Twilight wolf pack x reader poly

Twilight wolf pack x reader poly

Pairing: Wolf Pack x Reader (Platonic), Sam Uley x Reader

Characters: Sam Uley, Embry Call, Quil Ateara, Jacob Black, Seth Clearwater, Paul Lahote

Warnings: N/A

Request: @yessssqueen24: “hello if I may ask can you please write more twilight one shots or series more specifically about the twilight wolf pack if you can’t I totally understand thank you for reading this… ps you have awesome writers”

Word Count: 526

Author: Hannah

Quite a few people had told you in the past that family was the most important thing that you could have in your life – and a part of you did agree, but you’d never been especially close with your proper family.

You’d always been the ‘odd one out’ and you’d never quite fitted in with what your parents wanted for you and your siblings, so when you ended up falling for Sam and wanted to stay with him, your parents didn’t seem that bothered about leaving you behind in Forks.

However, you’d never felt more of a sense of family than when you were with the pack.

Yes, you loved Sam unconditionally, but you loved all of the pack too.

Jacob and Paul were like your overprotective older brothers; but Seth, Quil and Embry were all little brothers to you.

When it came to your wedding though, you wanted your proper family to be there, but you were unsure about whether or not they actually would.

You’d been sat on the sofa staring at the seating chart for over an hour when the pack came bounding in, picking up the food you’d left on the counter before situating themselves in various positions around you.

“You’re still looking at that?” Seth asked as he chewed some of a muffin.

Sighing, you nodded your head. “I still haven’t heard back from my brothers about if they’re coming or not – my parents are, and my little sister is but the boys just don’t want to say anything.”

Jacob took the seating chart out of your hands. “You need to have a break with this – they’ll get back to you eventually.”

“And if they don’t get back to you, then they’re the ones missing out,” Paul chimed in, crossing his arms and glaring at the seating chart as if it was your brothers.

Sam came through the door and leant down to press a kiss to the top of your head.

“Are they all annoyed at your brothers again?” he questioned as he looked to his pack.

You nodded as you looked around at the pack, all with varying expressions of annoyance.

“They won’t stop being annoyed until they reply to me, and it’s our wedding!” you said with a joking tone.

Sam laughed, shoving Jacob out of the way slightly so that he could sit down next to you.

“I think you’ll find that it’s our wedding too,” Paul spoke up with a smirk on his face.

Your fiancé rolled his eyes, but you couldn’t help but smile at your pack.

“Are you the one I’m spending the rest of my life with?” Sam quizzed, pointedly looking at Paul.

Embry chuckled as he shrugged. “Technically you are as you’re the alpha.”

“They’ve got you there my love.”

Sam looked to you in shock. “And who’s side are you on?!”

Giggling you shrugged your shoulders. “They are my pack.”

“Yeah! And she loves us,” Seth shouted out as he smiled at you.

As the boys started to bicker around you, your fiancé included, you couldn’t help but smile at your chosen family – and just how much they meant to you.

Day 11

Imagine Being Mates To Sam And Paul

For My Followers

To say you’re loved is an understatement, your adored, cherished, worshipped, protected, and coveted.

There is an army of wolves ready to guard you at a moments notice mostly from boredom.

Nothing from the pack or your friends can even come close to what you have with Sam and Paul.


You’re sitting against a book shelf reading Harry Potter when you hear them.

“Paul we just have to patient,” a gruff voice lectures from behind the shelf.

“But I want to meet them. Sam I love you but we can both feel the gap,” another voice grumbles. You’re almost annoyed that they are interrupting the peaceful library setting but you’re also intrigued at their conversation.

“I know Paul, I know,” Sam sighs. You crane your neck and look though a gap in the books at the pair. Both are muscular, tall, dark haired men.

“I’m just impatient,” Paul mutters so Sam takes his hand.

“I understand,” Sam says and kisses Paul on the cheek. It’s sweet and intimate, suddenly you feel as if you’re intruding on a private moment.

In that second you accidentally shove a book out and it falls on Paul’s feet.

“What!” he exclaims and they both jump in shock. You immediately reach out the hole to try and grab the book only to knock more down.

“Sorry!” you squeak and peek your head out. “My bad.” Looking up you expect angry faces when you meet the gaze of the men, but when your eyes connect their expressions go blank.

You stare at them oddly as they just watch you.

“Uh, hi?” you greet.

“It’s her,” Paul whispers.

“She’s gorgeous,” Sam utters and you blush.

“I’m (Y/N),” you offer.

“I’m Sam and this is Paul. Would you get coffee with us?”


After coffee you ended up spending the whole day together laughing and having fun.

Your life changed completely that day, you never expected to ever find one true love much less two.

Sam and Paul are a dream to be with and when you met them things just seemed to click into place.


“What are you thinking about?” Paul whispers into your ear. You’re all snuggled into bed after a long day.

“How lucky I am,” you answer.

“We’re the lucky ones,” Sam corrects and nuzzles his head into your neck. You’re in the middle of them and they have their arms slung over you haphazardly.

“Everything is perfect with you,” Paul adds and kisses your cheek.

“It is perfect,” you mumble as sleep takes you.

It couldn’t be more perfect.