What helps an upset stomach for a dog

Although your dog's upset stomach  (including vomiting and diarrhea) can be a common sign of poisoning or illness, the most common culprit in dogs is simple digestive upset.   More often than not, your dog could have eaten too much, too fast, or ate something he or she should not have consumed at all, causing an upset stomach or even vomiting.   

If scavenging trash, ingesting moldy, rotten food, or scarfing food too quickly is the culprit, then offering an at-home remedy for upset stomachs may do the trick. However, keep in mind that while isolated episodes may not be serious, if 2-3 episodes in a 24-hour period occur, or the upset stomach is accompanied by other symptoms, it could in fact be something more serious. 

According to Julie Reck DVM, Veterinary Medical Center of Fort Mill, South Carolina and Co-Founder of Aspire Vet, upset stomachs accompanied by other symptoms could warrant immediate medical attention.

“If a dog has other symptoms, such as a lack of appetite or is acting tired or sluggish, then even an isolated episode should be evaluated by your veterinarian,” Julie Reck DVM said.1

As far as giving an antacid to your pooch, avoid Pepto-Bismol® and other products containing salicylic acid, which inflame canine tummies. Your veterinarian may suggest Pepcid®, Mylanta® or Gaviscon® (except for pets with kidney disease).2 Additionally, oral probiotics may help with stomach issues, as long as the brand you choose does not contain xylitol.

Other tummy soothers for Fido may be found in places as close as your kitchen cupboard!  Consider checking out some do-it-yourself home remedies that may help your dog’s upset stomach:


Ginger can be a simple solution for a dog’s upset stomach, and what works better than ginger snap cookies? Two cookies for a medium-sized dog can generally does the trick.  If your dog will drink, you can also try peeling fresh ginger root, and boiling it in water. When cool, let him lap it up. All of these options can also help your dog with motion sickness. 

Pumpkin Puree

Pumpkin Puree is a natural remedy for diarrhea since fiber helps firm up loose stools.  


Rice is very easily digested by a dog with an upset stomach.  Better yet, adding a spoonful of pumpkin to it can boost its benefits and make it taste yummier as well.  


Honey is packed with antioxidants and flavonoids, and its pH is low enough to slow or prevent the growth of many types of bacteria. There is substantial evidence that New Zealand’s Manuka honey may be effective against Helicobacter pylori bacteria which causes stomach ulcers.3


Carob (aka pet-safe chocolate) is great for calming an upset tummy and curbing diarrhea. Mixing carob powder with a little honey and filtered water, or even into non-fat plain yogurt, can be a treat for your dog. 


Cinnamon has long been considered a treatment for nausea, fever and diarrhea!    

Slippery Elm

This is one of the greatest remedies for digestive disorders. When the bark is mixed with goat milk or goat milk yogurt, it lines the gut and intestines, protecting the mucous membranes from irritation. It is best to check with your veterinarian regarding dosing.4


Cabbage contains many nutrients that support the tummy and intestinal lining.  The veggie has anti-inflammatory properties, and cabbage can help curb stomach pain. 

  • Prevent pets from drinking out of lakes, streams, gutters, buckets and unsanitary sources.
  • Wash water bowls daily.
  • Don't feed table scraps or change a pet's diet suddenly.
  • Ensure all leftovers or potentially harmful foods are kept out of a pet’s reach
  • Check with your veterinarian regularly 

Dogs sometimes get into things that they should not, however vomiting and diarrhea can also be signs of serious illness.  When in doubt, always check with your veterinarian to ensure a quick recovery.  

Looking for more ways to keep your pup happy and healthy? Consider investing in a dog insurance policy with MetLife Pet Insurance.1  Get your free quote today. 

February 03, 2022

Sharp pains, aching, and burning—these are all symptoms of a nasty tummy ache. Unfortunately, our furry best friends get stomach pain just like us, except they can’t tell us when they have it. Luckily, there are some signs and symptoms to look out for so you know if your dog needs help. Once you know they’re uncomfortable, you need to understand how to help your dog’s upset stomach.

Signs of an Upset Stomach in a Dog

There are a variety of symptoms that indicate your dog may be experiencing stomach pain. The most obvious symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, pacing, or loss of appetite. If your dog is having severe vomiting, fever, or bloody diarrhea, you need to visit a vet immediately. Any of these symptoms may signal that something serious is going on with your dog. 

Not all signs of a stomach ache are so apparent. Something as simple as lethargy may be a product of an upset stomach. Whatever the case may be, the best way to assess a dog’s stomach ache is to keep a close eye on them.

What Causes an Upset Stomach in Dogs?

Just like humans, there are many things that can upset your dog’s stomach. Not all dogs are the same. Some dogs are more sensitive than others, but you know your dog best. 

Among the most common causes of stomach pain in dogs is eating something they shouldn’t have. This could mean anything from chocolate to a shoelace. If your dog ingests something they shouldn’t have, they need to be assessed as soon as possible by a veterinarian. 

It could be something as simple as a change in your dog’s food or digestive system. Their bodies need time to adjust to any dietary changes, so they may exhibit some symptoms, such as a lack of appetite until they’ve gotten used to their new food. Another cause for digestive issues is a lack of proper digestive bacteria, also known as probiotics. 

Remedies for an Upset Stomach in Dogs

So, you’ve confirmed that your dog has an upset stomach. When a dog’s stomach ache isn’t severe enough to warrant a vet visit, what can you do? Here are some at-home remedies that will provide your pup with some relief. 

Ice Cubes

It’s important to keep your dog hydrated if they have an upset stomach, especially if they’re experiencing diarrhea or vomiting. Too much plain water can upset their stomach further, so ice cubes are a good choice.  By providing ice cubes, you can manage their intake of water better. 


When it comes to at-home upset stomach remedies for dogs, pumpkin is one of the best ones. First, you need to be sure to get fresh or canned pumpkin that has very few ingredients. Pumpkin with added salt, spices, or water may cause further pain, so it’s best to avoid that. 

The fiber provided by pumpkin acts as a prebiotic that stimulates the production of probiotics that help your dog with digestion. 


Sometimes, adding to the stomach will only make things worse, so fasting is another possible remedy for a dog’s upset stomach. Before fasting, though, you need to consult your veterinarian to make sure that it’s safe for your dog. Every breed is different, and smaller dogs may not tolerate fasting as well as others. 

Schedule A Same-Day Visit Today

At Care First Animal Hospital, we provide excellent care for our patients. We’re proud to offer same-day appointments for sick pets. If you’ve tried these at-home remedies and your dog still needs help, please give us a call, and schedule a same-day appointment. 

We look forward to helping you and your pup!

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