Makes no sense compels me though

ElfGrove: (she/her) Cosplayer, Plush Maker, Feminist, Polytheist, Panromantic Ace, Speedster Fan, General Purpose Animation and Mythology Geek, GLTAS Fantern Mama Bear

Most folk around here just call me Elf or Elfie.

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"it makes no damn sense.... compels me though" is one of the best lines on screen I LOVE it

Knives Out quote

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#quote #Knives Out

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The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

Moulin Rouge Eden Abhez (via myquotelibrary)

Okay, NO. You can’t quote Moulin Rouge because nearly all of their lines are taken wholesale from song lyrics. There’s nothing original in there to quote.

This line, for instance, was written by Eden Ahbez for Nat King Cole as part of the lyrics to the song “Nature Boy”. It is not a Moulin Rouge line.

Source: myquotelibrary pet peeve quote


Makes no sense compels me though

Participated in a quote challenge, and siezed the chance to experiment…

discworld tiffany aching quote fanart tzufcallsmeshomps witch witches

Makes no sense compels me though





I think this is a perfect description. I’m proud to be a nerd. Like, what do other people do with their time? Get caught up with people who are silly and boring and often mean? Pfft! I’d much rather be happy!

This is my new favorite quote.

You are too enthusiastic about the miracle of human consciousness.

i love this. i will never understand why liking stuff is uncool, nor do i particularly want to.

Reblog for truthiness.

Source: sherlocks quote fandom


Makes no sense compels me though

One of my favorite book series! Dresden Files!!! Jim Butcher loves to quote Star Wars and LOTR too XD

Aaaand now I cannot think about Hope without instantly thinking about Saint Walker, yes.

The Dresden Files has wonderful quotes.

harry dresden there is always hope Dresden files jim butcher quote


Makes no sense compels me though



TFIOS the fault in our stars gif quote John Green pfft

“Anything not worth doing is worth not doing well. Think about it.”
- Elias Schwartz



Every time someone tries to win a war before it has begun, innocent people die. Every time

Steve Rogers (via gaamoraa)

This quote is from a scene shown today (28 Oct 2014) at the Marvel press conference.  I found the scene to be quite revelatory—a lot of good information in just a few lines exchanged between Stark and Rogers.  And the line quoted here is the sort of thing I love about Cap; I had the same response to his speech at the end of TWS.  This line makes me more excited for the film.

If you happen to run across the clip (and like spoilers), I recommend taking a look.

(via fostertheory)

Marvel Movieverse Spoilers AOU Spoilers Avengers 2 Avengers: Age of Ultron Avengers Age of Ultron quote


Makes no sense compels me though

Makes no sense compels me though


Tumblr Crushes:

  • cyberneticdenim
  • deserteddreams
  • akikodate
  • convention-etiquette
  • elfgrove
  • animalstalkinginallcaps
  • quote-book
  • theharemuses
  • owlcheesecake

What is awesome is that I’ve had written or verbal conversations with most of the people on this list.  And once again, I reblogged things from myself to get me on there.  XDD  Anyway.

Follow these people.  They rock.

I honestly cannot remember the last time I was on one of these. For anyone. Thank you.

elfgrove cyberneticdenim deserteddreams akikodate convention-etiquette animalstalkinginallcaps quote-book theharemuses owlcheesecake Tumblr crushes



Claudia, Warehouse 13 (via honeyintea)

This is an actual quote from the series. Claudia is fucking adorable like somebody combined Bart Allen and Tim Drake, applied Rule 63, and stuck her in a new/steampunk/supernatural version of X-Files.

Warehouse 13 quote Rule 63