Used pull out method for years and not pregnant reddit

Posted byu/[deleted]10 months ago


Used pull out method for years and not pregnant reddit

My husband and I are on our 6th cycle of trying. I know it isn't that long, but I can't help but start to get concerned. We used the pull out method for over 6 years. He got out in time 98% of the time. I always assumed we would end up with an accident baby at some point, but it never happened. Now I keep having this feeling that we never did because I have fertility problems. Is it rare for the pull out method to work that well for so long? Was it actually only working because of other underlying issues I have? I have no reason to think that, my cycle is consistent, I'm ovulating and in good health. My husband's sperm tests came back great and I'm waiting a couple more months to get some tests done for myself. I know the answer is to give it time, but I guess I just need some peace of mind until then. Is there anyone else who used the pullout method before trying and now worries about the same thing?

Posted by3 years ago


Used pull out method for years and not pregnant reddit

Me and my husband wasn’t trying to get pregnant but we wasn’t really preventing it either. He pulled out, and two weeks later I just found out I’m pregnant and we’re both very excited!! We used this method for 7 years, so this surprised me. I watched him pull out, so maybe he didn’t fast enough?

I’m completely aware that it’s not a good form of birth control. I’m just curious to see if anyone else here got pregnant that way.

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Posted byu/[deleted]8 years ago


Used pull out method for years and not pregnant reddit

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Used pull out method for years and not pregnant reddit

level 1

I would never attempt this method.

level 2

Me neither. Why use the worst birth control method when so many better options are available?

level 2

Same. And happy Cake Day!

level 1


Lots of people have success with the pull out method given their significant other is trustworthy or does not accidentally ejaculate while penetrated. (I have not used this method).

level 1

Here. It was rather clear from the beginning that he/we wouldn't fuck it up, but of course we couldn't know if his precum regularly contains sperm. Which it usually shouldn't, but the point is you don't know and in that case your efforts are basically futile.

It's surprisingly effective if done right, but the problem is that you can't know if you're at risk of pregnancy. With condoms for example, you see when it broke/it slipped off; with pills, you know when you forgot one or more; IUDs rarely fail to begin with.
Pulling out, however, is pretty much a guessing game.

level 2

I mean, people get pregnant on the pill or IUD all the time still, and they have no way of knowing either. And with withdrawal method you DO know if you messed up: if he came inside of you.

level 1

Me! We've been going that route for five years now.

However, I also have PCOS that was untreated for about three of those years, so I rarely ovulated anyway. Still doing okay now that I do ovulate normally, though. My husband is great and very careful.

level 2

What's helping you ovulate normally now? Birth control?

level 1

I used it successfully for probably 4 or 5 years.

level 1

My boyfriend and I have been using it for 4 months. I know when I'm ovulating because I cramp during ovulation since I had my daughter 2 years ago, so we use condoms around that time to avoid an accident due to precum. I am however going to my doctor this month to discuss BC because I'd prefer something a little more effective that doesn't require any use of condoms.

level 1

My step-brother uses this method exclusively from what I've gathered. He now has 4 kids and I know for a fact that 2-4 were unplanned. The oldest just turned 5. He and his wife are drowning in apathy and child-care costs, which in turn leads to children with poor manners, poor cognitive faculties, and a poor quality of life.

I love my nieces and nephew to death, but it is crushing to see their chaotic home life, see how they lag behind their peers, and foresee the unforgiving world ahead of them.

If anyone is considering using the "Withdrawal Method", please reconsider.

Relevant joke: What do you call a couple who uses the "Withdrawal Method"?


level 1

for 4.5 years now.

He always shoots his load on my stomach/boobs a little bit on my face, bed, hair, everywhere. haha.

committed long term couple who are on the same page about what to do and when. Our lives were intertwined before we got romantic. So, he didn't start as some random person off the street.

Also my monthly cycle is on his google calendar.

level 1

Me. I've never been pregnant and I've been using the withdrawal method with all of my LTRs (save for one when I was on birth control). I don't have any fertility issues that I know of.

level 1

I did. For a few years with no pregnancy and then I got on the pill. Then I got off of the pill for a few months and bam! pregnant. I figured I was infertile since I'd gone years before without getting pregnant but surprise! I got an IUD with my abortion.

level 1

It was successful for my ex-husband and me for 2.5 years before our first kid. After that, we just stopped using BC all together (with the exception of pregnancy and lactational menorrhea).

level 1

I did with my ex over several years, no problems beyond one screw up that the morning after pill took care of, and few cases of late period anxiety.

That's the biggest downside I'd say. She was super stressed, ate very unhealthy and got horribly inconsistent amounts of sleep, so a late period was nothing too surprising. However, you combine that with the pull out method and every time is suddenly cause for a freakout. Though I guess that would happen with other methods too, really.

level 1

my now-husband and i utilized this method when we first started fucking, before i was able to get on hormonal birth control. it worked for us (i never got pregnant), but admittedly, he was very in control of and aware of his orgasm, so that definitely had something to do with it. i'd say we had a perfect use rate.

i don't think i'd use withdrawal again unless i was okay with getting pregnant. that being said, i don't judge anybody for their birth control method as long as they're informed. their body, their choice :)

level 1

2 years safe and counting.

level 1

Been doing it for over 5 years, not even a pregnancy scare.

level 1

For years and years (over a decade in total) in conjection with the cervical mucus based fertility awareness method and condoms... at the least risky parts of my cycle it is a condom OR pulling out, condoms and pulling out at the more risky parts of my cycle. 100% success, no non-deliberate pregnancies.

level 1

That success is essentially luck.

Can pull out method work for years?

Pull-Out Method Effectiveness Pulling out isn't a very reliable way to prevent pregnancy. It works about 78% of the time, which means that over a year of using this method, 22 out of 100 women -- about 1 in 5 -- would get pregnant. By comparison, male condoms are 98% effective when used correctly every time.

Can you still get pregnant from pulling out Reddit?

Yes. You can get pregnant from the pull-out method.

What are the chances of getting pregnant during ovulation using pull out method?

The calculated risk of pregnancy when using the pull-out method the right way is thought to be about 4%. This means for every 100 couples who use the pull-out method, four pregnancies will happen.

What is the success rate of pulling out?

How effective is withdrawal? If withdrawal is used correctly, every time you have sex, it is 96% effective at preventing pregnancy.