What to do when your bored in the house

Here’s an idea: When you’re bored, teach yourself to do nothing at all. In a culture that emphasizes the need to be going, going, going all the time, it will only benefit you to learn how to just enjoy doing nothing. Maybe sit on the couch or take a nap or a walk. Whatever it is, there’s no need to feel guilty about just existing and relaxing, so you might as well learn to do it!


Print Out Your Favorite Photos

Physical photos may not be as common as they've been in the past, but that makes them even more special. Take the time to print out your very favorite images that have only existed digitally up until now, and you'll feel like you're giving them a whole new life> Bonus points if you frame and hang them, too.

If you’ve been putting off trying this practice for years now, even after learning about all the benefits of meditation, now might be the time to start. Downloading apps like Calm can help you get started.


Start a Gratitude Journal

Even if you don’t want to do anything too exhaustive or busy, it’s easy enough to take the free time you have to start a habit that you can stick with all year. Try starting a gratitude journal and writing one line (or even one word) a day that reminds you of something you’re thankful for.

Ever wanted a massage on demand? Zeel provides same-day, on demand massages from licensed massage therapists. Use the company’s website or app to book, and you’ll be relaxed in no time at all. Plus, massages have been proven to reduce stress, pain, and inflammation.


Call a Friend or Family Member

You’d be surprised how much taking the time to talk to a loved one on the phone (or in person, if you have a lot of time) can boost your mood. You’ll also be surprised how great it will probably make the other person feel to know you’re thinking of them.

Websites and apps like Poshmark make it easy to sell your old clothes, unused makeup, and even home goods. There’s nothing better than turning a boring afternoon into feeling like you accomplished something and made some money.


Organize Your Phone's Apps

If you get tired of looking at cluttered phone, full of apps and notes and chaos, then take a few minutes to organize your phone. Divide your apps by use, subject, or even color and you’ll automatically feel more calm every time you look at your home screen.

Sometimes calm and relaxation is as easy as trying a new mask from the drugstore. They’re good for your skin, great for your general mood, and surprisingly affordable.


Treat Yourself to New Candles

Candles are one of those things that are so, so hard not to love and yet often so hard to buy for ourselves. No, no one really needs new candles, but they’re such a luxury to have around. Try shopping at a candle specialty site like Paddywax if you want to experiment with new brands or gorgeous decorative candles.


Rearrange Your Furniture

Rearranging furniture is both great physical exercise and also can be mentally refreshing. A new layout may just have you feeling totally different about a much-used space in your house.


Finally Clean Out That One Thing

We all have that one thing that we’ve been meaning to clean out for years and just... never do. Whether it’s a junk drawer, fridge, car center console, bathroom cabinet, garage, or all of the above, choose something and go for it. It’ll feel amazing to have it lifted off your mental to-do list.


Write a Thank You Card

No matter how polite you are, odds are there is at least one person who you owe a thank you card to. Maybe there’s more than one person. It’s easy to let time get away for us, and something about handwriting a card is just relaxing. So find some cute stationery and a pen you love, and get to thanking.

If you have a few plants around your house and want some more (and who wouldn’t, given the many benefits of having plants around), try learning about propagation and making some more plants! It’s new plants for free. What could be better than that?


Try an At-Home Beauty Treatment That You Usually Pay For

If you usually get a professional facial done or only go to an expert to wax your eyebrows, it might be worth doing some research to see if you can do the same things at home for less money. Sure, it may take a little practice, but if you have the time, might as well go for it — it might save you time and money in the future.

If you are bored and hungry, why not teach yourself a new recipe? Or two or three?


Make Appointments You’ve Been Putting Off

There’s nothing easier than putting off doctors, dentist, and therapy appointments when you’re busy. If you find yourself with some downtime, schedule all those appointments in one big swipe. You’ll feel accomplished after and you’ll probably be surprised how little time it takes. Plus, it’s empowering to prioritize your own health.


Write Down Some Goals — And Some Accomplishments

When was the last time you wrote down goals for the next year — or five years or 10? Pick a time period and write down five or 10 major goals for your life. Put them somewhere you can check in on over time and won’t forget about. And while you’re at it, look back at the last five or 10 years of your life and write down what you’ve accomplished. You’ll feel proud of yourself — and motivated to keep doing great things.

Always wanted to try pottery? Take a creative writing course? Start jogging? Do some research on a new hobby and make a plan. It’ll give you something to look forward to and something to do the next time you find yourself bored. Plus, it’ll get you out of your comfort zone and teach your brain and body new skills.


Read a Genre You Think You Hate

Everyone knows that reading is a great thing to do when bored, but why not try a genre you think you hate? If you’ve never given science fiction or romance or true crime a whirl because you’re convinced you hate it, now’s the time to try it out anyway. You just might be surprised by how much you like it.


Try to Teach Your Dog a New Trick

If you have a dog (or any pet for that matter), do some research on easy-to-teach tricks and get to work. It’ll be rewarding for both you and your furry friend.

OK, this one doesn’t seem like much fun, but it can actually feel pretty darn good. Being in control of your money and coming up with strategies to feel even more in control is always a good idea — and sometimes it takes an empty schedule to have the time for it. So might as well start budgeting!


Find a Volunteering Opportunity

Have some free time? It’s never a bad idea to use it to help those in need. Apps like Deed can help you find volunteering opportunities nearby, and you will feel amazing afterwards — trust me.

When was the last time you got all dressed up? Makeup, hair, heels, the whole deal? You don’t necessarily need a reason to, but if you’re bored, why not go the extra mile and surprise your partner or take yourself out on a date? It’ll be a confidence booster and you’ll look great, too.


Clean Out Your Camera Roll

If you're constantly running out of space on your phone for more photos, videos, or apps, take some free time as a chance to clear out your camera roll. Delete all those multiples, blurry shots, or old, irrelevant screenshots and make room for more memories in the future. It'll save you a lot of stress.


Watch or Film A YouTube Tutorial

Whether you have a skill you've always wanted to share (cooking? makeup?), or you want to learn something new yourself, taking some time to go on YouTube and dive into the world of tutorials can be a great way to pass the time.


Teach Yourself A Magic Trick

Learning an easy magic trick isn't as complicated as you might think, and it's a great way to have an easy, go-to party trick up your sleeve (no pun intended).


Plant Some Kitchen Herbs

Even if you don't have access to an outdoor garden space or you aren't able to get outside, planting some easy, common herbs like basil, cilantro, and parsley is as simple as getting some soil and some seeds. You'll have fresh herbs in no time!


Clean Your Junk Drawer

If you've been putting off organizing your junk drawer for months or years, consider this your sign to finally clean it out. You'll feel great afterwards, and who knows what you might find?


Write Down Your Best Story

Think of the most exciting, scary, or remarkable thing that's happened in your life. Have you ever written down the story? Having a written documentation of the birth of your first child, your favorite vacation, or your wedding day is something you'll thank yourself for years in the future.


Have An At-Home Spa Day

Treat yourself to a face mask, foot massage, hot bath, or all of the above next time you find yourself bored. Creating an at-home spa may seem like a lot of work, but it'll feel special to have an our or two to focus on yourself and feeling good in your skin.


Organize Your Spice Cabinet

If you find yourself becoming constantly frustrated with the organization (or lack thereof) of your kitchen cabinets, taking an afternoon to organize your spice cabinet can be something that makes future cooking endeavors way more enjoyable. Plus, experiencing the before-and-after is oddly satisfying.

Bring yourself back to high school and spend an hour or two curating playlists for different parts of your day. You could make one for your daily commute, cooking dinner, doing work, or any other occasion. Plus, you can share them with friends and family when you're done.

Crank the tunes and kick off your shoes. Having a little dance party at home (whether solo or with your family) is a great way to get some exercise in, blow off steam, and listen to your favorite songs. Plus, you don't have to worry about embarrassing yourself if you're not super confident in your dancing skills.


Change Your Daily Routine

Sometimes switching up a daily routine and trying something new is the exact thing that helps life feel refreshing and creative again. But finding time to create a new routine or change an old one is hard. If you find yourself with some free time, brainstorm some ways you could change how you do things day-to-day. Could you streamline your morning routine? Could you carve out more time for yourself in the evening? Get creative!

There's a reason that millions of people love watching TikTok, especially the dances. They all might not be easy, but they're a fun and interactive way to try a new physical activity and listen to some trending music. Plus, if you have kids, this could be a great way to understand the app they love a little better.

If you're not in the mood for a physical book, but you don't want to listen to music or watch TV either, then an audiobook could be a great compromise. It's also an easy way to absorb information while multi-tasking, if staying still sounds like your worst nightmare.

Whether you've always wanted to try investing in cryptocurrency, stocks, or you're simply looking for a way to spend some extra money in a more thoughtful way, taking an hour or two to thoughtfully invest your hard-earned money can reap big rewards later.

Say you've always wanted to run a marathon. Or write a book. Or take a trip to Spain. All of those things usually require a plan. In fact, a lot of big dreams require plans. Take some time to map out exactly how you want to make your dreams happen and you'll thank yourself later.

Whether you use your children's finger paints to create something fun or you whip out an adult coloring book, spending time creating art is a great form of stress-relief.


Clean Out Your Shoe Collection

Sure, you've been told to clean out your closet regularly — but what about your shoe collection? Odds are, you're holding on to at least 3-5 pairs of shoes you don't need or wear. Plus, getting rid of shoes is a quick and easy way to free up a lot of extra space in your home.


Clean Off Your Desktop

Take an hour to make sure your at-home workspace is as organized and clean as can be. You can also do the same thing with your computer desktop if you want to get really organized.

If you think that a bucket list is cheesy or cliche, think again. It's actually a great way to get yourself to vocalize the things you really want to do — and a great way to get you to try new things, too. It can be easy to forget our goals and dreams if we don't write them down, so make a point to do just that the next time you're feeling a bit bored.

On paper, road trips can seem easy. You just get and a car and drive, right? Not so much. In reality, road trips (especially with larger families) can be complicated and require careful planning. Take a moment to map out where you want to go next and find some fun spots to stop at along the way.


Set Up Dinner Reservations

Is there a new spot that you need to make reservations for a month in advance? Do you always find yourself going to the same spots again and again? Force yourself to try something new by scheduling out dinner reservations for the next couple months. Add them to your calendar and you'll find yourself excited about the meals throughout the upcoming weeks.

If there's any feeling that's universal, it's probably the comforting and refreshing sensation of fresh, just-cleaned sheets. Treat yourself to fresh linens and you'll be treating yourself to a relaxing night's sleep, too (plus, washing your sheets more regularly is a good idea for your health, too).


Do Something Neighborly

Making connections with your neighbors is always a good idea. Taking the time to water a neighbor's plants when they're out of town or bring them a homemade treat just because can be as heartwarming for you as it is for them. If you're not sure what to do, log onto your local Nextdoor portal and see how you can help those who live on your block or nearby.

Baking is a great way to stay active and creative while doing something that feels low-stress and relaxing. Whether you bring your treats to your neighbors, or you save them for you and your family to enjoy, trying out a new cake or cookie recipe is always a good idea.


Join A Buy Nothing Group

Joining a local Buy Nothing group gives you options for giving away (and receiving) free items that your neighbors no longer want or need. If you're looking for some low-cost items or you need to clean house yourself, there's probably a Buy Nothing community near you that could benefit you.

Odds are that you haven't put a pen to paper and drawn anything in a long time. Doodling might seem like a high school student's way of killing time while taking notes, but it can actually be a great process for staying creative, keeping your hands busy, or just unwinding a bit. If you're looking for something to do while you listen to music or an audiobook, pull out a notepad and pen and see what happens.

Olivia Muenter Olivia Muenter is a freelance writer and former fashion and beauty editor who writes about fashion, beauty, lifestyle, relationships, travel, home decor, and more for Woman's Day and beyond.

What can a 12 year old do when bored at home?

Check out these kid activities perfect for a day indoors..
Boredom Jar. One creative parent told us she made a “boredom” jar for her house. ... .
Build a Fort. Who doesn't love a fort on a stormy day? ... .
Indoor Obstacle Course. ... .
Write a Letter. ... .
Sock Puppets. ... .
Dress Up. ... .
Imaginary Creatures. ... .
Tea Party..

What are 100 things you can do when you're bored?

100 things to do while you're bored at home.
Finish your homework..
Plan a vacation for after quarantine..
Get out some old board games to play..
Piece together a puzzle..
Order a paint-by-number off of Amazon (or an art supply site).
Put together a list of movies for a movie marathon..
Build a fort..
Find a workout on Pinterest..

What can a 13 year old do when bored?

Let's take a look at these fun things to do when you're bored!.
Make a music video or movie..
Eat a food you've never tried..
Learn how to do origami..
Make the best ice cream sandwich or freak shake ever..
DIY bath bombs..
Invent a new type of pizza or killer milkshake..
Play water balloon games..
Picnic at a local park..

What can a 10 year old do when bored?

Boredom-busting ideas for active kids.
Play a sport outside. This is such a simple idea, but sometimes kids just need someone to put it in their heads. ... .
Wash the car. ... .
Go for a bike ride. ... .
Do 'mindful movement' videos. ... .
Play hide-and-seek. ... .
Make a fort. ... .
Have a dance party. ... .
Make an obstacle course..