Why does my dog have diarrhea after boarding

Sometimes, the stress of boarding may cause medical conditions to pop their ugly head as the immune system becomes vulnerable. Examples of certain conditions that may remain silent for a while and then may flare up during a period of stress causing an upset stomach while boarding include inflammatory bowel disease, presence of coccidia and pancreatitis.

Catching Something at the Kennel

Finally, your dog may have caught something at the kennel. Just as in child daycare, a kennel may harbor bacteria, viruses that may cause disease. Even if your dog was vaccinated, consider that vaccines aren’t always 100 percent effective.While kennels try to do their best to lower the chances for transmission of disease by keeping their quarters clean and using disinfectants, consider that keeping a kennel 100 percent free of germs is near to impossible, despite the best precautions. However, before blaming the kennel, it’s a good idea to become familiar with the incubation periods for certain diseases.Incubation periods are the time frame between exposure and the onset of symptoms. For instance, the incubation period for parvo is estimated to be between 3 and 7 days according to the Baker Institute for Animal Health.So if you left your puppy at the kennel for one single day of day care, and your puppy developed diarrhea the same day you picked him up, it’s unlikely your puppy caught parvo there if that’s what your vet diagnosed him with. More likely it was caught in the past 3 to 7 days.Also, consider that a dog doesn’t catch worms from another dog immediately. It takes time for the worms to evolve from larvae into adults before causing visible symptoms.

What to Do for Dog Upset Stomach After Boarding

The way you handle your dog’s upset stomach after being boarded, can make a difference on the outcome. It’s not a bad idea to give the boarding center a call and inquire on possible causes. They may be able to tell you if there are other dogs with the same symptoms.Also, may be a good idea to inquire if there were any recent dietary changes, stressful events or if your dog could have ingested something he shouldn’t or if he was in direct contact with other dogs during his stay. Not only will this provide you with some insights and potential causes, but it will also keep the kennel informed so should other dogs in their care become sick they can further investigate the possibility for an outbreak of disease and make other dog owners aware of the potential problem. If your dog’s upset stomach is mild and you suspect it may stem from stress or a recent dietary change, you can try some dog upset stomach home remedies, but if there are other symptoms or the symptoms appear severe, best to play it safe and see the vet.https://www.dogsupsetstomach.com/dog-upset-stomach-after-boarding/amp/ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

However, if your dog comes home from boarding unwell, it is understandable to want to point the finger at the kennels he has stayed at. Sickness caused by exposure to disease at kennels is rare so no, it isn’t normal for a dog to get sick after boarding. Any good, reputable boarding facility in Bastrop, LA will have a number of stringent measures in place to try and prevent the spread of viruses and diseases among their animals. These include the following:


Requirement of Proof of Vaccinations

Vaccinations are proven to be the very best way to protect your dog against the many different viruses and diseases that can be passed between canines, plenty of which can have a permanent effect on your dog’s health. In some cases, these illnesses can even prove fatal. Vaccines have saved and continue to save the lives of countless animals each year, and it is for this reason that they are not only recommended, but many boarding kennels insist on them. Your word isn’t good enough either, you will need to provide the vaccination certificate to prove that your dog has had his immunizations and is as protected as possible against conditions such as rabies, parvovirus, and kennel cough. No proof, no boarding, it is as simple as that. If you were to come across a boarding facility that doesn’t ask for proof of vaccinations, this is a definite red flag that they don’t take the health and safety of their animals safely and they should be avoided at all costs.

Strict Cleaning and Hygiene Protocols

When you go and visit the boarding facilities on your shortlist one of the most important things you should be looking for and asking about is their cleaning and hygiene policies and protocols. A commitment to robust cleaning is essential if a kennel is to prevent the spread of disease. When you go inside does it smell clean or can you smell stale urine or feces? Do the facilities and accommodations look clean? Any dog mess should be cleared up immediately and disposed of properly. Staff should be continually washing their hands between dealing with different animals and after cleaning up. If you suspect a facility isn’t as clean as it could be, it may be time to cross it off your list.

Nevertheless, although it is not common for a dog to get sick after boarding, it is important to understand that it is impossible to create an environment that is 100% sterile and some dogs do become sick after stays at even the most well-kept boarding facilities.

Excited or Sick?

Veterinarians in Bastrop, LA often recommend that you don’t feed your dog or give him any water for at least 4 hours after he returns home. The reason for this is that the excitement and emotions he feels may cause him to gulp down his food and water too quickly, and he could vomit. Diarrhea is also fairly common in dogs that have just returned home and usually resolve itself fairly fast. However, if your dog is experiencing diarrhea and isn’t drinking, or diarrhea doesn’t stop within 48 hours, seek the advice of your vet in case there is a more sinister underlying cause.

If My Dog Is Unwell, What Could It Be?

Without a diagnosis from a trained and experienced vet in Bastrop, LA, it is impossible to definitively tell what is causing him to be unwell. However, some types of sickness are more common than others. Canine influenza, which is much like a normal human cold, is one option. This causes lethargy, a runny nose, a cough, and decreased appetite. Occasionally it can lead to an infection that requires hospitalization. Kennel cough, also known as Bordetella, is another common illness, although most kennels require your dog to be vaccinated against kennel cough before they will admit him. You know your furbaby better than anyone else. If you suspect he is sick, don’t wait to refer him to your vet for a diagnosis.

If your dog is unwell after boarding and you would like the advice of an experienced and knowledgeable veterinarian in Bastrop, LA, please don’t hesitate to give our friendly team a call at (318) 283-0656.

Is it normal for dogs to be sick after boarding?

Nevertheless, although it is not common for a dog to get sick after boarding, it is important to understand that it is impossible to create an environment that is 100% sterile and some dogs do become sick after stays at even the most well-kept boarding facilities.

How long does it take for a dog to recover from boarding?

Every dog reacts and handles stress differently. After picking up your dog from a boarding kennel, you may see one or all of these five changes. Most will go away in a day or two. If it persists or is an extreme shift from your dog's standard for more than three days, talk to your veterinarian.

Is it normal for dogs to have diarrhea after vacation?

Excitement Can Cause an Upset Stomach Well, your dog is likely to be thrilled at the prospect of seeing you and returning home, and sometimes this can cause him to develop inflammation in his gut that then trigger diarrhea. In most instances, this type of diarrhea resolves itself within 48 hours of returning home.

Why do dogs get diarrhea in a kennel?

In kennel populations, diarrhea is often due to a combination of several causes: viruses, bacteria, parasites and the environment.