How to see someones facebook posts without being their friend

If a person’s Facebook profile’s settings are not set to “Private,” you can view the profile without being friends.

  1. Go to and log in to your account using your email address and password.
  2. Type the full name of the person whose profile you want to view in the Search bar at the top of the page.

Can you follow someone on Facebook without being friends?

If you’re someone who plans on posting lots of public updates or are a public figure (locally or nationally), you can allow people to follow you instead of becoming your friend (they’ll also be able to add you as a friend, but you won’t have to accept their requests for them to see your posts).

How can I see Facebook pictures without being friends?

With this extension you can check any private photos of any facebook users without being friend. Login to your facebook account, Go to any facebook user profile, On the right side top you will find one eye icon. Click it, If you are on any facebook user’s profile, it will show you 3 options.

What is Stalkbook?

MIT graduate Oliver Yeh recently built a service called Stalkbook that he claims allows you to stalk people on Facebook even if you’re not friends with them on the social network. Yeh has a simple but malicious trick: he uses other Facebook users’ credentials to view whichever profile you want to stalk.

Can someone tell if I looked at their Facebook?

No, Facebook doesn’t tell people that you’ve seen their profile. Third-party apps also can’t provide this functionality.

How do you know if someone is checking your Facebook profile?

No, Facebook doesn’t let people track who views their profile. Third-party apps also can’t provide this functionality. If you come across an app that claims to offer this ability, please report the app.

What is profile viewers on Facebook?

The new feature lets you see who visited your profile in the past 30 days, past day as well as who has viewed your most recent posts. The feature is buried deep in your privacy settings and is only available on the iOS app for now.

Can someone tell if you stalk them on Facebook?

Don’t all of us wish we could find out who is stalking us on Facebook? Yes, Facebook users can find out which of their friends have been visiting their profile. The method, however, doesn’t tell when the said Facebook friend visited your profile.

How to view private Facebook photos without being a friend?

Otherwise you can try another way to view people’s private Facebook photos: See part of their profile information on Facebook Step 1. Search for the person whose private photos you want to see by typing user’s name. Meanwhile add him or her to be your friends. Step 2.

Is there a way to follow someone on Facebook without being friends?

Luckily, there’s a way: follow them. And you can follow them without being friends. Following people is easy, and it requires only one click. Go to the person’s Facebook profile page, and click on the Follow button at the bottom of the cover photo.

Can you view a friend’s profile on Facebook?

If you visit someone’s profile frequently, there’s no notification that goes to the owner. This means you can view a friends’ profile as you’d like, but if you comment, like, or interact with the persons’ account, they’ll know you’re looking (especially if it’s a much older post you would’ve had to scroll to see).

Is it possible to make your Facebook profile private?

Most of the people don’t know that Facebook profiles are can be private, that means their profile is on public settings, you can see their posts straight. Otherwise, First you have to friend them, and then they decide what you can see.

How to See Someone’s Facebook Profile Without Being Friends.

How to view a blocked Facebook profile?

How to see private Facebook pictures.

Are you flirting with a girl and you want to see her Facebook photos but you are not friends on Facebook?

Want to see the Facebook photos of your EX but she blocked you on Facebook?

It happens all the time and it’s annoying.

However, seeing Facebook photos on a private profile is handy especially before meeting a girl you are flirting with but with whom you are not friends on Facebook.
She does not want to let you access her Facebook profile because she does not know you enough yet but you would like to see her photos to see if you like her and avoid an date that will serve no purpose.

A bad date for which it will be necessary to find a good excuse to escape as I talk about it in one of my last articles precisely.

  • Can I access a Facebook profile if we are not friends on Facebook or if the person has blocked me?

The answer is yes.

Facebook, like any other website allows to search the information it contains like photos, posts, etc…

It shows everything that is public, but even private photos can become public if you click like, or if someone tagged you somewhere and you clicked like too, etc…

There are plenty of reasons why private photos on Facebook become public and are therefore accessible even on a private Facebook account or if the person has blocked you on Facebook.

In the end, a lot of photos, information is available even for a private Facebook account or if the person has blocked you on Facebook.

The best way if you don’t want anybody to see private Facebook photos or a blocked Facebook profile, well, is not to have Facebook account or profile…

  • How to view Facebook photos without being friends.

Besides, on your Facebook profile you can already do a search, but actually when you are not friends with the person or if the person has blocked you, Facebook blocks you from accessing that person’s Facebook profile.

Facebook first makes a connection between the will of the person not to allow access to her Facebook profile to people who are not friends with her.

  • See the Facebook profile of someone who blocked you.

How to see someones facebook posts without being their friend

Then there is the case of people blocked by other people on Facebook.
Here again, Facebook makes the connection between the will of the person to block you access to her Facebook page, her profile, her photos, etc…

You can not even find her name on Facebook, it’s well done.

However, with its search engine “Graph Search”, Facebook gives access to a ton of information, photos, profiles of people registered on Facebook, etc…

Whether you are friends or not, you can search the info and photos available for all Facebook profiles.

  • So you can see photos without being friends on Facebook.

Because on Graph Search, Facebook does not know who you are and so will not block access to photos or Facebook account information you want to see.

If you do a search with your Facebook account, it knows who you are and so knows whether that person has blocked you or not, or whether you are friends Facebook or not.

With Graph search you can see private Facebook photos without being friends on Facebook, or even if you are blocked.

So do not search for a Facebook profile with Graph Search from your own Facebook account, but you can go to this site to search:

A secure site where you can search private or blocked Facebook profiles.

Type the address of the blocked or private Facebook profile and the site will do the search on Facebook Graph Search for you.
You will then have information about the Facebook profile that Facebook can give you, photos, posts, information about her current status (single, couple, etc …).

Note that, however, the information that the person indicated on her Facebook profile that only her can see, Facebook’s privacy settings ‘Only me’ are not available on Facebook Graph Search.
Facebook gives access to a lot of information or photos on a profile but what the person said should remain personal is not available.

Do a search on this site to access a Facebook profile without being friends or a blocked Facebook profile.

Then go down a little on the page and you will see all the information available for this Facebook profile you want to see.

It may be possible that Facebook changes the information available so when you do a search, there may be more or less information or photos available to access a private or blocked Facebook profile.
But it’s better than not having access to anything when you are not friends on Facebook or if the person has blocked you like your EX for example. 😉

The site still works unless one day Facebook decides to have it closed so that people no longer have access to a private Facebook profile without being friends on Facebook
Or see the Facebook profile of someone who blocked you.

Good search on Facebook!

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How can you see someones Facebook posts without being friends?

Facebook's Graph Search makes it pretty easy to creep on just about anyone, even if you aren't friends with them, and find tons of images that they're tagged in. By simply searching “Photos of” with the name of the person you want to search, you can see any image they are tagged in, even if they hid it from their feed.