How to make jelly cubes for slime

Do you love slime? Who doesn't, right? Especially when it's homemade and easy to make! In this blog post, we will show you how to make a fast and fun strawberry jelly cube slime in no time. This is a great recipe for kids, and it only requires a few simple ingredients that you probably already have at home. Let's get started!

How to make jelly cubes for slime

This Strawberry Jelly Cube Slime is a Fast DIY Slime Recipe 

What Are the Benefits of Kids Playing with Slime?

There are many benefits of playing with slime, including the following:

  • Slime can help kids develop fine motor skills.
  • Playing with slime can be a sensorial experience that can help kids calm down and focus.
  • It can also be a great sensory activity for kids who are seeking more input.
  • Making slime is a great way for kids to explore and experiment with science.
  • Slime can be a fun, creative outlet for kids.

What Is Slime?

Slime is a non-toxic, safe way for kids to play and explore. It's a viscous substance that's made from a combination of water, Borax, and glue. When these ingredients are mixed together, they create a polymer chain that gives slime its unique properties. Slime is non-toxic, but it should not be ingested. Slime is also not recommended for kids who are allergic to latex.

What Is Jelly Cube Slime?

Jelly cube slime is a type of slime that's made with jelly cubes. It's a popular type of slime because it's easy to make and it looks really cool. Jelly cube slime is also great for kids because it's very sensory-friendly. The jelly cubes add an extra level of tactile input that can be calming and focus-inducing.

How to make jelly cubes for slime

How Do You Clean Up After Playing with Slime?

Slime is very easy to clean up. Just use soap and water, and it will come right off. If you have trouble with soap and water alone, you can resort to harder-core method of clean-up by using vinegar and warm water. Simple as that, the slime will come right up!

What If Slime Gets In Your Carpet?

If slime gets in your carpet, don't worry! Just follow these simple steps to get it out:

First, vacuum up as much of the slime as you can.

Next, mix together equal parts white vinegar and water.

Then, using a clean cloth, blot the area with the vinegar solution.

Repeat this process until the slime is gone completely!

How Do You Store Slime?

Slime can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for up to two weeks. Just make sure that the container is clean and dry before storing the slime. If it dries out a bit, you can add a few drops of water and your slime will be like new.

How to make jelly cubes for slime

What Supplies Do You Need to Make Strawberry Jelly Cube Slime?

  • 1 Magic Eraser Sponge
  • 1 cup Clear School Glue
  • 1/2 cup Water, separated
  • ¼ tspn Baking Soda
  • 2 tspn Saline Solution (Contact Solution)
  • Pink Food Coloring
  • 1 tbsp Strawberry Slime Sprinkles

How to make jelly cubes for slime

What Tools Do You Need to Make Strawberry Jelly Cube Slime?

  • Bowl
  • Spoon
  • Scissors

How Do You Make Strawberry Jelly Cube Slime?

Combine glue and ½ of the water, mixing well.

Add baking soda, then stir until well combined. Set aside.

Place ½ of the water in a second bowl and add 2-3 drops of food coloring, stirring well until the water is consistently colored.

Cut the magic eraser sponge into ½-inch squares.

How to make jelly cubes for slime

Place the squares of magic eraser sponge into the colored water and set aside.

Add 2-3 drops of food coloring to the baking soda and glue mixture, then stir well until the mixture is consistently colored.

How to make jelly cubes for slime

Mix in 1 tspn of saline solution at a time, mixing until slime begins to activate.

Squeeze the majority of the liquid from the magic eraser sponge squares and place into the slime.

Add the slime sprinkles to the slime.

Work the slime by hand in order to incorporate the magic eraser sponge squares and sprinkles, then play!

How to make jelly cubes for slime

Isn't this just the funnest little craft?! Super fast and hours of fun for your kids!

If you loved this as much as I do, be sure to pin it to your favorite craft board on pinterest so you can find it again fast when you're ready.

How to make jelly cubes for slime


  • Easy Kid-Made Crystals
  • Edible Finger Paint for Kids
  • Adorable Unicorn Planter
  • Simple Unicorn Bookmark

Yield: 1 Batch Strawberry Jelly Cube Slime

Strawberry Jelly Cube Slime

How to make jelly cubes for slime

Fantastically easy to make and hours of fun for the kids, this strawberry jelly cube slime has a fun texture that's irresistible!

How do you make jelly cube?

3-ingredient jelly cubes.
Mix. In a jug, mix together your chosen flavour of jelly (we used orange) with the boiling water until all the crystals have dissolved. ... .
Divide. Divide the fruit between the holes of a silicone ice cube tray. ... .
Pour. ... .
Serve. ... .
Top tips. ... .

How do you make slime jelly foam cubes?

1 bottle of Elmer's Washable Clear Glue (5 oz/147 ml).
1/2 cup of water..
slime activator (you can use 1 teaspoon of borax powder added to 1 cup of warm water or clear liquid laundry detergent).
food coloring and glitter (optional).
magic eraser cut into cubes..