What is the minimum wage in florida 2022

Florida’s minimum wage is on the rise. This article tells you everything you need to know about minimum wage in the Sunshine State, and what you can do to prepare for any changes.

What is the minimum wage in Florida in 2022?

On Septembr 30, 2022, Florida’s minimum wage increased to $11.00 from $10, which is more than the federal minimum wage of $7.25.

In November 2020, voters decided on raising the minimum wage gradually through 2026 to $15 an hour. The Florida minimum wage will increase to $12 in September of 2023. Each year will see a $1 increase until 2026 when the minimum wage will reach $15.

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Are there plans to change the minimum wage after 2026?

The Florida minimum wage is recalculated each year on September 30 and will increase through 2026.

There is not yet any legislation on raising the minimum wage past 2026.

How should small business owners prepare for minimum wage and paid leave increases?

Every business is different, so there isn’t one right way to prepare. Here are a few options you may want to consider:

  • Audit your expenses: Check your cash flow in detail and create a hiring plan that you can afford. In some cases, you may find that hiring temporary workers as needed is less expensive than taking on full-time regular staff.
  • Make sure you hire and keep the right employees: Replacing an employee costs a lot. You decrease the total cost associated with recruiting and training when you hire (and then retain) the right people. Look for candidates with good track records, who come recommended, and who fit in with the company culture. Once your employees are onboarded, make sure you build a relationship and provide paths for growth; it makes it more likely that they will stay in their role and help with you keeping valuable employees.
  • Increase prices: This is a great way to increase cash flow. Customers are rarely happy with a price hike, but keep in mind that your competitors will be forced to do the same. Just make sure you keep track of trends, and don’t raise prices too high.
  • Update tech: Consider automating certain aspects of the work like payroll. Square Payroll can track employee hours easily and syncs directly to your timecards and point of sale, so you know when you need to staff up or when you can save money on staffing. Plus, our hardware and software is priced for small businesses in mind. Check out Square Payroll’s new features to find other ways you can reduce production costs like learning how to do payroll yourself.

As always, to make sure your business is prepared and stays in compliance (such as making sure you get an EIN, we recommend that you discuss these upcoming changes to the Florida minimum wage and paid family leave laws with your accountant and lawyer.

A shareholder in the firm’s Houston office, Mr. Mitchell’s practice focuses primarily on employment-related litigation in federal and state court and representing clients before the various federal and state agencies charged with the enforcement of employment and labor laws.  Specifically, Mr. Mitchell represents clients at hearings, conferences and investigations before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the National Labor Relations Board, the Department of Labor, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration, and the Texas Workforce Commission.


The current Florida minimum hourly wage rate is $11.00.

Employers are required to pay employees Florida’s minimum hourly rate for every hour worked unless the employer or employee is exempt by state or federal law.

Regarding the tip wage rate, Florida allows employers to pay employees who earn tips a rate of $7.98 per hour.

That said, employers can only pay lower than the standard minimum wage if the wage rate plus tips result in the tipped employee earning a standard minimum wage.

Additionally, Florida’s laws may allow employers, in limited situations, to pay certain employees a subminimum wage.

Minimum Wage Until September 29, 2023

Florida’s current minimum wage is $11.00. Florida minimum wage laws are based on Florida’s constitution. For more information, you can check out FL Statute 448.110; FL Minimum Wage Notice

In November 2020, Florida voters approved a measure allowing for incremental increases to the minimum wage.

Minimum Wage Rate Information Until 2026

Beginning September 30, 2022, and until September 29, 2023, Florida’s minimum wage is $11.00 per hour. Then, every year thereafter, on September 30, the minimum wage will increase by $1.00 per hour until, by September 30, 2026, the minimum wage will be $15.00 per hour.

Until 2026, the minimum wage rates will follow the annual increases stipulated below:

  • September 30, 2023 – $12.00
  • September 30, 2024 – $13.00
  • September 30, 2025 – $14.00
  • September 30, 2026 – $15.00

Minimum Wage in 2027 and After

Each year beginning in 2027, the Florida Agency for Workforce Innovation is responsible for issuing the next minimum wage by September 30. The next minimum wage increase shall take effect on January 1 of the following year.

The Agency for Workforce Innovation will calculate the next minimum wage based on the rate of inflation during the 12 months prior to each September 1 using the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers, CPI-W, or a successor index as calculated by the United States Department of Labor. To know more, see FL Statute 448.110.

Florida and the Federal Minimum Wage

Florida employers must also comply with federal minimum wage laws, which currently sets the federal minimum wage at $7.25. See FLSA: Minimum Wage

If an employer chooses to pay employees minimum wage, the employer must pay those employees in accordance with the minimum wage law, either federal or state, that results in the employees being paid the higher wage.In most instances, Florida minimum wage laws will apply, as it generally guarantees a higher wage rate for employees than the federal law wage rate.

Minimum Wage Calculator

Tip Minimum Wage

Florida’s current minimum wage for tipped employees is $7.98. FL Minimum Wage

Under Florida minimum wage laws, if employers choose to pay the tipped minimum wage, they must ensure that tipped employees are paid the regular minimum wage rate of $11.00 when the tipped wage rate is combined with tips received. FL Constitution, Art. X, Sec. 24(c) Florida has adopted the eligibility criteria from the federal Fair Labor Standards Act to determine which employees qualify to be paid the minimum tipped wage rate. FL Constitution, Art. X, Sec. 24(c).

Tip Pooling and Sharing

Florida minimum wage laws do not prohibit either mandatory or voluntary tip or gratuity pooling. Thus, employers would be permitted to require or allow tipped employees to participate in tip pooling arrangements.

Subminimum wage

Employees with Disabilities

Florida has adopted the rules and requirements for paying employees with disabilities as set for by the Fair Labor Standards Act and its regulations. To know more, check FL Statute 448.110(3).


Florida has adopted the rules and requirements for paying trainees as set for in the Fair Labor Standards Act and its regulations. To know more, check FL Statute 448.110(3).


Florida has adopted the rules and requirements for paying apprentices as set for in the Fair Labor Standards Act and its regulations. To know more, check FL Statute 448.110(3).


Florida has adopted the rules and requirements for paying student learners as set for in the Fair Labor Standards Act and its regulations. To know more, check FL Statute 448.110(3).

Student Learners

Florida has adopted the rules and requirements for paying student learners as set for in the Fair Labor Standards Act and its regulations. To know more, check FL Statute 448.110(3).

Student Workers

Florida has adopted the rules and requirements for paying student workers as set for in the Fair Labor Standards Act and its regulations. FL Statute 448.110(3).

Florida Minimum Wage Laws 2022 FAQs

There might be some pertinent information about wages in Florida that may not have been covered above. Below are some FAQs to help provide further guidance.

What is the 15-day period or 15-day safe harbor according to Florida labor law?

What this means is that any affected employee with unpaid minimum wages claims have the right to notify the employer of the minimum wage that needs to be claimed. 

This employee may also be called the “person aggrieved” who must file the notice within the period of time specified.

This is in line with Section 448.110 of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

How can an employee calculate his or her unpaid wages according to Florida labor law?

For employees to calculate their unpaid wages and minimum wage claim, the difference between their hourly rate should be taken from what they have been actually paid.

Then, this amount is multiplied by the total number of work hour requirement rendered.

What do Florida labor laws state about unpaid overtime hours?

For almost any individual employee, federal rates apply in Florida for federal overtime standards. After all, the state lacks its own overtime policy, for now.

Note that a non-exempt employee paid hourly has the right to overtime pay. Exemptions to the rule include white-collar employees.

 Those are all the FAQs! For other questions about employers’ compliance regarding minimum wage, it is best to seek legal advice from any tax professional or tax attorney.

Other State’s Minimum Wage Information

Alabama Hawaii Massachusetts New Mexico South Dakota
Alaska Idaho Michigan New York Tennessee
Arizona Illinois Minnesota North Carolina Texas
Arkansas Indiana Mississippi North Dakota Utah
California Iowa Missouri Ohio Vermont
Colorado Kansas Montana Oklahoma Virginia
Connecticut Kentucky Nebraska Oregon Washington
Delaware Louisiana Nevada Pennsylvania West Virginia
District of Columbia Maine New Hampshire Rhode Island Wisconsin
Florida Maryland New Jersey South Carolina Wyoming

What is Florida's minimum wage 2023?

State of Florida Minimum Wage Increases Through 2026.

What is the minimum wage in 2022 us?

How much is minimum wage? The federally mandated minimum wage in the United States is 7.25 U.S. dollars per hour, although the minimum wage varies from state to state. As of January 1, 2022, the District of Columbia had the highest minimum wage in the U.S., at 15.2 U.S. dollars per hour.

What is a living wage in Florida?

Living Wage Calculation for Florida.

What state has lowest minimum wage?

Currently, 30 states and Washington D.C. have minimum wages above the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. Five states have not adopted a state minimum wage: Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and Tennessee. Two states, Georgia and Wyoming, have a minimum wage below $7.25 per hour.