What can i do to reduce cholesterol

If you have high cholesterol, it’s most important to eat less saturated fat. Foods that are high in saturated fats are things like fatty and processed meat, pies and pastry, butter, cream, and coconut oil.

Some foods contain dietary cholesterol but surprisingly they don’t make a big difference to the cholesterol in your blood. These are foods like eggs, some shellfish like prawns and crab and offal such as liver, liver pate and kidney. They are low in saturated fat and so are fine to eat as part of a healthy diet. 

Find out more about cholesterol and eggs

2. What foods will lower my cholesterol?

The best way to eat a better diet is to swap your saturated fats with foods that are high in unsaturated fat like vegetable oils (sunflower, olive and rapeseed oil), nuts seeds and avocado and oily fish.  

A few small swaps can make a big difference to your cholesterol level. Many people say they don’t notice the difference. Try:

  • swapping butter to vegetable oil spreads like sunflower, olive or rapeseed oil spreads
  • switching whole milk to skimmed milk
  • using natural yogurt instead of sour cream or double cream
  • replacing regular mince with leaner, lower fat options
  • swapping red or processed meat for fish, turkey or chicken without the skin, or plant-based proteins such as lentils, soya or Quorn
  • switch your crisps for unsalted nuts
  • having reduced fat cheese instead of regular cheese
  • ordering less takeaways. Instead try our healthy comfort foods for delicious heart-healthy options.

Eat fibre to lower cholesterol

Eating high-fibre food can also help to lower your cholesterol. Fibre helps reduce the amount of cholesterol that is absorbed into the blood stream from your intestine.

  • Make sure you get at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day as these contain fibre along with other nutrients
  • Eat plenty of other high fibre foods like pulses (such as lentils, beans and chickpeas) oats and seeds.
  • Choose more wholegrain foods when you can, such as brown or granary bread over white.

Easy ways to eat more fibre

3. Can exercise help to lower cholesterol?

Yes it can. Getting your blood pumping by doing exercise will reduce your cholesterol. Being active helps your body move the bad cholesterol to your liver where it can be removed out of your system. 

You don’t have to join a gym or go on long runs if you don’t enjoy it, just look for chances to move more every day. Many people find that being active improves their mood so they make healthier food choices. You could try:

  • taking the stairs instead of the lift
  • a brisk walk instead of a slow walk
  • doing two-minute bursts of jumping jacks several times a day
  • yoga or pilates if you can’t get out 
  • our exercises to do if you’re stuck at home.

4. Will stopping smoking lower my cholesterol?

If you're a smoker you might already know you should stop if you have high cholesterol. Smoking increases ‘bad cholesterol’ and lowers ‘good cholesterol’, increasing your risk of heart attacks and stroke. 

These services will be able to give you useful advice on how to deal with cravings and gradually stop smoking.

Find out more about what smoking does to your body.

5. Should I stop drinking if I have high cholesterol? 

Cutting down on alcohol will help your liver to work better at removing bad cholesterol. It may also improve your heart health in other ways by helping you lose weight and lower your blood pressure.

Our top tips for drinking alcohol are to:

  • drink less than 14 units of alcohol a week
  • have a few days each week where you don’t drink at all
  • avoid binge drinking by drinking half what you usually would
  • order a small glass of wine or half a pint of beer.

Read more of our advice on alcohol.

By making some of these small changes you should see your cholesterol levels go down.

Reduce your cholesterol

Our cholesterol hub answers all your questions about cholesterol including what it is, when to get checks and more about statins.    

More about cholesterol

If you have high cholesterol it’s a good idea to get your cholesterol levels tested at least once a year to track your progress. A check every 5 years is advised if your cholesterol levels are borderline or normal.

Cholesterol is a type of fat which is needed by your body to build and repair cells and to make hormones. Your liver makes cholesterol, and some foods contain it.

There are different types of cholesterol, and each is named after the different proteins that carry cholesterol in the blood. The key ones are:

  • LDL cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein cholesterol) — known as ‘bad’ cholesterol
  • HDL cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol) — known as ‘good’ cholesterol

High cholesterol is common among Australians — 1 in 3 adults has high cholesterol. Over time, having too much 'bad' cholesterol causes fatty deposits called plaques to form in the walls of the arteries. This leads to a narrowing and hardening of the arteries, which increases the risk of heart attacks and stroke.

Making lifestyle changes — and sometimes, taking medicines — can lower a person’s cholesterol levels.

How do I know if I have high cholesterol?

Many Australians don't know they have high cholesterol, because there are no symptoms. High cholesterol can only be detected through a blood test.

Some people have a condition called familial hypercholesterolaemia — where a genetic problem leads to high cholesterol. About one in 500 Australians has this condition and many don’t know they have it. If you have a family history of high cholesterol or of heart disease at a young age, ask your doctor about your risk.

FIND A HEALTH SERVICE — The Service Finder can help you find doctors, pharmacies, hospitals and other health services.

How is cholesterol measured?

Cholesterol is measured using a blood test called a ‘lipid profile’. This measures total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, as well as triglycerides — another type of fat in the blood. You will normally be asked to fast (not eat anything) and only drink water for about 10 hours before the test.

How often should I have my cholesterol tested?

Adults should have their blood lipids measured every 5 years, starting at 45 years. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should start lipid blood tests at 35, because on average heart and blood vessel disease — such as heart attacks and stroke — happen 10 to 20 years earlier in Indigenous people.

All Australians in these age groups are eligible for a regular 20-minute heart health check with their doctor. This checks your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Your doctor can then assess your risk of having a heart attack or stroke in the next 5 years.

What are the risks linked to high cholesterol?

Too much LDL (bad) cholesterol in the blood can increase your risk of heart and blood vessel disease (cardiovascular disease).

The excess LDL cholesterol leads to fatty deposits called plaque forming in the artery walls. Over time, the plaque causes narrowing and hardening of the arteries (known as atherosclerosis).

This can lead to:

  • Angina — when plaque builds up in the major arteries that supply your heart, known as the coronary arteries, they become narrower and are partially blocked, reducing blood flow and oxygen supply to the heart. This may cause shortness of breath and chest pain.
  • Heart attack — if a plaque in a coronary artery bursts (ruptures), a clot may form and block the supply of blood to the heart, starving it of oxygen.
  • Stroke — if the blood vessels that supply the brain become narrower or blocked by plaque, blood supply to the brain can be severely reduced or cut off, causing a stroke. Strokes can also be caused when a clot from another part of the body travels through the blood and lodges in an artery in the brain.
  • Peripheral vascular disease — this usually affects the arteries that supply the legs and feet, causing leg pain when walking (known as intermittent claudication), and even pain when resting, when the circulation is more badly affected

A high level of HDL cholesterol is good because HDL cholesterol helps remove other forms of cholesterol from the blood, taking them back to the liver — where they're removed from the blood and passed out of the body.

ARE YOU AT RISK? — Are you at risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease or kidney disease? Use the healthdirect Risk Checker to find out.

How can I lower my cholesterol by making lifestyle changes?

You can lower your cholesterol levels by making lifestyle changes, and through taking medicines if that's what your doctor advises. Some people will only need to improve their lifestyle and diet to get their cholesterol to a safe level. Others may need to take cholesterol-lowering medicines, as well.

Reduce your intake of saturated and trans fats

Adopt and follow a healthy diet that’s low in saturated and trans fats. A diet high in these fats can raise levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood.

Saturated fat is usually solid at room temperature. It’s found in animal products such as meat and dairy, but also in palm oil, coconut oil and full-cream milk. Read more about saturated fat-rich foods here.

Trans fats (or, trans fatty acids) are found in store-bought baked goods, snack foods and deep-fried foods. There is strong evidence that trans fats increase levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood, while decreasing levels of HDL (good) cholesterol.

Some foods contain cholesterol (known as ‘dietary cholesterol’). Foods that contain cholesterol include liver, pate, kidneys, prawns and egg yolks. These types of food are not usually eaten in large quantities, so it’s OK to include them in your diet in small amounts.

Foods that contain saturated fats have a greater effect on blood cholesterol levels than foods that contain dietary cholesterol.

Replace saturated fats with healthier fats

Replacing foods that contain mainly saturated fats with foods that contain unsaturated fats — such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats — will help reduce your cholesterol level.

For example, instead of butter and cream in cooking, use olive oil, nut butters or avocado.

Healthy unsaturated fats are found in:

  • nuts (such as almonds and walnuts)
  • olives
  • oily fish (for example, salmon and sardines)
  • avocado
  • seeds (flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds)
  • oils made from plants and seeds (olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, soybean oil)

Eat more soluble fibre

Soluble fibre can reduce the absorption of cholesterol into your blood and it slows down digestion, making you feel fuller for longer. Foods that are high in soluble fibre include:

  • oats
  • lentils, peas and beans
  • psyllium
  • barley
  • fruits and vegetables (such as apples and carrots)

Consume plant sterols

Plant sterols are compounds that can lower LDL cholesterol. They occur naturally in plants, fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains and are added to some packaged foods, such as table spreads, cereals, low-fat yoghurt and low-fat milk.

Plant sterols that occur naturally in foods are only present in small amounts, compared with plant sterols that are added to foods. Consuming 2 to 3 grams of certain plant sterol-enriched foods daily has been shown to lower LDL cholesterol by around 10%.

Adding plant sterol-enriched foods to your diet is the most effective dietary change you can make to reduce your LDL cholesterol. However they’re not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Increase your physical activity

Physical activity increases levels of HDL cholesterol — the ‘good’ cholesterol that removes LDL cholesterol from the blood. Vigorous aerobic exercise is best.

If you haven’t been exercising much lately, gradually build up to the recommended amount of physical activity:

  • People aged 18-64 years should do 30 to 60 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most days of the week.
  • People aged 65 years and over should aim for a total of 30 minutes of moderate physical activity on most days (10 minutes at a time, for example, is OK).

Moderate-intensity exercise is a level that increases your heart rate and breathing but allows you to keep talking. Vigorous intensity exercise makes your heart rate higher and makes you breathe more heavily.

Resistance training (using weights, resistance bands or your own body weight) and muscle-toning exercises can increase HDL cholesterol. Aim to do this twice a week.

Reduce your weight if overweight

If you are obese or overweight, losing weight can help reduce your levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, while increasing your levels of HDL cholesterol.

Limit your alcohol intake

Alcohol can increase your levels of triglycerides. Along with LDL cholesterol, high levels of triglycerides raise your risk of heart disease.

Excess alcohol consumption also increases blood pressure and can lead to obesity (due to the kilojoules in alcohol) — both additional risk factors for heart disease.

To reduce the risk of heart disease and other risks from alcohol, limit your intake to no more than 10 standard drinks per week and no more than 4 drinks per day.

Quit smoking

Smoking reduces HDL cholesterol and speeds up the rate at which fatty plaques form in the walls of your arteries. It also makes your blood more likely to clot. These factors increase your risk of heart attack and stroke. Stopping smoking is one of the best ways to improve your heart and blood vessel health.

Your doctor can help you quit smoking. You can also call the Quitline on 13 7848 to talk to a counsellor, or use its online chat service. Aboriginal Quitline can also support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who smoke.

As well as making lifestyle changes, some people will need to take cholesterol-lowering medicines to reduce their risk of heart and blood vessel disease, known as cardiovascular disease. The medicines most commonly used are called statins.

Your doctor will consider all your risk factors for cardiovascular disease before suggesting medication — not just your cholesterol and lipid results. If you’ve already had a heart attack or stroke, taking statins can substantially lower your risk of having another one.

Statins work by slowing the amount of cholesterol made in your liver. In response, your liver uses the cholesterol already in your blood to make up for the deficit. This lowers the level of LDL cholesterol in your blood.

If statins alone do not lower your cholesterol enough, you may need additional medicines.

Contact your doctor if your medicines are causing any side effects.

Help and support

For more information, resources and support, try these organisations:

An accredited practising dietitian can design a personalised eating plan for you to lower your cholesterol. Find one at Dietitians Australia.

What reduces cholesterol quickly?

Fill Up on Fiber Foods like oatmeal, apples, prunes, and beans are high in soluble fiber, which keeps your body from absorbing cholesterol. Research shows that people who ate 5 to 10 more grams of it each day saw a drop in their LDL. Eating more fiber also makes you feel full, so you won't crave snacks as much.

How can I lower my cholesterol naturally at home?

Lifestyle changes to lower your cholesterol.
Read those nutrition labels to avoid trans fats. ... .
Choose meats with fewer saturated fats, like fish or chicken. ... .
Get more soluble fiber with whole grain bread, kidney beans, quinoa and more. ... .
Boost unsaturated fats and fiber by snacking on fruits, vegetables and nuts..

What are 5 foods that can lower cholesterol?

Add these foods to lower LDL cholesterol.
Oats. ... .
Barley and other whole grains. ... .
Beans. ... .
Eggplant and okra. ... .
Nuts. ... .
Vegetable oils. ... .
Apples, grapes, strawberries, citrus fruits. ... .
Foods fortified with sterols and stanols..

Are bananas good for cholesterol?

The fiber and potassium in bananas can reduce the level of cholesterol and blood pressure. Banana is especially known as a good source of soluble fibre which will gives one a healthy body and good immune system.