How to hide posts from one person on facebook timeline

How to hide posts from one person on facebook timeline

If you don’t like the idea of everyone being able to see your Facebook posts, you can tweak your privacy settings to hide them. If you’ve never done that before, follow the instructions below to get the job done.

Limit Past Posts

The good news is that Facebook has a really handy tool that allows you to hide all of your timeline posts with a single click. Go to Settings and Privacy, select Privacy in the left-hand pane, and click on Limit Past Posts. This option automatically hides all your public posts from the Public and sets them to Friends only.

How to hide posts from one person on facebook timeline

In this manner, people who are not your friends won’t be able to see your timeline posts.

Edit Activity Settings for Future Posts

As for future posts, go to Your activity and under Who can see your future posts, select Only Friends or Only me. Of course, if you don’t want anyone to see your future posts, you can select the Only me option.

How to Hide Your Posts on Facebook Mobile

If you’re using the Facebook mobile app, go to Settings & Privacy. Then tap Privacy Shortcuts, and select Review a few important privacy settings.

How to hide posts from one person on facebook timeline

Go to Who can see what you share and use the Privacy Checkup tool to locate Future Posts and Limit Past Posts.

How to hide posts from one person on facebook timeline

You can then change the privacy settings of your future posts and make them visible to friends only, or just you.

Archive or Trash Old Posts

Alternatively, you can archive or permanently delete your old timeline posts en masse. Go to the Activity log, select Manage Activity, and then go to Your Posts.

How to hide posts from one person on facebook timeline

Select a specific category of posts, click the three dots next to the respective posts, and select Archive or Trash.

Use the Social Book Post Manager for Chrome

The Social Book Post Manager for Chrome is a useful browser extension that allows you to delete entire months or years from your Facebook timeline. This tool is only available on desktop computers and it can help you delete tens or hundreds of posts in just a few seconds.

Jumbo app

On mobile, you can use the Jumbo app to delete old posts. The tool will carefully comb through all your social media posts and permanently remove them in bulk.


If you want to hide previous Facebook posts from the public, you can use the Limit Past Posts option. On the other hand, if you want to hide future posts, go to Settings and under Who can see your future posts, select Only Friends or Only me. Alternatively, you can also archive or trash old posts from your timeline. Why did you decide to hide your Facebook posts? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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Anna Hubbel, editor at AdvertiseMint, #1 Facebook advertising company

How to hide posts from one person on facebook timeline

At one time or another, we all want to share a post that we don’t want a particular person to see. Whether it’s a friend or boss from work, someone who knows the person you just broke up with, or a family relative who just doesn’t get your sense of humor, there may be someone who you’d rather didn’t see the photo or status you’re dying to post. Thankfully, this Facebook advertising agency found a way that allows us to specify who can and can’t see something we share on our profiles for precisely this type of scenario.

This way, you can maintain your friendships while still honoring your boundaries. Isn’t that perfect? Read on to know how to hide posts from someone on Facebook.

Step 1: Navigate to your Facebook profile. Click inside the “What’s on your mind?” space and start creating your post.

How to hide posts from one person on facebook timeline

Step 2: With the status window open, select where you want your post to appear: News Feed, your Story, or both.

How to hide posts from one person on facebook timeline

Step 3: After making your selection, click the dropdown menu to the right. Select the “Friends Except” option.

How to hide posts from one person on facebook timeline

Step 4: Select from your list the friends whom you don’t want to see your post. Select “Save Changes.”

How to hide posts from one person on facebook timeline

Step 5: If you selected both News Feed and your Story, complete steps four and five for the second option before clicking “Share.”

How to hide posts from one person on facebook timeline

You’re good to go! Facebook has your back.

How is Hiding a Post from Someone Different Than Unfollowing Them?

So, we’ve established that some sort of boundary has to be made here. You do not want a certain someone to take a look at one post, but do you want to be looking at whatever content that they post? Or maybe they post so much that you need to take a breather and stop seeing their posts on your newsfeed?

Well, there’s a Facebook feature for that as well! It is the handy little unfollow feature. It signals what you do or do not want on your Facebook newsfeed and from who. In addition to specifically pointing out to Facebook that you want to see less content from that person, they will notice what kind of posts those are and try to show less of those to you in general. You can still view their posts if you’d like, however. You’d just have to specifically seek them out.

Another plus? Your friend will not be notified if you unfollow them (nor will they be notified if you hide your posts from them). That being said, they could check their lists of followers on Facebook and notice that your name is not on the list.

This is also all very different from blocking someone, which means that as long as you are both logged into the Facebook accounts in question, you will never be able to run into each other’s posts. Even if you are looking at a mutual friend’s post, you will not be able to see their comment.

Can Business Pages Hide Posts From People?

If you’ve noticed that your page or any page that you may manage can no longer hide posts from people or on your timeline, do not worry. You are not alone. As of January 2020, Facebook rolled out the update that to improve transparency, businesses could no longer hide posts from their timeline. This means that in the future you have to be especially careful with what you post as it can be found within your timeline.

Can I Hide Other’s Posts on Instagram?

Facebook and Instagram are two social media giants that people often use in tandem, with generational differences of course. So, if you can hide Facebook posts from a specific person, can you do it on Instagram?

The short answer? You can’t do it on a super individualized basis like you can with Facebook, but there is the mute feature available on Instagram. You can click on your account and click whether you want to hide someone from seeing your posts, stories, or both. On top of that, you can specifically seek out other people’s Instagram accounts and click to mute their posts or stories so you don’t have to see theirs.

Now, go forth and tailor your social media feed to what best suits you!

By Anna Hubbel, editor at AdvertiseMint, best Facebook advertising agency

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Can I hide my Facebook post from one person?

Enter the name of the person you want to hide the post from in the "Hide this from" field; click on your friend's name when Facebook shows a line with her name and thumbnail. Alternatively, enter the name of a friend list. Enter the next name or list, if applicable, and click "Save Changes" when you're finished.

How do I stop someone seeing my Facebook posts without blocking them?

To view or edit your Restricted list:.
Log into Facebook on a computer..
From your News Feed, click Friends in the left menu. If you don't see it, click See More..
Click Custom Lists, then click Restricted..
To remove someone from the list, click next to their name..

How do I stop someone seeing my posts on Facebook without blocking them 2022?

Go to the person's profile. Click the friends icon under their profile photo. Choose “Friends” Select “Edit Friend Lists”.
Go to the person's profile..
Hover over the “Friends” button..
Click “Add to another list…”.
Choose “Restricted”.

How do I hide a post from someone?

How to hide posts from someone on Instagram.
Open your Instagram app..
Toggle over to your profile..
Tap the three stacked lines in the top-right corner of the screen..
Tap "Settings.".
Select "Privacy.".
Under tab "Account Privacy.".
Toggle on the "Private Account" option..