Natural flea treatment for puppies 6 weeks old

Expecting cute newborn pups in your home can be exciting, but you must provide excellent care to the mother and its babies, like getting rid of fleas on puppies. Did you know that dogs are prone to get fleas? Small dogs are especially susceptible to get infested with fleas as their coat offers a suitable environment for these parasites. Getting rid of puppy fleas is quite tricky – but it’s not something impossible to do!

In this article, we will provide you with some tips on how to get rid of fleas on puppies effectively using the right products and proper methods. Remember that newborn dogs are delicate and sensitive. You may see them itching and repeatedly scratching due to fleas. Save your furry friend from such scenarios and learn how to get rid of fleas on puppies naturally.

Step By Step Guide to Get Rid of Fleas on Newborn Puppies

Newborn puppies are the favorite host of fleas. They are warm, their skin quickly produces moisture, and their blood is an ideal meal for these parasites. Unfortunately, there is no particular flea product that can be safely used for newborn puppies. It is because the internal organs of young puppies are more delicate compared to older dogs. Therefore, they are more prone to experience adverse reactions caused by most anti-flea treatment for puppies.

Getting rid of newborn puppy fleas is quite tricky because these insects are tough to get rid of as they’re persistent, the same as cockroaches. As soon as you think you’ve eliminated them, the more they start popping out. The key to effectively eliminate fleas requires treatment that involves all of their life cycles on both the parasite and their environment.

The first thing to do is to look for fleas in your pet’s fur. You will eventually see these tiny crawling insects looking like brown or black spots and would run between their coats. Usually, these small insects can be found on the belly, underarms, puppy’s neck, and genitals. So it’s important to scrutinize these areas. Also, check if flea feces are accumulating in those areas. You can find it when you moisten the puppy’s coat, and you will see tiny, immobile spots that turn reddish if it comes in contact with the water.

In treating your puppies, you use a flea comb and tweezers to get the fleas off manually. Washing your pet’s beddings and maintaining germ-free surroundings will also help. In most cases, if the puppy is still with its mother, he is more prone to get fleas because of the mother dog.


Natural flea treatment for puppies 6 weeks old

FRONTLINE Plus for Dogs Flea and Tick Treatment (Small Dog, 5-22 lbs.) 3 Doses (Orange Box)

$49.99 $40.98

Buy on Amazon

Below is a step-by-step method to eliminate the insects on your newborn puppies.

Step 1: Make a Homemade Flea Shampoo

Back in the day, people had old-fashioned treatments before the advent of commercial products. It was a common practice to use essential oils to repel unwanted parasites. For instance, if you wish to keep your home non-toxic but don’t have fleas or ticks infesting your pets, you can use essential oils to help in that particular problem.

You’ll find a lot of commercial flea shampoos in the market, but some may be unsafe for puppies under four weeks old. You don’t have to use harsh chemicals to eliminate fleas and ticks. Some of these products are not environmentally friendly and are not particularly safe for your pup. So, if you’re the type of dog owner who loves to wash a puppy more than once a month or so, maybe it’s time to reduce your pup’s bath time. While cleaning your dog’s fur is a good practice, you should also know that you run the risk of drying out your dog’s coat if you wash them frequently.

One excellent solution for this is the use of homemade dog shampoo with essential oils. These natural and homemade dog shampoos are not that hard to make and are not as complicated. Most of its ingredients are easy to acquire, some are readily available in your homes, such as baking soda. Since these are very quick and easy to make, you can try making a new DIY shampoo for your canine pal.

For dogs with fleas infestation, you may also create your DIY dog shampoo with natural essential oils. So, knowing how to get rid of fleas on puppies three weeks old or younger maybe your best option. It is organic, safe, and useful. You may combine a few drops of lemongrass, lavender, or citronella essential oil and a teaspoon of insecticide-free, mild dog shampoo in a clean spray bottle. Then, shake the container to mix the components thoroughly.

Using your homemade dog shampoo for fleas, apply it all over your dog’s body. Avoid allowing the foam to reach your puppy’s ears and eyes. Shampoo them thoroughly and lather with gentle massages, but avoid foam from entering their ears, nose, and eyes. It’s recommended to prevent shampooing their head altogether. Also, remember that you have to avoid touching the top of their head frequently since it is still delicate.

Natural flea treatment for puppies 6 weeks old
Natural flea treatment for puppies 6 weeks old
Not all commercial flea shampoos are safe for newborn puppies.

Step 2: Wet the Puppy's Fur

Providing your dog with a proper bath is a whole new matter. Any dog parent would know that convincing your furry friend to take a shower can be quite challenging. So try to use warm water to make your dog feel comfortable during the bath. Don’t make it too hot since newborns have sensitive skin. It must be the same temperature with the warm water you use to bathe a newborn baby.

The warm water helps wash your pup’s hair better. It also forces the fleas and other parasites to come out of your pup’s coat. Wet the puppy’s fur with warm water using a kitchen sprayer, portable dog washer, or you can quickly pour a cup of warm water over the puppy’s body.

Step 3: Prepare the Sink

Fill your kitchen sink with enough amount of warm water. You may also use a big clean basin if your kitchen sink is too small for your pup. Prepare your pup’s mini bathtub by adding a couple of drops of the essential oil to the water. Mix the solution thoroughly. It will help kill any fleas that come off the puppy during its bath.

Step 4: Apply the Shampoo

Using a spray bottle, spray the solution thoroughly into your dog’s fur. Apply the shampoo mixture all over your dog’s body, and work it with your hands to a lather. Take special care to avoid applying it to its eyes, as the mixture might sting them. Make sure not to miss hard-to-reach areas such as those down the spine, base of the tail, and the skin under the chest and forearms. Let the soap mixture stay on your pet’s fur for five minutes to repel as many fleas as possible. Be careful that your pooch doesn’t ingest any of the shampoo residues, as this can be toxic in large quantities.

Step 5: Rinse Your Puppy

Rinse your canine pal thoroughly in warm water by gently pouring cups of the warm water or using the kitchen sprayer over the puppy’s body.


Natural flea treatment for puppies 6 weeks old

FRONTLINE Plus for Dogs Flea and Tick Treatment (Small Dog, 5-22 lbs.) 3 Doses (Orange Box)

$49.99 $40.98

Buy on Amazon

Step 6: Dry Your Puppy

Towel dry your canine pal and place it on a wrapped heating pad for it to feel comfortable after the bath. The heated pad will keep the puppy warm and prevent hypothermia while his fur is still damp.
Step 7: Use a Flea Comb

Use a flea comb to carefully brush through the puppy’s fur, concentrating on the armpits, tail, and between the puppy’s toes. Apply petroleum jelly on a flea comb to help fleas stick to it.

Use combs with delicate spikes to remove fleas as well as other parasites, such as lice and their eggs. Start combing at the puppy’s neck, one section at a time until you have combed its whole body and eliminated all of the fleas. But be careful not to brush your pup too tight, as too much force may also damage your puppy’s skin. Once you see the fleas, you have to kill them as soon as you have removed them from your pet’s fur. If you just let these insects wander around alive, they would go back into your puppy’s fur or transfer to another.

Step 8: Dip the Comb in Rubbing Alcohol

You may also use rubbing alcohol to comb off fleas effectively. Fill a glass with rubbing alcohol. Soak the comb into a glass of alcohol to destroy the fleas and their eggs as you find them.

Step 9: Use Tweezers

Using blunt-tipped tweezers, remove two-day-old puppies with fleas from around its face and ears. Soak the tweezers into a cup of rubbing alcohol to effectively kill the fleas.

In most situations, dogs tend to have fleas. It’s like a part of their life that they experience this infestation, but when it happens, you can seek a veterinarian’s help. A vet can offer some medication that can get rid of the fleas on dogs. Most people suggest using flea powders, collars, and other dangerous chemicals for puppies. These recommendations are not safe because puppies at this early age are delicate and sensitive.

Step 10: Change Your Puppy's Bedding

Once you get rid of the fleas from newborn puppies, it is essential to get rid of the insects in their environment to avoid re-infection. You need to clean their beddings or carpets with soap and water and replace them with clean ones. Change all of your puppy’s linen, towels, blankets, and pillows, to prevent these parasites from re-infesting your pup again when you place it back into its soft nest. Make sure to wash all of the beddings in hot soapy water.

Getting Rid of Fleas on Newborn Puppies – FAQ

Newborn pups need a lot of love and care. If these small puppies were collected shortly after birth away from their mothers, they could be exposed to parasites, particularly fleas. Newborn puppies are common targets since they provide the ideal environment for these parasites.
Fleas are small insects that are common parasites to animals and humans. They love to feed on their hosts’ blood, causing the skin to become itchy and irritated.

Plus, fleas can be easily transmitted from one host to another. So if your canine pal has fleas, these parasites can attack your other pets at home and even the whole household. This article might have been a long read, but we know that there are still unanswered questions in your mind. So here are frequently asked questions on how to get rid of fleas on newborn puppies effectively:

Natural flea treatment for puppies 6 weeks old
Natural flea treatment for puppies 6 weeks old
Fleas like to target newborn puppies.

Can you treat newborn puppies for fleas?

Products with harsh chemicals are dangerous to newborn pups. You can opt for safe homemade flea treatments. To answer the question: “Can fleas kill newborn puppies,” remember that flea infestation may lead to anemia, which is the medical term for blood loss. Treat your pup with anti-flea measures immediately once you notice it is crucial.

How do you get rid of fleas on a three-week old puppy?

You can groom them using a flea comb. You might also need the help of tweezers to get the ticks off manually. Wash the dog’s beddings and maintain a clean surrounding. It would be best if you treated the mother dog from fleas first and other pets in your household.

How do you get rid of ticks on newborn puppies?

We often recommend contacting vets to get them to remove ticks from newborn puppies. This is because you can easily pull the tick off and leave the mouth piece. This can result in an infection, something much more concerning in a young and vulnerable puppy. If you are determined to remove ticks yourself, be sure to purchase a special pair of tick removing tweezers that enable you to properly grab the tick’s head and mouth for removal. Before removing the tick, soak the tick with warm water and oil (usually olive or mineral) for thirty seconds to a minute. slide the tweezers around the head and make sure there is no chance of it ripping off and pull.

How do you de-flea a puppy?

Newborn dogs that are at least four weeks of age and weighing two pounds or more can receive Capstar for flea removal. The active ingredient in this over-the-counter dog medication is called nitenpyram. You may give small puppies a daily tablet, but do not give it to a puppy showing any signs of illness. If they are of a younger age, do not supply them flea treatment and instead call the vets with any concerns.

When it comes to your pet fur baby, you want to make sure that he is in his best health condition. So as a dog parent, you also don’t want them to be surrounded by fleas. Flea infestation will not only make your pup look glum, but they can also make your home awful as they feed off humans and animals alike. Once you notice fleas infestation on your canine pal, use wisely the techniques and tips in getting rid of puppy fleas, and you rest assured that your cute furry friend will look and smell good.