Where can i get copies of my tax returns

  • Copies of tax documents request

    Most requests for copies of tax documents can be made using our online services if you have the required authority.

    On this page

    • Document availability
    • Individuals and sole traders
    • Non-individual entities
    • Tax agents
    • Public trustee or private trustee company
    • Legal personal representatives and guardians
    • Legal practitioners
    • Privacy

    Document availability

    The documents available differ depending on the entity type and whether they are held by the ATO.

    These include:

    • income tax returns and notice of assessments from 1997 onwards
    • payment summaries or income details from 2002 onwards
    • activity statements from 2000 onwards
    • FBT returns from 2001 onwards

    Documents relating to years before those listed above are no longer maintained in ATO systems.

    Individuals and sole traders

    The quickest and easiest way to review and print copies of your tax documents is by using our online services (linked through myGovExternal Link). The documents you can review and print are:

    • lodged income tax returns from 2010 onwards
    • notice of assessments from 2010 onwards
    • income statements from July 2019 onwards, if your employer reports through single touch payroll (STP)
    • lodged activity statements (sole traders only).

    In some circumstances you may need to phone us instead of using our online services. For example:

    • if you can't register for a myGov account
    • if you need copies of income tax returns or notices of assessment from 1997–2009
    • if you need payment summaries or income details (gross interest) from 2002 onwards and your employer does not report through STP
    • if you need copies of FBT returns from 2001 onwards.

    Note: Individuals and sole traders can't use the form located on this page to request documents.

    Non-individual entities

    If you are an authorised contact for a non-individual entity (for example, company, superannuation fund, trust, partnership), Online services for business is the quickest and easiest way to access details of business interactions. The documents you can view and print are:

    • lodged income tax returns, from 2010 onwards
      (If returns for the 2004–05 financial year onwards were lodged after January 2010 then these will also be available.)
    • notices of assessments (where applicable) from 2010 onwards
      (If returns for the 2004–05 financial year onwards were lodged after January 2010, then these will also be available.)
    • lodged activity statements from July 2000 onwards.

    You can request prior year copies of documents by completing the Copies of tax document request form for:

    • lodged income tax returns from 1997–2009
    • notices of assessments (where applicable) from 1997–2009
    • FBT returns from 2001 onwards.

    Instructions to download the form

    Double clicking the form won’t open it. These forms will not load on a mobile device, tablet or within a browser.

    To complete the form, you must save it to your desktop computer or laptop (with the latest version of Adobe Acrobat installed):

    • To download, right click on the link below and select Save target as (or a similar option depending on your internet browser) to save it to your computer.
    • Copies of tax documents request (NAT 75438 PDF, 1.40MB)This link will download a file. This link will download a file.
    • Right click and select open with Adobe Acrobat.
    • Enable JavaScript if prompted before filling in the form.
    • Once you've completed your form, save it using the Save form button at the end of the form.

    Complete all sections of the form.

    Use the fill and sign option to complete the declaration section (section C) by:

    • clicking in the signature box
    • uploading your saved signature image.

    Once you've completed the form, save it using the Save form button at the end of the form.

    In Online services for business, to submit a secure message you:

    • select Communication then Secure Mail then new message
    • select the topic Income Tax and subject Request for Copies of tax documents
    • complete the required fields, attach the Copies of tax document request form
    • select the Declaration then select Send.

    This will ensure your request goes to the appropriate area for actioning.

    Tax agents

    Online services for agents is the quickest and easiest way to access details of your clients' processed tax documents.

    The documents you can view and print (even if you didn’t prepare or lodge them) are:

    • lodged income tax returns, from 2010 onwards
      (If returns for the 2004–05 financial year onwards were lodged after January 2010 then these will also be available.)
    • notices of assessment, from 2010 onwards (where applicable)
      (If returns for the 2004–05 financial year onwards were lodged after January 2010 then these will also be available.)
    • income statements from July 2019 onwards – only if the employer of your client reports through STP
    • pre-filling reports from 2009 – current via pre-filling reports
    • lodged activity statements from July 2000 onwards.

    You can request prior year copies by completing the Copies of tax documents request form for:

    • lodged income tax returns from 1997–2009
    • notices of assessment from 1997–2009
    • payment summaries or prefill, for example gross interest (individuals only) from 2002–2008
    • FBT Returns from 2001 onwards.

    If your client is deceased you must not access their ATO records online or request their information, unless you have been appointed by a legal personal representative (LPR) who has grant of probate or letters of administration.

    The LPR must be recorded in our systems prior to you lodging a request for the deceased person's information or accessing their records online. Find out more about accessing a deceased person's tax and super information.

    Instructions to download the form for prior year

    Double clicking the form won’t open it. These forms will not load on a mobile device, tablet or within a browser.

    To complete the form, you must save it to your desktop computer or laptop (with the latest version of Adobe Acrobat installed):

    • To download, right click on the link below and select Save target as (or a similar option depending on your internet browser) to save it to your computer.
    • Copies of tax documents request (NAT 75438, PDF 1.40MB)This link will download a file. This link will download a file.
    • Right click and select open with Adobe Acrobat.
    • Enable JavaScript if prompted before filling in the form.
    • Once you've completed your form, save it using the Save form button at the end of the form.

    Complete all sections of the form.

    Use the fill and sign option to complete the declaration section (section C) by:

    • clicking in the signature box
    • uploading your saved signature image.

    Once you've completed the form, save it using the Save form button at the end of the form.

    Submit a secure message via Online services for agents within the Client Summary by:

    • selecting Profile then New message
    • select the topic: Income Tax and subject Request for Copies of tax documents
    • complete the required fields, attach the Copies of tax document request form
    • select the Declaration then select Send

    This will ensure your request goes to the appropriate area for actioning.

    Public trustee or private trustee company

    A service is available for trustees appointed as an LPR (for example an executor or administrator with grant of probate or letters of administration) or guardian.

    This service allows you to:

    • lodge an official notification of death with us
    • advise you've been appointed as an LPR or guardian
    • request information such as  
      • client's TFN
      • latest income tax return
      • latest notice of assessment
      • last business activity statement
      • statement of income details (2002 to current)
      • application for payment of ATO-held superannuation
      • search for lost and unclaimed superannuation.

    For more information go to Public trustees and private trustee companies.

    If you use Online services for agents and require additional information (such as copies of income tax returns and notices of assessment for 1997–2009 or evidence of income for 2002­2008), you need to submit a Copies of tax document request form online. All other years are available in Online services for agents and can be self-served.

    If you use Online services for business and have completed the Trustee day 1 notification (NAT 75287, PDF 1,456KB)This link will download a file and require additional information outside the information provided with your Day 1 request, you will need to submit a Copies of tax document request form online.

    Instructions to download the form

    Double clicking the form won’t open it. These forms will not load on a mobile device, tablet or within a browser.

    To complete the form, you must save it to your desktop computer or laptop (with the latest version of Adobe Acrobat installed):

    • To download, right click on the link below and select Save target as (or a similar option depending on your internet browser) to save it to your computer.
    • Copies of tax documents request (NAT 75438, PDF 1.40MB)This link will download a file. This link will download a file.
    • Right click and select open with Adobe Acrobat.
    • Enable JavaScript if prompted before filling in the form.
    • Once you've completed your form, save it using the Save form button at the end of the form.

    Complete all sections of the form.

    Use the fill and sign option to complete the declaration section (section C) by:

    • clicking in the signature box
    • uploading your saved signature image.

    Once you've completed the form, save it using the Save form button at the end of the form.

    If you are using Online Services for Agents, then:

    • from Client summary select Profile then New message
    • select the topic Income Tax and subject Request for Copies of tax documents and
    • complete the required fields, attach the Copies of tax document request form
    • select the Declaration then select Send.

    If you are using Online services for business, then:

    • select Communication then Secure Mail then New message
    • select the topic Income Tax and subject Request for Copies of tax documents
    • complete the required fields, attach the Copies of tax document request form
    • select the Declaration then select Send.

    This will ensure your request goes to the appropriate area for actioning.

    Deceased person

    To lawfully access the information of a deceased person you must be the legal personal representative (LPR) for the deceased estate or be appointed by the LPR to act on their behalf. An LPR is an executor or administrator with grant of probate or letters of administration.

    To access the deceased's information, the LPR must first notify us of their appointment.


    A guardian or administrator can only be appointed by a court or tribunal. They can only act for tax matters where their authority extends to financial matters.

    The appointee should complete Change of details for individuals (NAT 2817, PDF 347KB)This link will download a file and attach a covering letter and any supporting documents explaining their circumstances and provide a certified copy of the court appointment.

    Once you have notified us of your appointment as an LPR or guardian you can phone us to request copies of:

    • income tax returns from 1997 onwards
    • notices of assessment (where applicable) from 1997 onwards
    • income statements from July 2019 onwards – only if the employer of the individual reports through STP
    • payment summaries or prefill – for example, gross interest (individuals only) from 2002–2008
    • activity statements from 1 July 2000 onwards
    • FBT returns from 2001 onwards.

    Client: individual and sole traders

    We have implemented a new automated service which allows legal practitioners to access their individual client’s income tax returns, notices of assessments and payment summaries or income statements, for the 2010 income year onwards. Practitioners will need to register for this service.

    The automated service is only available to legal practitioners who represent the client in relation to the client’s affairs, relating to one or more taxation laws.

    This service is not available for obtaining records relating to a deceased individual or a non-individual entity, or for periods prior to 2010 income year. Refer to the relevant sections on the page for how these documents can be requested.

    To register interest in the automated service, the public officer or director, sole trader, trustee or partner of the legal practitioner firm will need to email to and provide the following:

    • ABN
    • legal name of the entity as per the ABR
    • contact name
    • contact number
    • email address.

    You will be provided the terms and conditions for using this service. You will need to acknowledge your acceptance of the terms and conditions by return email. We will then issue you with the business instructions and supporting documents.

    If there is still a requirement to obtain documents for periods prior to 2010 (1997–2009) for an Individual entity's affairs, relating to one or more taxation laws, your client can phone us or you will need to submit a Copies of tax document request form. Note modifications outside the parameters of the form will not be processed.

    Client: non-individual

    Refer to 'Non-individual entities' section in this document for self-serve options. This is for companies, superannuation funds, trusts and partnerships.

    If there is still a requirement for documents for the period prior to 2010 (1997–2009) for a non-Individual entity's affairs relating to one or more taxation laws, either you or your client can request these by submitting a Copies of tax document request form online.

    Instructions to download the form

    Double clicking the form won’t open it. These forms will not load on a mobile device, tablet or within a browser.

    To complete the form, you must save it to your desktop computer or laptop (with the latest version of Adobe Acrobat installed):

    • To download, right click on the link below and select Save target as (or a similar option depending on your internet browser) to save it to your computer.
    • Copies of tax documents request (NAT 75438, PDF 1.40MB)This link will download a file. This link will download a file.
    • Right click and select open with Adobe Acrobat.
    • Enable JavaScript if prompted before filling in the form.
    • Once you've completed your form, save it using the Save form button at the end of the form.

    Complete all sections of the form.

    Use the fill and sign option to complete the declaration section (section C) by:

    • clicking in the signature box
    • uploading your saved signature image.

    Once you've completed the form, save it using the Save form button at the end of the form.

    In Online services for business, to submit a secure message you:

    • select Communication then Secure Mail then new message
    • select the topic Income Tax and subject Request for Copies of tax documents
    • complete the required fields, attach the Copies of tax document request form
    • select the Declaration then select Send.

    This will ensure your request goes to the appropriate area for actioning.


    For more information about requesting copies of tax documents see Privacy notice – copies of tax document request.

    The ATO privacy policy contains important information about your privacy, including:

    • how you can access and seek correction of information we hold about you
    • how to make a complaint if you think we have breached the Australian Privacy Principles
    • how we will deal with any privacy complaints.

    Most requests for copies of tax documents can be made using our online services if you have the required authority.Last modified: 06 Oct 2022QC 56805

How do I get an old copy of my tax return?

Taxpayers can call 800-908-9946 to request a transcript by phone. Transcripts requested by phone will be mailed to the taxpayer. By mail. Taxpayers can complete and send either Form 4506-T or Form 4506-T-EZ to the IRS to get one by mail.

Can I see copy of my tax return online?

Transcript of Return from the IRS Visit the IRS website for instant online access to your transcript. Call 1-800-908-9946. Use Form 4506-T.