Apple cider vinegar for toenail fungus before and after

Also, know as onychomcosis, toenail fungus is characterised by inflammation, thickening, swelling, pain and crumbling of the toenail. Some of the most common causes of this type of infection are dirt, pollution, accumulated sweat as a result of wearing very tight socks and shoes for a longer period of time and walking in dirty water during rainy season. Not washing and ignoring them can lead to harmful consequences. Hence here are 7 home remedies you can try to treat toenail fungus. (Source: Thinkstock Images)

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We demand a lot from our feet. They carry our bodies around all day, often from within uncomfortable shoes. It’s no wonder many of us end up with blisters, pain, odor, and fungus, like athlete’s foot.

Fortunately, there’s a simple solution to your woes, and it can be found in your kitchen.

Vinegar is a diluted form of acetic acid that’s both versatile and harmless. We use it to cook and clean — and to treat our tired, aching, stinky feet.

According to one study, the antifungal activity of vinegar is more powerful than that of other food preservatives, all while being safe enough to eat. It’s this action that’s credited for some of its most notable benefits. Vinegar has been found to slow the growth of some types of foot fungus.

NOTE: You should avoid the treatments listed below if you have diabetes. People with diabetes should have their healthcare team treat any foot issues they have.

Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that affects the toes. The toes appear red and the skin may peel. Athlete’s foot often burns and itches.

For mild forms of this condition, a vinegar soak might work well. The antifungal properties also make vinegar soaks a good idea for people who have toenail fungus. Soak your feet for 10 to 15 minutes daily in a vinegar bath until the infection subsides.

You can increase the length of time in the soak gradually. It may take two to three weeks or longer to see improvement in symptoms. Improved symptoms indicate that you’ve treated the fungal infection long enough. It might be a good idea to soak your socks in vinegar as well.

There aren’t any high-quality studies that show vinegar is highly effective. Vinegar isn’t effective for all types of fungus, but there’s little risk in trying this home treatment.

If the symptoms don’t improve, of if they worsen or spread up the foot, you should seek medical attention. If you note increased dryness and cracking, you may need to decrease your soaking to a couple times per week instead of daily.

Vinegar can also disinfect the feet. This helps eliminate or reduce foot odor by getting rid of the bacteria that make them smell.

Before soaking, wash your feet thoroughly with soap and water. Then relax with your feet in a vinegar soak.

In addition to soaking, lifestyle choices are important to consider when treating foot odor. For example, try wearing shoes made of leather or canvas. These allow your feet to breathe, unlike shoes made from plastic materials. Also, wear breathable cotton or wool socks. When you’re at home, go barefoot.

Quick tips

  • Wear breathable cotton or wool socks.
  • Wear canvas or leather shoes, which allow your feet to breathe.
  • Go barefoot when you’re at home.

Vinegar is a mild exfoliator, so you can also use it to treat callouses and warts. After soaking, you can file your feet with a pumice stone to help get rid of hardened skin. You can also apply vinegar directly to the affected areas with a cotton ball.

Vinegar foot soaks can also soothe dry, cracked feet. Use cool water, as hot water can dry out your skin. Soak nightly, then moisturize your feet and put on socks. Soaking too often or for too long may cause your feet to get even drier, so use this soak sparingly for dry and cracked feet.

Vinegar will not hurt your feet, but you should still dilute it for a foot soak. Generally, using 1-part vinegar to 2-parts water is a good ratio. If you’re tolerating the diluted vinegar soaks, and not noticing any difference, you can use a stronger soak.

While the soak will smell strong, the odor will dissipate after the vinegar dries from your feet. You can also use essential oils to change the scent slightly.

Vinegar is an inexpensive and easy-to-find remedy for a variety of foot ailments. Not to mention, soaking your feet after a long day can be quite relaxing.

Shop for vinegar.

Can soaking your feet in apple cider vinegar help “get rid of toenail fungus”? That’s one of the claims made in a graphic posted on Facebook.

It features a photo of someone pouring yellow liquid over their feet in a tub of water and a list of ailments a mix of apple cider vinegar and water will supposedly cure.

Apple cider vinegar is made by mixing apple juice with yeast. This leads to fermentation, turning the sugar in the juice into alcohol. Bacteria then turns the alcohol into acetic acid, which gives the vinegar its distinctive taste and smell.

The Facebook post says to mix one part vinegar with four parts water and soak your feet for 30 minutes. But is this good advice for a person with foot fungus? We spoke to a medical expert to find out.

Apple cider vinegar for toenail fungus before and after

Nail fungus a common condition

“Nail fungus is a common condition that begins as a white or yellow spot under the tip of your fingernail or toenail,” says the Mayo Clinic, a US non-profit medical centre. “As the fungal infection goes deeper, nail fungus may cause your nail to discolour, thicken and crumble at the edge.”

The fungus can affect several nails. There are a number of risk factors that can increase a person’s chance of developing a foot fungus. These include diabetes, a history of athlete’s foot, or walking barefoot in damp areas.

Mild infections may not need treatment but you should see a doctor if a rash doesn’t improve within two weeks.

No evidence supports claim

Africa Check spoke to the Podiatry Association of South Africa (PADA) about the Facebook post. A podiatrist is a healthcare professional who treats foot diseases, including toenail fungus.

The association said it was not aware of any evidence that supported the claim.

Lucas Breedt, podiatrist and the national executive secretary of PADA, said apple cider vinegar was known to have antibacterial and antifungal properties.

“One should, however, be cautious in how you decide to make use of the product as it may cause adverse reactions,” he said.

Breedt advised taking preventative measures to prevent an infection. These included washing your feet with soap and clean water daily and drying them well, avoiding having wet feet for long and wearing clean, dry socks.

“Avoid extended periods of wearing nail polish or gel on nails. Protect your feet from trauma by wearing shoes that fit your feet well,” he said.

Fungus difficult to treat

Recommended treatments for toenail fungus include oral antifungal drugs, medicated nail polish and nail cream. However, it can take months to see results and the infection can also reappear.

Breedt advised consulting a doctor for advice.

How much apple cider vinegar do you use for toenail fungus?

Some experts advise adding two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a footbath of lukewarm water and soaking in it for 20 minutes. It may be less irritating than Listerine foot soaks.

Can apple cider vinegar get rid of toenail fungus?

Apple cider vinegar is a popular remedy for toenail fungus due to its antifungal properties. If you want to treat your fungus using ACV, you can soak your feet in a mixture of warm water and the vinegar for about 15 minutes, twice a day.

How long does it take to get rid of toenail fungus with vinegar?

The antifungal properties also make vinegar soaks a good idea for people who have toenail fungus. Soak your feet for 10 to 15 minutes daily in a vinegar bath until the infection subsides. You can increase the length of time in the soak gradually. It may take two to three weeks or longer to see improvement in symptoms.

What is the fastest remedy for toenail fungus?

Oral antifungal drugs. These drugs are often the first choice. One option is itraconazole (Sporanox). These drugs help a new nail grow free of infection, slowly replacing the infected part.