How many calories do you burn in a mile

In order to determine How many calories do you burn running a mile, It is important to first understand how the body burns calories. Calories are burned by the body as it uses energy to power all of its activities, including running. The number of calories burned by running a mile depends on a person’s weight, sex, and speed… Keep reading our blog post to get more useful information.


  • 1 How Many Calories Do You Burn Running A Mile?
  • 2 Factors That Affect Caloric Expenditure
    • 2.1 Body Weight
    • 2.2 Speed
    • 2.3 Fitness Level
    • 2.4 Running Surface
    • 2.5 Weather Conditions
    • 2.6 Gender
    • 2.7 Incline
  • 3 Running Examples of Calorie Burn
  • 4 Calories Burned Running VS Cardiovascular Workouts
  • 5 How Many Calories Does a 30 Minute Run Burn?
  • 6 How To Use Online Calculators
    • 6.1 How to Get Started
  • 7 Making Healthy Nutritional Choices
  • 8 Running Tips
  • 9 Burning Calories vs Burning Fat
  • 10 FAQs
    • 10.1 Running Is About More Than Burning Calories?
    • 10.2 How to burn more calories?
  • 11 Conclusion

How Many Calories Do You Burn Running A Mile?

For someone who is 180 lbs, the general rule is to burn approximately 100 calories per mile.

Let’s suppose you are 120 pounds.

You might lose no more than 60 calories if you run the same distance.

These metabolic variables include body weight, body composition, and age. Performance factors such as intensity or incline are also included.

Factors That Affect Caloric Expenditure

How many calories do you burn in a mile

Body Weight

People who are heavier burn more calories per mile because it takes more fuel to move a bigger body at the same pace.

For instance, A 150-pound runner would run at a 10-minute mile pace for an hour to burn approximately 700 calories. However, someone who is 240 pounds would burn around 1,100 calories while training at the same intensity.


Speed, intensity, and weight all have a significant impact on how many calories you burn in a single mile.

You burn more calories if you run faster than you walk.

A 160-pound runner running at a fast 13-minute pace would burn approximately 700 calories.

However, if they run at the same pace for 10 minutes per mile for the same time, they can burn as many as 900 calories.

Your speed also has an impact on how many calories you lose after exercising.

The rule of thumb is that the harder you run, and the more exercise you do, the more fuel you burn off.

This is known as post-exercise oxy consumption (EPOC).

If you want to learn how to breathe properly while running, check out our post: How To Breathe While Running? Top Full Guide 2022

Fitness Level

Your fitness level is another important variable that can affect the burning calories you run.

Overall, runners who have had years of running experience can burn more calories than those who are just starting.

Actually, the more you train, the fewer calories you’ll burn.

This is why some runners experience weight loss plateaus, even gains, during their training. (Check out my post on the subject).

Running Surface

Your running terrain can have an impact on your calorie burn, whether you run on trails, roads, sand, or a treadmill.

The burn may be increased by challenging terrain

A flat surface makes it easier to run 3 miles than a hilly route where you have to climb steeply.

This is because your muscles need to work harder to maintain your balance while running on difficult surfaces.

As you can see, the higher the effort, the more calories are burned. It is simple logic.

Weather Conditions

Running economy can also impact calorie burn. Temperature is also a major factor. Research shows that cold temperatures may actually burn more calories than mild ones, which makes it easier to lose weight.

Running in the heat may also increase your calorie by increasing your perceived exertion level.


Although there is some evidence that men often find it easier to lose weight than women, the research is still incomplete. Men may burn more calories running a mile than women. This is due to the fact that men are generally larger than women and weight has a significant impact on calorie burn.

The rule is that the bigger a person, male or female, is, the more calories they will burn. Remember that the survey shows that men are on average five inches taller than women and that they weigh approximately 25 more pounds.


Hill running will increase calories. It can be difficult to determine how many calories you are actually burning when running uphill.

A treadmill that calculates energy expenditure will include an incline in the calorie count. You can see the difference between running at a flat rate and running at an incline of 10% to 12%. This can be used to determine the percentage increase in calories you might experience when you run outdoors.

A few online calculators can calculate how many calories you have burned while running uphill. These calculators might provide a better estimate, but it is important to remember to keep an open mind and be careful. Calculators require that you input the exact grade of the hill you are training on. This is something most runners won’t know.

Keep in mind, however, that while you might burn more calories running uphill, you will burn fewer calories going downhill because you haven’t had to exert as much effort.

Running Examples of Calorie Burn

How many calories do you burn in a mile

Below are some examples of calories burned by different runners, ages, and genders. This will give you an idea of the differences in calories burned between people.

Example 1: A 40-year-old female runs 5.0 MPH or 12 minutes on flat terrain.

  • If you’re 120-pound, you’ll burn 90 calories per mile.
  • If you’re 140-pound, you’ll burn 100 calories per mile.
  • If you’re 160-pound, you’ll burn 115 calories per mile.
  • If you’re 200 -pounds, you’ll burn 140 calories per mile.
  • If you’re 240-pound, you’ll burn 165 calories per mile.

Example 2: A 12-minute run at 5.0 MPH or a mile of running with an average incline of 5 percent for a 25-year-old male.

  • You’ll burn calories 72 miles if you weigh 120 pounds.
  • You’ll burn calories at 83 miles for a 140-pound person.
  • You’ll burn calories 95 if you weigh 160 lbs.
  • If you’re 200 -pounds, you’ll burn 119 calories per mile.
  • If you’re 240-pound, you’ll burn 140 calories per mile.

Example 3: A 45-year-old male runner runs 8MPH or an 8-minute mile over an 8 percent incline.

  • If you’re 120-pound, you’ll burn 90 calories per mile.
  • If you’re 140-pound, you’ll burn 100 calories per mile.
  • If you’re 160-pound, you’ll burn 110 calories per mile.
  • If you’re 200-pound, you’ll burn 130 calories per mile.
  • If you’re 240-pound, you’ll burn 150 calories per mile.

These numbers are only estimates. Any effort you make to increase your training efforts will help you burn more calories.

Calories Burned Running VS Cardiovascular Workouts

How many calories do you burn in a mile

Running is a great way to burn calories if you are looking for a more effective workout. You may have already known that pounding the pavement can be one of the best ways to lose weight and calories.

This is how running compares with other activities lasting around one hour.

  • Skipping at a moderate speed – 1000 calories an hour
  • Swimming vigorously for one hour will burn approximately 1000 calories.
  • Bicycling at a difficult pace – 500 calories
  • Rowing at a fast pace – approximately 800 calories
  • Walking at a fast pace – 270 calories
  • Moderate pace cycling – 530 calories
  • Swimming at a moderate pace: 560 calories
  • Playing tennis – 530 Calories

How Many Calories Does a 30 Minute Run Burn?

30 minutes of running will burn between 280 and 520 calories, depending on your weight and speed. If you weigh 150 pounds and run for 30 minutes at 6mph, you’ll burn approximately 280 calories. However, if you double your runtime to 60 minutes, you’ll burn about 520 calories. If you increase your speed to 8mph, you’ll burn closer to 600 calories in that same hour. Here’s what the calories burned look like if you increase your runtime to 60 minutes at 6 mph at various weights: The calories burned running will depend on your weight, time spent running and to a lesser degree, your speed.

Use the calculator for a custom calculation.If you run 5 miles at 6 mph, you’ll burn approximately:

  • 120 calories per minute
  • 12 minutes – 260 calories
  • 13 minutes – 295 calories
  • 14 minutes – 330 calories
  • 15 minutes – 360 calories
  • 16 minutes – 405 calories
  • 17 minutes – 445 calories
  • 18 minutes – 495 calories
  • 19 minutes – 525 calories

For someone looking to burn a few extra calories, running may be the answer. According to this calculator, a person can expect to burn slightly more calories per mile when running for a half hour than they would if they ran for just a few minutes. This is due to the fact that the body burns more calories per minute while running than it does at rest. While the exact number of calories burned will vary from person to person, this calculator provides a good estimate of how many calories one can expect to burn while running.

How To Use Online Calculators

It’s possible that your fitness device, be it a GPS watch, a smartphone app, or any other type, is providing data about estimated calories burned. These wearables measure your speed, running distance, heart rate, and heartbeat, then calculate a rough estimate of how many calories you have burned based on these stats. These numbers are rough estimates, however. They may not be as accurate as they seem.

How to Get Started

If you’re looking to lose weight, running is a great option. Beginners may find it difficult at first, but with persistence and dedication, you will see results. On average, you can burn 3, 500 calories by running five miles per day, three days per week. This adds up to about 25 pounds lost in a year’s time. Keep in mind that everyone is different and results may vary. Before starting any new diet or exercise regime, be sure to speak with your doctor.

Making Healthy Nutritional Choices

How many calories do you burn in a mile

It is a good idea to make healthy food choices if you want to improve your caloric burn. There are many delicious foods, but which ones are good choices?

If you’re going to undo all that work by eating high-calorie foods with little nutritional value, it is not worth spending a lot of time in the weight room or on the track.

A mindset shift to see food as fuel can have a huge impact on your health. I don’t recommend that you eliminate all food from your diet, but you should be more intentional about what you eat.

Running Tips

  • Don’t start out too fast. Running requires your body to adjust to the additional stresses and strains. If you start running too fast, you might feel frustrated, overworked, hurt, or hurt. So, start running at a reasonable speed.
  • Let your body rest and heal. After a workout, let your body rest to heal and prepare for the next one. In the long run, this will help you work out more.
  • Take small steps, and you’ll feel at ease. Don’t put your body through extra stress. Take small, easy steps, and you’ll feel calm. Every kilometer or mile you run will give your body the coordination it needs to do the complicated sequence of moves. Short Running Intervals Initially
  • If you have never run before, start by running for short amounts of time. Add one minute to your running intervals each time you work out until you can run the whole distance without stopping.

Burning Calories vs Burning Fat

Your body burns calories from food when you do Excercise. Your body also stores carbohydrates that are used as fuel during exercise. Carbohydrates are equivalent to energy calories.

Aerobic exercise can help you burn fat by moving through the basic stages of your body. You will reach your optimal fat-burning zone if you exercise at 50-70% of the maximum VO2 max. This isn’t a full-on exercise.

Variating the intensity of your workout can give you a competitive edge. You can make your body adapt to changes over the course of a week or in individual workouts.

Also, it is true that more muscle means more fat loss. Spending time lifting weights is a worthwhile investment.


Running Is About More Than Burning Calories?

Calories are an important part of your body’s fuel, and you need to be aware of how many you’re taking in and burning off. You can increase your calorie-burning potential by upping the intensity of your workout. Find a running route that has lots of hills or up the incline on your treadmill. And don’t forget that calories are only part of the story – running and exercising are about much more than losing weight.

How to burn more calories?

To increase energy consumption you can use some cardiovascular exercises. We also burn more calories when we lift weights or do push-ups. You will need a lot of energy and stamina to do these exercises. So you need to think before you work out.

Now you know how many calories you burn when you run a mile. Plan and talk to your doctor about a safe and effective way to work out.


As you can see, there are many factors that affect the number of calories you burn while running. These include your weight, speed, fitness level, and running surface. While it is impossible to give a definitive answer to the question of how many calories you burn running a mile, this blog post has provided some useful information to help you estimate the number of calories you may burn. If you have any questions or ideas about this post, feel free to leave a comment or visit BSXInsight for more information.

How many calories do you burn in 3 miles?

Each mile that a person walks burns roughly 100 calories. If a person was to commit to walking 4,500 extra steps per day, or roughly 3 extra miles, they would be burning an extra 300 calories a day (at least).

How many calories do you burn running a mile in 10 minutes?

The American Council on Exercise suggests that running 1.5 miles in 15 minutes, which equals a ten minute mile, burns approximately 150 calories. This is a moderate pace that can be kept up for a longer duration. To improve your health, aim to run for 15 to 30 minutes a day.

How many calories can you burn with 5 miles?

Most rough estimates revolve around 100 calories burned per mile for a 180-pound person. How many miles are 10,000 steps? On average, 10,000 steps are going to come out to be roughly 5 miles. So assuming you weigh 180 pounds, then yes, by simple mathematics, 100 calories x 5 miles equals 500 calories.

How many calories burned jogging 2 miles?

How many calories do you burn running? The average person will burn between 80 to 140 calories per mile.