How often should i replace engine air filter

Maintenance December 11, 2019

It’s a classic story of getting duped at the auto repair shop … the salesperson comes up to you, gets down on one knee, and presents a filthy-looking air filter for you to inspect: “It looks like you need to replace your engine air filter, ma’am.” But how do you know if you need a new engine air filter or if you’re just being tricked?

How often should i replace engine air filter

Why should I replace my engine air filter?

Replacing the air filter isn’t a service auto repair shops invented to get a few extra bucks during your visit. It’s actually a vital part of engine performance and maintenance.

Engines need a lot of clean air to operate. The engine air filter prevents debris, dirt, bugs and other contaminants from entering the engine and causing damage. When the filter is dirty and/or clogged, it results in decreased gas mileage, slow acceleration, decreased engine life, higher emissions and poor engine performance.

How often should you change the engine air filter?

Virginia Tire & Auto recommends replacing the engine air filter in your car every 15,000–30,000 miles or at the vehicle manufacturer’s recommended mileage. Check your owner’s manual to find out the recommended mileage interval for your vehicle.

If your commute consists of frequent stops and construction areas or you regularly travel on dirt/gravel roads, consider replacing your engine air filter more frequently.

Here are some signs that it’s time to replace your vehicle’s air filter:

  1. Jerky or Slower Than Usual Acceleration: If you notice that your vehicle doesn’t speed up as well as it used to, there’s a good chance that the air filter is not allowing enough air into your car’s engine. You also may notice jerky acceleration when you press the gas pedal.
  2. Decreased Fuel Economy: When the filter is clogged, the engine has to work harder to get the same amount of power, resulting in poor gas mileage.
  3. Unusual Sounds: A dirty or clogged air filter often leads to many strange noises when the car is idling. Unusual sounds could be a sign that your car’s engine is not receiving enough airflow.
  4. Dirty Air Filter: You can also visually inspect your engine’s air filter. It is usually easy to access, and you can refer to your owner’s manual if you have trouble finding it. If the air filter contains a lot of dirt, debris or grease, then it’s time to change your air filter.
    Not sure if it’s too dirty? Hold the filter up to the light. If you can’t see any light through the filter, it’s definitely time to get your air filter replaced.

How long does it take to replace my vehicle’s air filter?

Installing a filter is typically a quick 5- to 10-minute service, but it can depend on your vehicle model. The air filter is more difficult to access in some models, so, if that’s the case, it will take our technicians a little bit longer to replace.

Air Filter Replacement at Virginia Tire & Auto

At Virginia Tire & Auto, we’ll never recommend parts or service your car doesn’t need—including air filters. Our technicians inspect your engine air filter as part of our 25-point courtesy inspection, and we’ll let you know if we think it needs to be replaced. And we’ll always recommend following your vehicle manufacturer’s maintenance schedule for air filter replacement and other services.

Drop by any of our 17 locations or schedule an appointment online to get your engine air filter switched out. We’ll have you back on the road in no time!

Your engine relies upon its air filter to keep dust and debris out of the engine. By providing a clean stream of air to the engine, an air filter ensures the engine gets the right amount of air needed to operate at its peak level.

Worn or dirty air filters will cause your engine to perform poorly; among the things you'll notice is that you’ll have less power and weaker acceleration. Your throttle response will be diminished as well. But how do you know if it’s time to replace your air filter?

One rule of thumb is to keep track of how long your air filter has been in place. The average recommended length of service is about 10,000 to 15,000 miles, which for most people is every year or so. But keep in mind that, as with most things related to your car, this is just a recommendation and it doesn’t take into account your individual driving situation.

If you’re driving in heavy traffic on a regular basis, your air filter is not going to last as long. You’re going to have a lot of stop-and-start driving, which places more demands on your car and will also cause your air filter to get dirtier faster. Driving in dusty or rural locations can also make your air filter’s performance decline more quickly, so keep in mind that where you’re driving will affect how long it lasts.

Knowing some of the telltale signs of a dirty or clogged filter can keep you from waiting too long to replace it. Here are five things to look for that might indicate it’s time for a new air filter.

1) Your Air Filter Looks Dirty

If you know where your air filter is located (you can consult your owner’s manual to find out where to look), you can do a visual inspection. If your air filter is clean, it should be white or off-white. Over time, as dust and dirt accumulate on it, the air filter will get darker and the dirt will be noticeable. When it starts looking dark and grimy, you might be due for a replacement.

2) Your Car Seems to Have Less Power

A clean air filter will help your engine perform better; on newer cars, it can increase acceleration by as much as 11%, and on older cars it can improve mileage by as much as 14%. Other signs that your air filter is affecting your car’s performance is a jerking movement when you accelerate — or by not responding as well as it should.

3) Your Check Engine Light Comes On

There are many different reasons that your check engine light comes on; it can be as simple as a loose gas cap or it can signal a bigger problem. One of those reasons can be that the engine isn’t getting enough air, so carbon deposits form in the engine and that triggers the light on your dashboard. When you take your car in to your mechanic, they’ll be able to do a quick scan to see what’s causing the problem and can tell you if it’s an air filter issue.

4) Your Car Starts Making Strange Sounds

Without enough air, your car’s engine isn’t going to sound like it should. If it’s coughing and sputtering, or if it vibrates excessively when you turn over the engine, there’s a good chance it’s begging for a new air filter. If you notice strange sounds specifically when your car is idling, you may have what's known as "rough idle." Read our topic on this to learn what causes rough idle and possible fixes.

5) Smoke or Flames Shoot Out of Your Exhaust When You Start the Car

One good indication that the air filter needs replaced is the presence of black smoke coming from your exhaust pipe(s) when you fire up the engine. You also might hear a popping sound or see a flame at the end of the exhaust pipe. This can happen when there’s not an adequate supply of air in the engine. Not all of the fuel will burn properly in the combustion cycle and it will leave the car through the exhaust. The flame occurs when the heat of the exhaust ignites the fuel in the tailpipe. If you’re noticing this happening in your vehicle, you should take it to your mechanic immediately, as it can create an unsafe situation.

How Long Will It Take?

Getting your air filter replaced is usually a pretty simple and straightforward procedure and can be done in just a few minutes. That’s especially true in older vehicles. Some manufacturers of newer model cars have changed the design of the engine to make more efficient use of space, and sometimes that means putting air filters in places that are harder to reach—which can slow down the process.

However, your mechanic can usually tell you about how long it will take, and can check it during an oil change.

Getting your air filter replaced can be part of an overall tune-up service that will help you get better mileage and performance from your vehicle. It’s also a great way to catch any minor issues that can be resolved before they become bigger issues.

How often should i replace engine air filter
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How long do engine air filters last?

Replacement Time Check your owner's manual; it should tell you when your air filter should be replaced. This is generally every 12,000 to 15,000 miles, depending on your vehicle. If you have driven more than that since the last time you replaced the air filter, it's probably time to get it changed.

Is replacing engine air filter necessary?

Prolongs engine life. A particle as small as a grain of salt can get through a damaged air filter and do a lot of damage to internal engine parts, such as cylinders and pistons, which can be very expensive to repair. That's why regularly replacing your air filter is so important.

How often should an engine air filter be changed?

The ideal interval for replacing an engine air filter differs depending on your make and model, but most automakers recommend installing a new air filter every 30,000 to 45,000 miles.

What happens if you don't change your engine air filter?

When the air filter gets too dirty, it will get clogged and the engine won't be able to suck up enough air to the combustion chamber. When this happens, the engine will use more gas and less air, which will result in poorer performance and a drop in fuel efficiency.