How to cite podcast mla in text

How to cite podcast mla in text

To cite a podcast in a reference entry in MLA style 8th edition include the following elements:

  1. Contributor(s) name, label: Give the last name and name as presented in the source (e. g. Watson, John) of the primary contributor(s). End with their contribution label preceded by a comma (e. g. Watson, John, director.). When given after the title give the label first followed by the name in normal order (e.g. directed by John Watson).
  2. Title of the podcast episode: Titles are italicized when independent. If part of a larger source add quotation marks and do not italize.
  3. Title of the podcast series: Container titles are italicized and followed by a comma.
  4. Production studio: If the name of an academic press contains the words University and Press, use UP e.g. Oxford UP instead of Oxford University Press. If the word "University" doesn't appear, spell out the Press e.g. MIT Press.
  5. Date of release: Give the day, month and year of publication. All months, excluding June and July, are abbreviated as three letters (e.g. 9 Aug. 2019.)
  6. URL: Copy URL in full from your browser, include http:// or https:// and do not list URLs created by shortening services.

Here is the basic format for a reference list entry of a podcast in MLA style 8th edition:

Contributor(s) name, label. "Title of the podcast episode." Title of the podcast series, Production studio, Date of release, URL.

Take a look at our works cited examples that demonstrate the MLA style guidelines in action:


A podcast series with one producer

Roy, Rohan Deb, producer. "Decolonise science: time to end another imperial era." In Depth, Out Loud, The Conversation, 27 June 2018,

A podcast series with one speaker

Mars, Roman, speaker. "Sound and Health: Cities." 99% Invisible, 99pi, 16 May 2019,

MLA in-text citation of a podcast

Audio-visual material uses the specific time of the audio/video for in-text citations.

(Last name time) or (Short form of title time).


A podcast series with one speaker

The description of how sound is related to health resonates with direct evidence (Mars 00:15:43-00:17:20).

How to cite podcast mla in text

This citation style guide is based on the MLA Handbook (9th edition).

Gone are the days of citing only print resources and web pages. In 2020, audio podcasts are an ever-growing source of unique content with valuable (and citable) information.

No matter which citation style you use, you'll need to find some basic information on the episode. Here's a list of the key elements you'll need (and how to find them): 

  • Author/creator
  • Title of the podcast
  • Title of the podcast episode
  • Publisher 
  • Date episode was released 
  • Podcast URL 

Note: If the podcast you're citing doesn't have it's own website, you can use the URL from your podcast player, instead.

How to cite podcast mla in text

The good news is, most of the information you'll need is easy to find between your podcast player and a quick Google search — but how do you know whether you have to cite a podcast to begin with?

When you need to cite a podcast episode

Before you learn how to cite a podcast, let's review how to know whether it's necessary in your unique case.

Ask yourself these questions to determine whether you need to give credit to the show's creator:

  • Am I quoting the host/episode word-for-word?
  • Did I use information, data, or facts I found in a podcast?
  • Have I summarized ideas or paraphrased the thoughts of the creator?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, you'll need to cite the podcast to give credit to the host, or guest, whose work you reference. Review the following citation formats to learn how!

Note: These citation formats are for academic, scholarly, and professional uses and can be used for citing podcasts in research papers, articles, books, and print pages.

Choose a citation style

How to cite podcast mla in text

Citing your work involves using both in-text citation (or endnotes, in the case of Chicago Style) and a reference list. In-text citations let you cite sources within the body of your text and a reference list includes more details on those sources at the end of your content.

With Chicago style, you use endnotes to cite your information after the main text — but before the reference list— instead of using parenthetical citations.

To cite your podcast, pick the format that best matches the subject of the episode you're citing and plug in the relevant information!


Used for: Humanities (English, drama, religion, philosophy, law, & politics)


Last, First, M.I. of creator. “Title of episode.” Name of Podcast, Name of publisher/where you listened to episode, Date it was posted, URL.

How to cite podcast mla in text

In-text citation:

(Host's last name, start time of revelant section-end time of section)

How to cite podcast mla in text


Used for: Social sciences (psychology, sociology, science, & medicine)

APA style asks for the "contributor title "( i.e. the title of the person you're citing). Most of the time, the contributor title will be "producer" or "host", but it can also be the episode's guest if you're citing their material.


Last, First, M.I. (Contributor title). Date episode was published (Year, Month Day). Podcast title [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from URL.

How to cite podcast mla in text

In-text citation:

(Podcast Title, Year)

How to cite podcast mla in text

In-text direct quote:

(Host's last name, year, timestamp)

How to cite podcast mla in text


Signal Phrase: “Kauffman (2020) said in his podcast…”

Chicago style 

Used for: Business, history, & fine arts (mostly used for published, scholarly works)


Last, First, M.I. “Title of Podcast.” Produced by Company. Name of Podcast.  [Podcast audio], Month Day, Year episode was uploaded. Podcast URL

How to cite podcast mla in text

Endnotes (no in-text citations)

First, Last, M. Date of podcast. “Name of podcast.” Podcast audio. Episode title. Publisher. File type. Accessed Month Day, Year. Podcast URL

How to cite podcast mla in text

Additional tools & resources:

Check out these helpful citation tools and guides to make the podcast citing process as quick, easy, and accurate as possible!

  • Cite a Podcast's automated podcast citation tool
  • Citation Machine plagiarism checker & citation guide
  • LibGuide MLA 8
  • LibAnswers APA 7
  • Chicago Style: Endnotes

Do you italicize podcast titles MLA in

Title of the podcast episode: Titles are italicized when independent. If part of a larger source add quotation marks and do not italize. Title of the podcast series: Container titles are italicized and followed by a comma.

How do you cite a podcast in MLA 8?

Audio Podcast Last name, First name of the creator. “Title of podcast.” Title of the website, role of contributors and their First name Last name, Version, Numbers, Publisher, Publication date, URL.

Do you italicize podcast titles in

Do not italicize the episode title or the episode number. Specify the type of podcast episode in square brackets, for example: [Audio podcast episode], [Video podcast episode]. Write the word “In” and then the title of the podcast in italics. In general, end the reference with the URL of the episode.

How do you cite in

MLA in-text citation style uses the author's last name and the page number from which the quotation or paraphrase is taken, for example: (Smith 163). If the source does not use page numbers, do not include a number in the parenthetical citation: (Smith).