How to make a short film for students

These teaching guides and resources (available in 4 different languages) help to support teachers and students to make short films in any language, using free and easily accessible equipment. The guides include information on how to script, shoot, edit and subtitle a film.

These resources were created for the Connecta project run by the University of Roehampton (and funded by Creative Multilingualism). Watch the short film below to learn more about the Connecta project. More details about the Connecta Multilingual Film Competition are available (competition closed on 24 May 2019).

Learning Pack 1: Accessible Filmmaking

Download the guide in ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN or SPANISH.

Watch and download audiovisual resources for Accessible Filmmaking.

Learning Pack 2: Screenwriting

Download the guide in ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN or SPANISH.

Download a Duffy formatting example

Watch a tutorial on Celtx (screenwriting software)

Learning Pack 3: Storyboarding

Download the guide in ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN or SPANISH.

Download a Storyboarding Template.

Learning Pack 4: Acting

Download the guide in ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN or SPANISH.

Extra resource: Screenplay – Beats

Learning Pack 5: Video Shooting

Download the guide in ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN or SPANISH.

Learning Pack 6: Editing

Download the guide in ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN or SPANISH.

Watch a video tutorial on using editing software: part 1 and part 2.

Learning Pack 7: Adding sound and music

Download the guide in ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN or SPANISH.

Watch a video tutorial: part 1 and part 2.

Learning Pack 8: Translation Techniques

Download the guide in ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN or SPANISH.

All schools taking part in the film competition need to seek consent from parents and guardians of participating students before filming, Once consent has been confirmed, please sign this institutional consent form and send to Hayley Dawson at [email protected] before filming starts. 

Film entry form

If you are entering the Connecta Multilingual Film Competition please complete this entry form and submit it with your film by 24 May 2019 to Hayley Dawson at [email protected].

It occurred to me that it might be helpful to new (and perhaps some old) filmmakers if I put down some pointers/opinions on how to make a good short film...

1. The Script

You can make a bad film out of a good script but not vice versa. Write a script. Then rewrite it. Then rewrite three more times. If a scene does not move the story forward, cut it!

2. Show Don't Tell

If you can say something visually, do this instead of using dialogue. Dialogue should be the last thing you add to a script anyway. Take a look at my most favourite films.

3. A Short Film Is Not A Feature Film

Don't give a festival director or anyone a reason to turn off. Do not pace your short like a feature! No one cares about it like you do. You have to get into your story quickly.

4. Storyboard It

Even if you can only draw stickmen, storyboard your film. Do this as early as possible. Let everyone see them and refer to them during the shoot. Be flexible but don't forget them!

5. Cast It

It's tempting to use friends. Unless they are trained actors or just darn good you will be creating trouble. There are many talented actors. Do not be afraid to interview them.

6. Crew It

Get people involved if you can but make sure they have defined roles. A cinematographer, 1st AD (or producer performing this role) and sound recordist are the most important roles.

7. Give Yourself Time To Film It

Almost every film overruns. Experience helps but the more time you give yourself, the less mistakes you will make filming it. It will save you money in the long run!

8. Tripods Have A Use

Unless there is an aesthetic reason for your film to be handheld use the legs! But if you want to have that handheld look, don't go overboard. It can be offputting.

9. Sound Is Important

Much sound is added in post production. Even dialogue can be added. However, make sure you have a sound recordist on set to get the best sound you can. Unless you are skilled in sound mixing, bring someone in who can do this for you.

10. Grade It

Along with sound, the most obvious marker of an amateur film. If you want your short to feel professional or "filmic" it should also be graded. Shots will need matching up at any rate.

If planning is the foundation, then the script is the backbone of a good film. Writing a script is the most important part of the pre-production phase of filmmaking. Before moving forward, make sure you are happy with the storyline in place. Oftentimes, people try to fix their story while shooting, but that usually leads to missed shots, a confusing storyline, and at the very worst, an unsatisfactory film-watching experience.

I also like to remind my students of the importance of storytelling for the audience’s understanding and not the filmmaker’s personal perspective. If your audience is not clear on your film’s message, then you haven’t succeeded in telling your story visually.

Often people assume that writing a short script is easier than writing a longer script. In fact, this isn’t so! When you are writing a long script, you have a lot of time to develop your story. But if you have to introduce your characters, have obstacles to overcome and only a few pages to do so, it can be extremely challenging.

Therefore, to successfully write a short script, keep your story simple, your concept unique and don’t forget a twist at the end! The unexpected twist is the secret to successful short film scripts.

What are the steps to make a short film?

Six Steps to Creating a Short Film..
Step 1: Create a Plan..
Step 2: Write A Script..
Step 3: Select Collaborators..
Step 4: Practice and Brainstorm Steps..
Step 5: Film..
Step 6: Edit..
What Everyone Creating a Short Film Should Remember..

What are some short film ideas for students?

101 Story Prompts to Kickstart Your Short Film.
Someone watching a news report about a local serial killer hears a floorboard creak..
A young brother and sister survive after the apocalypse..
Someone reading a scary book hears a knock at the door..
An alcoholic struggles to decide between taking a drink or not..

What is a student short film?

A “student film”, as the name implies, is a film done by students. They are films made for educational purposes. However, it is the making of the film itself, rather than the content of the film, that usually provides the educational value.

How do you write a 3 minute short film?

Here's all you need to write a short script of 3 minutes or more: A character with a problem (beginning), his or her opposed actions (middle), and how it ends (end). That's it!