What once upon a time character are you

Hello! This is my first quiz! I’m a massive fan of Ouat, so this has been fun to make. The quiz is pretty self explanatory in the title, Which Once Upon a Time Character are you?

There are seven questions, and there are ten possible characters you could be like, I wish I could have done all of them but I didn’t have time:( Most of the questions are related to the show. Anyway, enjoy!

Created by: Rebecca Kerwin has

Image: YouTube

About This Quiz

Are you Emma, Snow, Charming, Rumple, Belle, Henry, Regina, Ruby ... Find out in this extreme character personality quiz

Are you good or evil?

Life isn't black and white you know...

What's your favorite reality/game show?

Are you a morning or a night person?

Which of the seven dwarfs do you most relate to?

What kind of friend are you?

What's your favorite attraction at a carnival?

Choose your weapon for the Ogre Wars:

Fairy tales...

Are not always black and white.

What one word best describes you?

Magic is...

Always coming with a price.

Real and you must believe!

How obedient are you?

I always follow the rules.

I like to defy authority - but mostly just when I am right.

Why do we even have rules?

How often do you hold a grudge?

A stranger needs your help, what do you do?

You go out of your way to help them.

You help but always expect something in return.

You just ignore them and walk on by.

You help them but make note to ask them for something in return later.

The amazing world of Once Upon a Time is truly magical and it's easy to get lost in it - but which character are you most like?

All the great fairytales are in this show, all mashed up together like, well, mashed potatoes! YUM! But of all the characters in this beautiful universe, which one have you got most in common with? Why not take this magical quiz and find out for yourself!?


What once upon a time character are you

Where would you rather go on holiday?


What once upon a time character are you

Once Upon A Time | ABC Studios

A crow has been cursed, what do you do?


What once upon a time character are you

Once Upon A Time | ABC Studios

The Evil Queen has arrived, what do you do?


What once upon a time character are you

You have to choose a gift for a baby, what do you pick?


What once upon a time character are you

Once Upon A Time | ABC Studios

Captain Hook invites you on board his ship - what do you do?


What once upon a time character are you

Which fictional place would you like to visit?


What once upon a time character are you

Favourite magical item?


What once upon a time character are you

A mob have people have gathered to capture fairytale characters, what do you do?


What once upon a time character are you

You're lost, what do you do?


What once upon a time character are you

Favourite type of bird?

What once upon a time character are you

Once Upon A Time | ABC Studios


Eeek! Okay, I bet you weren't expecting that! But the quiz doesn't lie and this is the result you've got! But remember there is good in everyone, maybe!

What once upon a time character are you

Once Upon A Time | ABC Studios

The Evil Queen!

Alright! Regina is one of the most complicated characters out there - both good and evil, she's got a lot going on - but life isn't simple! A bit like you, Regina is worth giving a bit of time to get to know, it's worth it in the end!

What once upon a time character are you

Once Upon A Time | ABC Studios

Emma Swan!

Nice, you're most like Emma! That's says a lot about you! She's one of the best characters in the whole show and has to overcome a lot of challenges - but just like you she always rises to them! Epic!

What once upon a time character are you

Once Upon A Time | ABC Studios

Dr Whale!

Wow! Ok, we didn't expect that! Dr Whale is a complicated character, he doesn't want to be bad - but he often finds himself in trouble! Sound familiar!?