Warmth from the fireplace circulating through the house.

  • 1. An 18-g piece of a metal absorbs 1095 joules of heat energy, and its temperature changes from 20°C to 165°C. Calculate the specific heat capacity of the metal.

A) 0.42 J
B) 8,823.8 J
C) 0.42 J/go C

  • 2. How many joules of heat are needed to raise the temperature of 12.0 g of aluminum from 20°C to 44°C, if the specific heat of aluminum is 0.90 J/g°C?

A) 259.2 J
B) 0..694 J
C) 0.694 J

  • 3. When 15.0 g of water drops in temperature from 95.0 °C to 50.0 °C, how much heat energy is released? (c of H2O = 4.18 J/g °C)

A) 161.5 J
B) 2821.5 J
C) -2821.5 J

  • 4. Convert 7oC to Kelvin.

A) 280 K
B) -266 K
C) 280 oF
D) -266 oK

  • 5. Convert 272 K to Celsius.

A) 545 C
B) -1 oC
C) 545 oC
D) -1 F

  • 6. Convert 100oF to Celsius.

A) -173 oC
B) 373 oC
C) 37.8 oC
D) 212 oC

  • 7. Heat flows from _________ to _________ objects.

A) hot; cold
B) cold; hot

  • 8. What factor does thermal energy NOT depend on?

A) temperature
B) mass
C) force

  • 9. _______________ is the transfer of energy by waves moving through space.

A) Radiation
B) Convection
C) Conduction

  • 10. _______________ is the transfer of thermal energy when particles of a fluid move from one place to another.

A) Convection
B) Conduction
C) Radiation

  • 11. _______________ is the transfer of thermal energy with no overall transfer of matter, within a material or between materials that are TOUCHING.

A) Convection
B) Radiation
C) Conduction

  • 12. If you increase the temperature of the particles inside a balloon, what will happen to the volume? ( Think about thermal expansion)

A) increase
B) stay the same
C) decrease

  • 13. _____________ is the transfer of thermal energy.

A) Temperature
B) Heat
C) Work

  • 14. Thermal energy is the total __________ and ___________ energy of all the particles in an object

A) work; heat
B) heat; kinetic
C) potential; kinetic

  • 15. Which has more thermal energy, a giant iceberg or a warm pot of chili?

A) an iceberg
B) a pot of chili

  • 16. Sunburn is caused by ______________.

A) conduction
B) radiation
C) convection

  • 17. Warmth from the fireplace circulating through the house by moving air currents is an example of _____________.

A) convection
B) conduction
C) radiation

  • 18. Cooking an egg in a pan is an example of ________________.

A) convection
B) radiation
C) conduction

  • 19. Heat is a form of matter.


  • 20. Heat is the transfer of thermal energy from one object to another because of a difference in

A) specific heat.
B) temperature.
C) mass.

  • 21. What property of an object is related to the average kinetic energy of the particles in that object?

A) mass
B) temperature
C) specific heat

  • 22. Matter is needed to transfer thermal energy by

A) conduction and convection.
B) radiation.
C) convection only

  • 23. A vacuum, which is a place like outer space that has no matter, stops which two types of thermal energy transfer?

A) radiation and convection
B) conduction and convection
C) conduction and radiation

  • 24. Which of the following materials conducts heat well?

A) metal
B) wood
C) air
D) plastic

  • 25. Which of the following is a unit for heat?

A) J/goC
B) kg
C) oC
D) J

  • 26. Convert 273 K to Fahrenheit.

A) 523.4 oF
B) 32 oF
C) 0 oF
D) -273 oF

  • 27. Convert 49 oC to Fahrenheit.

A) 9.4 F
B) 120.2 K
C) 9.4 oF
D) 120.2 oF

  • 28. The kinetic energy of the particles that make up an object increases as the particles' ________ increases.

A) volume
B) potential energy
C) speed

  • 29. A material that reduces the flow of heat by conduction, convection, and radiation is a(an) _______.

A) conductor
B) matter
C) insulator

  • 30. Through which of the following will convection most likely occur?

A) solids and liquids
B) gases and solids
C) gases and liquids

  • 31. The air between the two layers of glass in double paned windows prevents heat transfer because it is a (an)_________________.

A) insulator
B) conductor

  • 32. Which one of these is NOT a conductor?

A) sweater
B) frying pan
C) copper pipes

  • 33. What is the main reason a tile floor feels colder to your bare feet than a carpeted floor?

A) your feet have a higher specific heat than the carpet
B) there is more surface area of contact with a tile floor
C) the tile floor is at a lower temperature

  • 34. Which has more thermal energy, 200 g of water at 60 (o)C or 400 g of water at 60 (o)C ?

A) 200 g of water
B) 400 g of water

  • 35. Hot air rises and cold air sinks because hot air is _________________ dense than cold air.

A) less
B) more
C) equally

Is warmth from a fireplace conduction convection or radiation?

A wood-burning fireplace provides heat via radiation, convection, and conduction—in other words, with all possible methods of heat transference. However, most of the heat your fireplace gives to your home comes by way of thermal radiation. Your fireplace's convection heat is moving through the air, and hot air rises.

Is warming hand over a radiator conduction convection or radiation?

When you touch the outside of the radiator, it feels hot. The heat is transferred from the water to the metal, and then to your hand by direct contact. This is called THERMAL CONDUCTION.

How does a fireplace transfer heat?

Heat Through Convection In a fireplace, heat moves from a wood burning fire into a room as cool air is pulled into the fire from floor level to fuel it. This forces the warm air out as it rises into the room's space and it increases the temperature.

Is a hot plate conduction convection or radiation?

The hot plate caused the saucepan to get hot via conduction. But the water got hot due to convection. The hot water at the bottom of the pan expanded and became lighter than the colder water above it.