Todoroki x reader break up momo

  • request: HI! could I please request todoroki and kirishima’s s/o (separate) being scared that they were going to leave the s/o for another girl and their reaction? pls make it fluffy ty

    a/n: i love thiiiiiiiiiisss. sorry it took so long to put out!

    warnings: low self-confidence


    Todoroki x reader break up momo

    Originally posted by uww

    Shouto Todoroki.

    You hadn’t called him in a while. He wasn’t too worried, since everybody needs their space, but he had barely seen you outside of class. Almost like you were ignoring him. 
    This he didn’t like, because he wanted to know if he did something wrong so that he could better himself.

    He didn’t understand girls that well, so he went to the only other girl he ever really talked to except for you. Momo.

    It was right before one of Aizawa’s classes when he walked up to her desk. You weren’t in the classroom yet, but he still kept his voice low.

    “Um… Yaoyorozu could I talk with you for a moment?”, he asked.

    “Sure, what’s on your mind?”, she smiled sweetly at him.

    “Well… it’s Y/N, actually. she’s been ignoring me lately and I- I don’t know what to do…”, Shouto sighed

    “Oh, I’m sorry. Do you know if you’ve done anything different this week?”, she asked, but he just shook his head no.

    Just then, you walked in through the door. Together with Ochako and Tsu. You had this sad look as soon as you saw him with Momo, and it was is a lightbulb went off in Momo’s head.

    “She thinks you’re falling out of love with her…”, she whispered, “… you should go to your desk, Todoroki.”

    Her words stuck with him. Falling out of love with you? But he wasn’t doing that? Far from it, actually. So he went to the only other woman who he could actually talk to.

    The hospital loomed over him but, never the less, he stepped inside. As he walked up to the clerk he took in his surroundings. The white walls, small chairs around coffee tables with fake flowers on them. He couldn’t deside what to look at so he looked to the receptionist, who smiled at him gently.

    “Goodafternoon.”, she said, “I’m guessing you’re here for mrs. Todoroki?”

    “Yes. Is she available at the moment?”

    “She is, just go up to her room. You know where it is, don’t you?”

    He walked up to his mother’s room, keeping his gaze to himself. With a quick knock at the door, Shouto walked inside.
    His mother was looking out the window.

    “Is that you, Shouto?”, she asked before turning around with a bright smile.

    “Hi, mom.”, he smiled back at her.

    “Come on, sit down.”, she offered him a seat in front of her which he gladly took, “Is something on your mind, Shouto?”

    “How did you-…”

    “I know my own son, this isn’t one of your usual visits.”, she let out a light laugh, “So, what’s going on? Is it Y/N?”

    “… it is. She’s been ignoring me lately. I tried to figure out what it was, so I asked another girl in my class. Her name’s Yaoyorozu. She’s very nice and all but… she told me that Y/N thinks that I’m falling out of love with her, when I’m not.”

    “Are you close with this Yaoyorozu?”, his mother asked carefully, putting a hand on his leg.

    “We train a lot together, she’s very good at combat and our quirks are good together. But I only see her as a friend, nothing more than that.”, Shouto sighed.

    “Well, maybe Y/N doesn’t see that. Maybe she sees two people who work well together and her own insecurities just got the best of her.”, his mother’s words were so simple, but still it cleared up everything.

    “Thank you, mom. I wish I could stay… but I’ve got something I have to do.”, he told her softly.

    “Good luck, Shouto.”

    The class was having some sort of movie night when Shouto walked into the dorms. His eyes found yours immediately, but you looked away quickly. With knowing steps, he walked up to you.

    “Y/N, I need to talk to you.”, he stated.

    Some of the guys started making a fuss over it, but stopped with one look from Shouto. The girls surrounding you pushed you off the couch and you walked toward him with hesitant steps.

    The both of you walked into the kitchen for some privacy.

    “What’s this about, Shouto?”, you asked and crossed your arms over your chest.

    “I love you.”, he said calmly.
    It was the first time either of you had said it and he said it with as much meaning he could.

    “Y/N, I love you. I don’t love anyone else. I know you’ve been ignoring me because you think I don’t. But I mean it, Y/N.”, he told you and took your hands in his.

    “I…”, your eyes started burning with tears, “It was just that you and Momo… you’re so good together and I thought…”

    “There’s nothing that’s like what I feel for you when I look at her, okay?”, he brought you to his chest and wrapped his arms tightly around you.

    “I’m sorry, Shouto…”, you sniffled against his chest.

    “Don’t apologies for your feelings.”, he pulled away from you and rested his forehead against yours, “Just tell me if you’re feeling like that again.”

    “I love you too.”, you whispered, since that was the only thing you could muster at the moment.

    If this would’ve been any other moment, he wouldn’t have done this. But something just happened. You looked so beautiful, peering up at him through your eyelashes. So he brought his lips to yours, connecting them before trying to bring your body even closer to him.

    Your hands travelled up his chest slowly before settling on the nape of his neck, playing with the hair that was there, eventually just combing your fingers through his hair.
    Shouto’s right hand came up to cup your face while his left hand stayed steady on your hip.

    As you were about to take it further a loud noise of hard plastic hitting the floor. The two of you basically jumped away from each other. 

    “Why would you do that in the kitchen!?”, Midoriya exclaimed, red as a tomato in the face.
    You and Shouto looked at each other before you burst out into laughter. You didn’t even realize that Midoriya had left. When you looked back at Shouto your heart fluttered, it was just the way he smiled and the slight flustered look.

    “You should get back to the movie…”, he said softly, putting his hands in his pockets.

    “Or I could spend some time with you…”, you smiled sweetly, “To make up for the past week.”

    “Well, I couldn’t say no to that…”

    Todoroki x reader break up momo

    Originally posted by ichiijokun

    Eijiro Kirishima.

    What was he doing wrong!? He was scared as soon you didn’t smile to him that one morning. Although he tried to convince himself that  you were just tired, it didn’t work. Because you didn’t walk with him to lunch either! He didn’t have a problem with you wanting to do something without him, but it was unlike you. But he left it, maybe you just wanted some you time?

    Still, he couldn’t help but feel a chill down his spine whenever you looked at him when he was talking to another girl. And the wheel slowly started spinning. Were you jealous? No… that couldn’t be it. Eijiro knew how you acted when you were jealous.

    No, this was something else. Something more deep than that. He just wished that you would TALK TO HIM. PLEASE.

    Now that you weren’t around him anymore, more girls started aproaching him. Before it had been a few brave that had walked up to the both of you, trying to shoot their shot. But without you, girls started popping up left and right. 

    He bumped into one girl, who seemed to be very stressed.

    “Oh, excuse me… um… would you mind helping me find my classroom?”, she asked as her cheeks got tinted crimson red.

    “For sure, can I see your schedule?”, he asked in his normal friendsly tone.
    The girl gave him her schedule and he looked at the room number.

    “Ah! I know where that is, just follow me!”

    The two of them started walking, really nothing else. Not even talking. God he missed your voice… and how he would love to hear you laugh and-

    A little squeak sent him out of his dream world. The girl had tripped and had grabbed onto Eijiros arm for safety.

    “Are you alright?”, he grabbed both of her shoulders to steady her.

    As if on queue, you walked out of one of your classes… spotting them immediately. When he saw the way you teared up before you ran away, he realized what was happening. This wasn’t mere jealousy. 

    “Sorry, but I have to leave…”, he said quickly before running after you.

    He found you, alone, in a corner of an empty corridor and all he wanted to do was hug you close. But now wasn’t the time. Eijiro walked up to you and sat down next to you against the wall.

    You let out a small sob and he realized you were crying. His heart broke at the thought of him making you cry.

    “Y/N…”, he said softly, “Baby, please talk to me…”

    “It’s nothing…”, you sniffled, “I just… you deserve someone better than me… and I know that you don’t love me anymore, so I just-”

    “What are you talking about?”, he interupted, “Y/N, I don’t need anyone else.”

    “But, no… I can’t compare to any of those other girls that talk to you-”

    “I don’t care about them-”

    “… and I’m such a disappointment-”


    “… I don’t want to lose you but I just can’t compete to-”

    “Y/N, I love you!”, Eijiro exclaimed as he grabbed you by the shoulders, “And I’ll still love you, no matter how many girls I see.”
    You looked at him, eyes red and puffy, cheeks spotted with red and messy hair. Still, he looked at you with such adoration and love that the only thing you could muster was wrapping your arms around him.
    He pressed you into his chest, keeping you as close as possible.

    “Is this why you’ve been ignoring me?”, he asked and you nodded, “Y/N… you should’ve talked to me.”

    “I didn’t know how…”, you sobbed, “… and you were busy with other people and-”

    “I’m never too busy for you, lovely.”, he kissed the topped of your head, “Talk to me next time.”