Star wars attack of the clones characters

Inciting Event: Anakin Skywalker is assigned to protect Padmé Amidala after she is almost assassinated.

First Plot Point: A second assassination attempt leads to Anakin and Padmé hiding out on Naboo, where he begins a forbidden romance with her, thus breaking the Jedi code against forming attachments.

Meanwhile, Anakin’s mentor, Obi-Wan, tracks down clues about the assassins, which leads him to the planet Kamino, where he discovers an army of clones that was bred on request from a Jedi name Sifo-Dyas at the time Obi-Wan met Anakin as a child. The clones are all copies of the bounty hunter trying to kill Padmé.

First Pinch Point: Anakin discovers through disturbing dreams that his mother is suffering and may die soon. He goes to Tatooine with Padmé to try to save her, but he is too late. The abuse she suffered at the hands of the Sand People results in her death, moments after he finds her. In a rage, he kills the entire Sand People village. This starts him down the path to the Dark Side of the Force.

Midpoint: Obi-Wan follows the bounty hunter to the planet Geonosis and discovers a new Separatist droid army being created by Count Dooku, a former Jedi Master, who reveals that Darth Sidious is secretly controlling the Republic Senate. Obi-Wan notifies the Republic before being captured, and Chancellor Palpatine is given emergency executive powers to protect the Republic against the new threat. He uses these powers to deploy the clone army against the Separatists.

Not much of a pivot point for Anakin’s plot, here. He leaves Tatooine behind and goes to rescue Obi-Wan with Padmé.

Second Pinch Point: Anakin and Padmé are captured in an attempt to rescue Obi-Wan. All three face death in the Geonosian arena. They manage to survive the gladiatorial battle long enough for Mace Windu and an army of Jedi to come to their aid in response to Obi-Wan’s previous message.

Third Plot Point: A huge battle erupts when the Jedi arrive, and Dooku and the Geonosians refuse to surrender. The bounty hunter is killed and Dooku escapes.

Climax: Anakin and Obi-Wan chase down Dooku, but Anakin has to make the difficult decision to leave Padmé behind when she falls out of the dropship. He and Obi-Wan fight Dooku to prevent him from fleeing the planet.

Climactic Moment: Dooku defeats Anakin, cutting off his arm, and beats Obi-Wan as well, then flees from Yoda before Padmé arrives to help. Dooku escapes with the Death Star plans that will cause the destruction of the planet Alderaan in Episode IV.

Resolution: The Jedi Council learns about Darth Sidious controlling the Senate, even they don’t yet know his true identity. Chancellor Palpatine starts the Clone Wars. Anakin and Padmé are secretly wed on Naboo.

Comments: This movie is not as bad as a lot of people say. It’s fairly decent. But I think it could have been much better if the Midpoint and Climax had resonated on the prime conflict and theme more clearly. They serve their purpose structurally, but don’t really drive home the main things the story is about and has been setting us up to care about. They only touch on them, in that we are worried whether Anakin will survive and be able to be with Padmé. The real conflict I kept tuning in for was Anakin’s struggle to maintain his humanity, but instead that’s the focus of Episode III. So the main conflict here is actually more about the Clone Wars themselves. Anakin’s story becomes a subplot, which really threw off my expectations.

(Submitted by Aaron McCausland.)

Star wars attack of the clones characters

Here's a link to many of the character news items for the heros and villians of the second episode of Star Wars. They're updated automatically as news happens, and we're out hunting down the best and most reliable news and information we can get. Enjoy!

NOTE!! - The first half of this listing contains names that Lucasfilm has publicly acknowledged and characters known to appear in Episode II. There are a few possibly, very minor spoilers in some of the text items, so be careful. There are big spoilers on down in the second half of the page.

This listing was assembled with the help of Sith Interceptor, Tiernan, and Hoedaack from the Jedi Council Forum.

Star wars attack of the clones characters
Aayla Secura - Jedi Padawan, Twi'lek
Actor: Amy Allen
A blue Twi'lek and Jedi Padawan, seen in the Dark Horse comics.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Anakin Skywalker - Jedi Apprentice
Actor: Hayden Christensen
Anakin is now 19 and is still the Padawan of Obi-Wan Kenobi. In Episode II he is assigned to protect Padme from potential assasinations and accompanies her across the galaxy.
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Aqualish - Species
Previously seen in the classic trilogy (like Walarus Man), this race makes an appearance in Episode II as well.
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Ask Aak - Malastarian Senator
Actor: Unknown, probably Anthony Phelan
A loyal Republic senator. Masked, radio controlled character.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Bail Organa - Viceroy and First Chairman of Alderaan
Actor: Jimmy Smits
Bail Organa, Princess Leia's adopted father, will make a brief appearance in Episode II with more screen time in Episode III.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Barriss Offee - Jedi Padawan
Actor: Nalini Krishan
Another Jedi in Episode II, Padawan of Luminari Unduli.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Beru Whitesun - Owen's girlfriend
Actor: Bonnie Piesse
Beru Whitesun eventually marries Owen Lars and becomes Luke's aunt in A New Hope. We see the younger version of her in this film. She and Owen are possibly boyfriend/girlfriend in the story.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Boba Fett - "Son" of Jango Fett, First Clone
Actor: Daniel Logan
We discover that Boba Fett is actually a clone of Jango Fett - the first of many. This 12-yr old boy eventually becomes the bounty hunter and Sarlaac food we love from the classic trilogy, but he already displays his fighting spirit in Episode II. He is a gift from Count Dooku to Jango Fett.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
C-3PO - Cyborg Relations Droid built by Anakin in TPM
Actor: Anthony Daniels
We catch up with C-3PO again on Tatooine, still owned by Shmi. C-3PO finally gets a new exterior, but it is battered and dirty. Still a ways to go before the golden version!
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Captain Typho - Senator Padme's Bodyguard
Actor: Jay Laga'aia
Typho replaces Captain Panaka as Padme's bodyguard in Episode II.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Cliegg Lars - Tatooine Farmer/Business Man
Actor: Jack Thompson
Cliegg Lars marries Shmi and becomes Anakin's new stepfather in Episode II. He is a business man on Tatooine.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Clone Trooper - Republic Constructed Trooper
Why fight on the front lines when you can have a clone do it for you? Clone Troopers make up the Republic fighting force for the Clone Wars (and eventually the stormtroopers). Each fully trained clone soldier represents a considerable investment. Injured or isolated men are retrieved whenever possible. A clone trooper's full combat armour is the basis of an integrated system in which the gunships are vital links. Individual troopers can receive command signals and relay status signals via this system. Troops also share tactical video from their helmet visors, with multi-spectral imaging that penetrates smoke, fog, and the airborne soil of the most explosive battle zones. The airtight and thermally regulated body glove is impervious to germ and chemical agents, and provides protection in space and hostile atmospheres. The armor's heat resistance allows troopers to stride through the searing interfaces of theatre shields like lifeless Battle Droids, as well as deflecting glancing blaster shots and damping direct hits enough to improve survival. The full armor worn by vehicle crews restricts movement (uniform suppliers were given no time before the Battle of Genosis to design modifications that reduced covering on limbs and torso).
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Clone Children
Actor: Various
We see clone children being trained in the art of war on Kamino. Young Boba Fett is part of the lot.
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Commerce Guild - A New Faction in Episode II
This is a new faction in Episode II like the Trade Federation and is a member of the Corporate Alliance.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Cord? - Senator Padme's Handmaiden
Actor: Veronica Segura
A handmaiden and bodyguard for Padme as she faces assasination on Coruscant.
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Corporate Alliance - Political Commerce Movement
The Corporate Alliance is made up of a group of corporations that have made a political and business alliance. It includes the Trade Federation, the Commerce Guild, and more.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Count Dooku - Aka Lord Tyranus, Charismatic Separist,Ex-Jedi Lost Twenty
Actor: Christopher Lee
Count Dooku is a "charismatic separatist". He is one of a group of Jedi known as the "Lost Twenty" who left the order in search of other pursuits. He is in league with Sidious and holds the leash of Jango Fett.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Dexter Jettster - Ex-Mercenary, Diner Owner, CGI Character
Actor: Ronald Falk
Dexter owns a diner on Coruscant named "Dex's Diner". Some of the action and intrigue happens there.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Elan Sleazebaggano - Unsavory Troublemaker
Actor: Matt Doran
Elan is a drug dealer on Coruscant who offers "death sticks" to Obi-Wan and Anakin.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Geonosian - Alien Race
Geonasians are an alien species native to the planet Geonosis, a rocky world, and home of Poggle. Geonasians come in several forms including flyers that have wings, picadors, guards, workers, and more. They resemble battledroids in form and are likely the manufacturers of them.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Ishi Tib - Species
Previously seen in ROTJ and Episode I, this race makes an appearance in Episode II as well.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Jango Fett - Bounty Hunter
Actor: Temeura Morrison
The original warrior that the clones in Episode II are made from. Wearing a blue and silver version of Boba Fett's Mandalorian armor, Jango Fett is more than a match for Obi-Wan, Mace Windu, or any other Jedi that may cross his path. He works for Count Dooku in this film.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Jobal Naberrie - Padme's Mother
Actor: Trisha Noble
Padme takes Anakin to her homeland on Naboo to meet her family.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Ki-Adi-Mundi - Jedi Knight
Actor: Silas Carson
This Coneheaded Jedi Council member will have significantly more screen time, and action, then he did in Episode I.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Kit Fisto - Jedi Knight
Actor: Zac Jensen
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Lama Su - CGI Character, Prime Minister of Kamino
Actor: Anthony Phelan
Prime Minister Lama Su is one of the rulers of a new planet in Episode II - Kamino.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Luminari Unduli - Jedi Master
Actor: Mary Oyaya
Another Jedi in Episode II, master of Padawan Barriss Offee.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Mace Windu - Jedi Master
Actor: Samuel L Jackson
Head of the Jedi Council, Mace Windu will have a spectacular lightsaber battle against a deadly foe.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Madame Jocasta Nu - Jedi Academic
Actor: Alethea McGrath
Madame Jocasta Nu helps Anakin with some research in Episode II.
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Mari Amithest - Young Jedi
Actor: Phoebe Yiamktiati
5 year old Jedi and part of Yoda's "Bear Clan" training group.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Mas Amedda - Galactic Senate Vice Chairman
Actor: David Bowers
Seen briefly as a background character in Episode I, Mas Amedda will be seen more in Episode II.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Nute Gunray - Trade Federation Leader
Actor: Silas Carson
Nute returns for more evil doings in Episode II, courtesy of the Trade Federation. Why are these guys still in business? Is now a separatist allied with the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Obi-Wan Kenobi - Jedi Knight
Actor: Ewan McGregor
Jedi Master for Anakin, Obi-Wan is older, wiser, and hairier than he was in Episode I. Obi-Wan splits up from Anakin to pursue an investigation for the Jedi Council. It doesn't take long for him to get in over his head.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Orn Free Taa - Ryloth Senator
Actor: Matt Rowan
This senator was seen briefly in Episode I. He will play a larger role in Episode II.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Owen Lars - Son of Cliegg Lars
Actor: Joel Edgerton
We meet the younger version of Uncle Owen in this film and discover his new family ties to Anakin.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Padawans - Young Jedi Apprentices
Several young jedi are seen training in Episode II.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Padm? Amidala- Senator for Naboo
Actor: Natalie Portman
No longer Queen of Naboo, Padme now represents her people as a Senator on Coruscant. The problem is someone wants her dead. As she travels around the galaxy with Anakin, we learn more about her family and background when she takes him home to Naboo.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Palpatine - Supreme Chancellor, Darth Sidious
Actor: Ian McDiarmid
Still sticking to his evil ways, Palpatine manipulates the Senate to do his bidding and start the Clone Wars.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Passel Argente - Head of the Corporate Alliance
Actor: Stephen Boyle

One of the separatist senators and Magistrate of the Corporate Alliance.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Plo Koon - Jedi Master
Actor: Matt Sloan

The Jedi Council member will be focused on in Episode II. Plo Koon is involved with a mission with Ki Adi Mundi.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Pooja Naberrie - Padme's Niece
Actor: Hayley Mooy
Padme takes Anakin to her homeland on Naboo to meet her family.
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Poggle the Lesser - Leader of Geonosis, CGI Character
Actor: Marton Csokas
Poggle is a Geonosian who heads up business dealings with Count Dooku and Neimodians from the Trade Federation. Official title is "Archduke".
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Quarren - Species
Previously seen in ROTJ and Episode I, this race makes an appearance in Episode II as well.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Queen Jamillia - Queen Of Naboo
Actor: Ayesha Dharker
Since the people of Naboo elect their Queen, Padme moves on to a role as senator and Jamilla takes over as ruler of the planet.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
R2-D2 - Astromech Droid
Actor: Kenny Baker
The ever-reliable R2-D2 follows Padme and Anakin in their adventures to Naboo, Tatooine, and beyond.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Republic Guards
Actor: Unknown
The blue Republic Guards seen in Episode I have now changed to the red guards (Royal Guards) we saw in ROTJ.
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Rodians - Species
Previously seen in the classic trilogy (like Greedo), this race makes an appearance in Episode II as well.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Ruwee Naberrie - Padme's Father
Actor: Graeme Blundell
Padme takes Anakin to her homeland on Naboo to meet her family.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Ryoo Naberrie - Padme's Niece
Actor: Keira Wingate
Padme takes Anakin to her homeland on Naboo to meet her family.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Shaak Ti - Jedi Knight
Actor: Orli Shoshan

One of the new Jedi in Episode II and a new member of the Jedi Council.
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Shu Mai - Separatist
One of the separatist senators and part of the Confederacy. She's also president of the Commerce Guild.
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Slyther Bushforb - Alien
Actor: Unknown
This alien uses the same CGI model as pod racer Ark Bumpy Roose. A Private Investigator seen in Dex's diner. (A shot at Bush and Forbes?)
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Techno Union - A new faction in Episode II
The Techno Union is an organization that oversees the production of technology and is a political force.
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Tikkes - A separatist senator in Episode II
One of the separatist senators and part of the Confederacy. (Formerly called Senator Tessek.)
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Toonbuck Toora - Separatist Senator
Seen in Episode I. One of the separatist senators and part of the Confederacy.
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Tusken Raiders - Tatooine Sand People
The Sand People again make an appearance in Episode II and play a very important role in the life of Anakin Skywalker.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Wat Tambor - Senator Separatist member
One of the separatist senators and part of the Confederacy. Foreman of the Techno Union.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Watto - Tatooine Junk Shop Owner
Actor: Andy Secombe
Watto returns for a brief cameo, and encounter with Anakin, on Tatooine.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
Zam Wesell - Bounty Hunter
Actor: Leanna Walsman
A female bounty hunter sent to kill Padme.
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Zo Howler - Senator on Coruscant
Actor: Unknown
One of the new Senators of the Anx species.
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Miscellaneous Background Characters:

Wilst Molan - Outlander Club Patron
Di Mantid - Outlander Club Patron
Nyrat Agira - Outlander Club Patron
Kell Borean - Outlander Club Patron
Simon Greyshade - Senator from Vorzyd who owns the speeder Anakin steals
Nikto Jedi - Unnamed Jedi who will be in the Arena battle


From this point on there are nothing but spoilers. Don't scroll down unless you want to see potential spoilers for Episode II!

You have been warned!

Confederacy of Independent Systems - A New Faction in Episode II
This group of systems apparently have seceded from the Republic and are involved with Count Dooku
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Ithorian - Species
Previously seen in ANH, ROTJ, and Episode I, this alien species will make a reappearance in Episode II.
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Ko Sai - Kaminoan
Actor: Unknown
Ko Sai is the chief scientific Officer on Kamino. She oversees the clones production.
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Paddy Accu - Naboo Resident
Actor: Unknown
Paddy Accu is the ferryman who takes Anakin and Padme to the Lake Retreat. They travel there in the Gondola / Water Speeder. Paddy Accu is also the ground keeper at the Retreat.
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Rednax - A member of the Dug species
A Dug (like Sebulba), particularly repulsive and mean, seen in Dex's Diner on Coruscant.
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Star wars attack of the clones characters
San Hill - Separatist
Actor: Unknown
One of the separatist and part of the Confederacy. Chairman of the Intergalactic Bank Clan.
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Twink Kee - Corporate Alliance Assistant
Actor: Unknown
Named after the everlasting Hostess dessert and aide to Senator Passel Argente.
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Who is Anakin's father?

A vergence in the Force, Skywalker was born on the desert planet of Tatooine in the Outer Rim Territories in 41 BBY. He was the son of Shmi Skywalker, a slave who conceived a child without a father.

Who is the villain in Attack of the Clones?

In "Episode II: Attack of the Clones" (2002), it was Palpatine (then known as Darth Sidious) who principally set off the Clone Wars.

What are the 3 creatures in Attack of the Clones?

The alien creatures that attack Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padmé in the arena on Geonosis are an Acklay, a Reek, and a Nexu.

How old is Padme?

The Phantom Menace She is introduced as the recently elected 14-year-old queen of Naboo, dedicated to ending the planet's occupation by the Trade Federation.