprecise because it assumes that there are no days with more or less business than an average day during the particular period of interest.

For this reason, the results of this estimation should not be considered exact and only be used as an approximation. For the simplicity of understanding, let us take an example.

Note: The below figures are not real. They are assumed just for explanation. The revenue for one day is calculated by multiplying the price per item with the number of items sold: Revenue = $1.00 x 2,000 burgers = $2,000

For our estimation, we will use a cost of goods sold (COGS) percentage of 30%, which is the figure most typically used in analyst reports.

This means that our total cost per day is $600 ($2,000 COGS divided by 0.30). Since revenue is equal to expenses plus net income or losses, this also means that daily net income (or loss) is $1,400.

The expenses for one day are calculated by multiplying employees, cost of labor and average wage per hour by the number of hours worked: Expenses = 500 employees x $15.00/hour x 16 hours = $120,000

It is important to note that this estimation does not include any fixed costs such as property leases or equipment costs. The total costs for one day are thus $120,000 + $1,400 = $121,400

In order to find daily profits (or losses), we need to find net income (or loss). This is revenue minus expenses: Net Income = Revenue - Expenses

Since our estimate has assumed that net income is constant and does not change with time or location, we can calculate net income for one day: Net Income = $1.00 x 2,000 burgers - $121,400 Net Income = $1,079

Daily revenue is the amount of money brought in through sales and services. This includes not just food items but also beverages and other items sold in a restaurant.

Daily expenses encompass not just food but also all other costs involved with running a business. This includes the cost of labor, rent or mortgage, repairs, and upkeep of equipment and uniforms for employees.

Real Revenue:

As of 2022, McDonald's has more than 38,000 locations and brings in an estimated revenue of over $27 billion a year. This makes the company the 90th largest economy in the world – larger than countries such as Morocco, Oman, and Costa Rica. Daily, the company makes an estimated $56,793.58 – larger than the yearly GDP of countries such as Zambia, Bermuda, and Cyprus.

Daily costs for the company are estimated to be over $1 million. This makes McDonald's daily net income about $55,792.42 – larger than the yearly GDPs of more than 100 countries, including Haiti, Georgia, and Trinidad & Tobago.

While net income is not the same as revenue, it is still pretty impressive that the company makes almost $56,000 every 24 hours while countries such as the Central African Republic have an estimated yearly GDP of less than $1 million. Many analysts agree that this disparity is due to aggressive tax strategies by McDonald's.


McDonald's brings in more money every day than some countries' yearly GDPs. This is because even though the company has a lot of fixed costs, the revenue they bring in every day is astronomical. Whether you believe this to be a success or a failure – it certainly puts things into perspective.

The estimated net income of over $55,000.00 every day is the reason why many companies use aggressive tax strategies to lower their costs and increase their annual revenue. If you liked this article, please like and share! Thank you 🙂