The secret life of walter mitty thurber

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The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Summary

"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" tells the story of the aging Walter Mitty on a trip into town with his overbearing wife, Mrs. Mitty. Walter is inept at many things; he is an absent-minded driver, he can't handle simple mechanical tasks, and he forgets things easily. What makes Walter exceptional is his imagination.

While Walter goes through a day of ordinary tasks and errands, he escapes into a series of romantic fantasies, each spurred on by some mundane reality. As he drives his car, he imagines he is commanding "a Navy hydroplane" through a terrible storm (1). When he rides past a hospital, he imagines he is a world-famous surgeon saving a VIP's life. When he hears a newsboy shouting about a trial, he imagines he is a crack shot being interrogated in the courtroom. As he waits for his wife to finish at the hairdresser's, Walter sees pictures of German plane and imagines he is a British pilot willing to sacrifice his life for his country. Lastly, as Mitty waits outside against a wall for his wife to buy something in a drugstore, he fantasizes that he is a bold and brave man about to be shot by a firing squad. The story ends with the inscrutable Walter Mitty awaiting this romantic death.

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  • The secret life of walter mitty thurber

    In James Thurber

    …in the short story “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty,” is Thurber’s quintessential urban man. That story became Thurber’s best-known. It was first published in The New Yorker in 1939 and was collected in My World—and Welcome to It (1942). A film version starring Danny Kaye was released in…

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Walter Mitty character

  • In Walter Mitty

    The short story “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” (1939) by American author James Thurber begins with its protagonist’s fearlessly leading a Navy crew through an aircraft takeoff amid near-hurricane conditions, only to reveal that the scene is merely his fantasy; in reality he is driving with his…

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The secret life of walter mitty thurber

Jane This book is absolutely nothing like the movie. Although the movie makes drastic changes compared to the originals in the book, the reason being was t…moreThis book is absolutely nothing like the movie. Although the movie makes drastic changes compared to the originals in the book, the reason being was to adapt to the audience. Making the movie about some of the points in the book would realistically be an utter bore, and the 'book' is actually a short story, so obviously some parts had to be added to the movie. Reading the book and watching the movie is a great idea, because they each give different perspectives. One was written in 1939, which was when World War II was beginning to arise, and the movie was directed in 2013, which is modern day. Each take a different look at what it looks like to 'live to the fullest' in their time, and they each have great keynotes.(less)

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The secret life of walter mitty thurber

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The secret life of walter mitty thurber

Warning: if you want to know what The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is about, you won't find out here. But if you want to hear the terrible joke that our Russian teacher told us in 1974, you've come to the right place.


So there's this Viking, and he figures he's got too old for the raping and looting and pillaging. What's he going to do? Well, he decides he's going to go back to school and get a degree in Eng Lit.

So he goes back to school and the other people kind of like him, it's cool havi

Warning: if you want to know what The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is about, you won't find out here. But if you want to hear the terrible joke that our Russian teacher told us in 1974, you've come to the right place.


So there's this Viking, and he figures he's got too old for the raping and looting and pillaging. What's he going to do? Well, he decides he's going to go back to school and get a degree in Eng Lit.

So he goes back to school and the other people kind of like him, it's cool having a Viking in the class. But he seems more and more unhappy as the term wears on. And one day the guy who sits next to him walks past a bar and there's the Viking slumped miserably over a large collection of empty glasses. He looks like he might start bawling at any minute.

His friend is shocked! Ragnar, he says, what's wrong?

It's this damn term paper, says Ragnar. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. It's due in tomorrow and I haven't written a word, I don't even know how to start. All I know is raping and looting and pillaging.

Look, says his friend, it's not so bad. Just write whatever came into your head when you read it. Doesn't matter if it's a bit weird. The instructor will say you're 'creative', she's a doll.

Haven't even read it says Ragnar, and he orders another beer.

Now, says his friend firmly, that's enough beer. We're going off to the library and we're going to read The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and you're going to write your term paper and it'll all be fine.

So they go off to the library and Ragnar's friend finds The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and they sit down together and the friend reads it all to him very quietly, so as not to disturb the other people studying there. And then he gets out his iPad and he says okay Ragnar, now tell me what came into your head when you heard that. I'll even write it down for you.

Nothing came into my head, says Ragnar stubbornly.

But something must have come into your head, says the friend. Think, Ragnar, think!

I can't, says Ragnar stubbornly. And so he flunked his course and had to go back to raping and looting and pillaging, even though he was too old and hated it nearly as much as he hated writing term papers on Eng Lit.

You're probably wondering what the moral of this story is, so I'll tell you. It's (view spoiler)[you can lead a Norse to Walter, but you can't make him think. (hide spoiler)]


The secret life of walter mitty thurber

To every single one out there who's won wars, destroyed enemy ships, rescued the cat in the tree, saved the world, graduated from college, lost a few pounds, fallen in love and had their happy ending... in their minds.

Because daydreaming is underrated.

The secret life of walter mitty thurber

To every single one out there who's won wars, destroyed enemy ships, rescued the cat in the tree, saved the world, graduated from college, lost a few pounds, fallen in love and had their happy ending... in their minds.

Because daydreaming is underrated.

The secret life of walter mitty thurber


The secret life of walter mitty thurber

Meet Walter Mitty.

He's a Husband.

He's a Captain of a Navy ship

He's a toughest man on the trial

He's the man who can a woman from distress and is a hero to all man kind.

He's also worrying his wife, his co-workers, his boss and his shrink.

Walter Mitty has dreams. Dreams of being a hero. But he's not dreaming them in bed, like everyone else is. He's dreaming these events while driving, while shopping, talking to his wife, walking down the street. He "sees" himself as a hero to everyone, but doesn't

Meet Walter Mitty.

He's a Husband.

He's a Captain of a Navy ship

He's a toughest man on the trial

He's the man who can a woman from distress and is a hero to all man kind.

He's also worrying his wife, his co-workers, his boss and his shrink.

Walter Mitty has dreams. Dreams of being a hero. But he's not dreaming them in bed, like everyone else is. He's dreaming these events while driving, while shopping, talking to his wife, walking down the street. He "sees" himself as a hero to everyone, but doesn't really do anything about it. He's just your average Joe that is taking his wife to get her hair done. And while she is getting her hair done, he runs errands. But everyday life, everything that we see, feel, touch, hear generates this scene in his head where he is the hero to the story and he's living it right then and there!! While everyone looks at him like he's weird, he doesn't see what wrong with this!!

As a writer I was thrilled that I am not the only person that this is happening too!!! I can't tell you how many times I will be sitting at the Library that I work at and there will be an event that will take place, or someone says something to me and it triggers a scene playing in my head and I'm living that story out (in my head of course). I am a writer and I am always getting scenarios playing out in my head that sometimes leave me speechless until I am writing that out in my laptop. Sometimes I talk out loud the scenes but hey, I'm a writer it's allowed. (I think....)


The secret life of walter mitty thurber

This was the shortest audiobook ever, but I loved it! If you've ever wondered what's going on in someone's head, this short story gives you some ideas. Recommended! This was the shortest audiobook ever, but I loved it! If you've ever wondered what's going on in someone's head, this short story gives you some ideas. Recommended! ...more

The secret life of walter mitty thurber

Aug 01, 2013 Naomi rated it really liked it

Shamelessly read in preparation for the movie.

The secret life of walter mitty thurber

Genuinely excited for this.

Shamelessly read in preparation for the movie.

The secret life of walter mitty thurber

Genuinely excited for this.


The secret life of walter mitty thurber

I was inspired to reread this story by a Goodreads friend who recently read it, and I'm glad I did. My first reading was a few years back and was inimpressive. I still don't think the story is particularly impactful.

THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY is about a hen-pecked husband who lives a number of different, gallant lives in his head while he goes about his ordinary life. None of these fantasies ever play out to satisfaction before being interrupted by normal life. I agree with another Goodread

I was inspired to reread this story by a Goodreads friend who recently read it, and I'm glad I did. My first reading was a few years back and was inimpressive. I still don't think the story is particularly impactful.

THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY is about a hen-pecked husband who lives a number of different, gallant lives in his head while he goes about his ordinary life. None of these fantasies ever play out to satisfaction before being interrupted by normal life. I agree with another Goodreads reviewer who said the story is sad. Only I think it is sad specifically because of the ending, and how the story's fantasy/real life pattern concludes. Sad, but this was a bit of fine writing.

I won't say anymore, though, in case you read it! I don't want to ruin it for you!

Also, 2 movies have been made from this story, most recently with Ben Stiller. I haven't seen either one, but I've heard good things and I want to see both of them. That should be Goodreads new motto! Goodreads. Finish a book, discover a series, an anthology, a poetry collection, and four films.

*edit July 2022 I just finished watching the 2013 film The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, which is only loosely based on this short story, I would say. Walter Mitty is the basis for the film's protagonist by the same name, to a greater or lesser degree. I loved this film, starring Ben Stiller as Walter Mitty. Though I thought it very different from the short story, I enjoyed it much more for its narrative, themes, and style.

Rating 4 stars
2nd Reading, Finished July 2022
Recommended for fans of short fiction, literary fiction, modern fiction, psychological fiction, mental health fiction


The secret life of walter mitty thurber

One Christmas, we were looking for a movie to watch as a family and landed on The Secret Life of Walter Mitty starring Ben Stiller. Each member of our family thoroughly enjoyed it and we enjoyed some lively discussion afterward, still warm in the afterglow of a positive experience.

I decided to follow up by reading the book that had inspired the movie. It's very different. Walter Mitty comes across as a dreamer and henpecked husband using his imagination to escape from his nagging wife into a he

One Christmas, we were looking for a movie to watch as a family and landed on The Secret Life of Walter Mitty starring Ben Stiller. Each member of our family thoroughly enjoyed it and we enjoyed some lively discussion afterward, still warm in the afterglow of a positive experience.

I decided to follow up by reading the book that had inspired the movie. It's very different. Walter Mitty comes across as a dreamer and henpecked husband using his imagination to escape from his nagging wife into a hero's existence where he's a somebody, such as a pilot flying skillfully through rough weather, or a published surgeon saving an important person's life MacGyver-like with a fountain pen.

His wife demands, "I've been looking all over the hotel for you," and follows up with, "Why do you have to hide in this old chair?" Walter Mitty responds mutters some vagaries and the adds, "I was thinking. Does it ever occur to you that I am sometimes thinking?" To which, she responds, "I'm going to take your temperature when I get you home." How sad.

I like the movie better than the book, however, without the book, the movie wouldn't exist.


The secret life of walter mitty thurber

I have something of a weakness for reading books and stories that were later turned into big Hollywood movies, to see how they compare. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty was originally published as a short story in New Yorker magazine in 1939. It’s available to read for free online, and won’t take you more than about 10 minutes.

The hapless Walter is a mild-mannered chap who is constantly badgered and criticised by his domineering wife. His self-respect is further dented with a series of minor humi

I have something of a weakness for reading books and stories that were later turned into big Hollywood movies, to see how they compare. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty was originally published as a short story in New Yorker magazine in 1939. It’s available to read for free online, and won’t take you more than about 10 minutes.

The hapless Walter is a mild-mannered chap who is constantly badgered and criticised by his domineering wife. His self-respect is further dented with a series of minor humiliations he experiences in his dealings with, well, just about everyone. As we all know, the poor chap takes refuge in daydreams in which he casts himself as a series of heroic characters.

In itself, the story seemed to me to be mildly amusing but otherwise unremarkable. It gave rise, of course, not only to two major movies but also to the phrase “a Walter Mitty character” to describe someone who appears to live in a make-believe world. Quite an impact!


The secret life of walter mitty thurber

“After all, we only live once— or do we?”
I liked the movie too but it has been a long time. Ben Stiller read this. Good job.
Edit: 7/26/18
I have to say that one of my favorite literary characters of all time recently referred to another character that ticked him off as ‘ a Walter Mitty’. I was so glad I knew what that meant. For that set of you who have read or are reading the Pendergast series this happens in Blue Labyrinth where the agent has a discussion with a parking cop that I know wishes h
“After all, we only live once— or do we?”
I liked the movie too but it has been a long time. Ben Stiller read this. Good job.
Edit: 7/26/18
I have to say that one of my favorite literary characters of all time recently referred to another character that ticked him off as ‘ a Walter Mitty’. I was so glad I knew what that meant. For that set of you who have read or are reading the Pendergast series this happens in Blue Labyrinth where the agent has a discussion with a parking cop that I know wishes he could shrink and run away. One more thing NOT to do to Pendergast. Put a ticket on his car.

The secret life of walter mitty thurber

James Thurber had me rooting for Walter Mitty from sentence number one. Adventure after adventure, Mitty dives in and out of wonderlands to escape his boring life. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty sort of reads like a children's short-story for adults--which is uniquely awesome if you ask me... James Thurber had me rooting for Walter Mitty from sentence number one. Adventure after adventure, Mitty dives in and out of wonderlands to escape his boring life. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty sort of reads like a children's short-story for adults--which is uniquely awesome if you ask me... ...more

The secret life of walter mitty thurber

I downloaded this free audiobook from audible and decided to finally take the time to listen to it during my walk today. I was not impressed. The narration was great and I thought that Ben Stiller did a fantastic job but I found the story lacking. I really cannot believe that this is a well loved classic story to be honest. Maybe I am missing something as I often do.

Basically the story focused on a man who lives in a world of daydreams as his wife nags him constantly. This story was VERY short a

I downloaded this free audiobook from audible and decided to finally take the time to listen to it during my walk today. I was not impressed. The narration was great and I thought that Ben Stiller did a fantastic job but I found the story lacking. I really cannot believe that this is a well loved classic story to be honest. Maybe I am missing something as I often do.

Basically the story focused on a man who lives in a world of daydreams as his wife nags him constantly. This story was VERY short and only took about 15 minutes to complete. I haven't seen the movie but I wonder if this may be a case where the movie could be better than the written story.


The secret life of walter mitty thurber

I have known about Walter Mitty almost all of my life. I never heard his words though, just that he was a thinker/dreamer. Aren't we all? Thank you, James Thurber for being the writer you were.

I am so glad Audible and Ben Stiller brought him to life for me. I listened to his story on the drive home from my daughters appartment last night. I started it at the end of her driveway and finished just as I turned into mine. I did not have to sit in the car to finish listening, as Ben Stiller had indic

I have known about Walter Mitty almost all of my life. I never heard his words though, just that he was a thinker/dreamer. Aren't we all? Thank you, James Thurber for being the writer you were.

I am so glad Audible and Ben Stiller brought him to life for me. I listened to his story on the drive home from my daughters appartment last night. I started it at the end of her driveway and finished just as I turned into mine. I did not have to sit in the car to finish listening, as Ben Stiller had indicated that he has done, and as I have done so many times before. Lovely.


The secret life of walter mitty thurber

Not great literature, but I had to smile because occasionally my 10 year old imagination takes over my brain as well. And it's hard to fault poor Walter, after all, he's married to Mrs Walter Mittty. Not great literature, but I had to smile because occasionally my 10 year old imagination takes over my brain as well. And it's hard to fault poor Walter, after all, he's married to Mrs Walter Mittty. ...more

The secret life of walter mitty thurber

A story for all those daydreamers. Walter Mitty has a bitter-sweet way of coping with life. There's nothing really wrong with his life. It's just plain ordinary, so he incorporates anything he sees or hears around him into his his daydream.
I prefer reading to listening (my mind starts wandering), but the audio of this story is also wonderful. Highly recommended.
A story for all those daydreamers. Walter Mitty has a bitter-sweet way of coping with life. There's nothing really wrong with his life. It's just plain ordinary, so he incorporates anything he sees or hears around him into his his daydream.
I prefer reading to listening (my mind starts wandering), but the audio of this story is also wonderful. Highly recommended.

The secret life of walter mitty thurber

Dreams are somewhat differently interpreted by different people. To some of us dreams are just literal dreams. But to many dreams are untouchable fragments of longing. Dream can be a life we wanna live. Dream can be a life we never lived. Walter Mitty, the protagonist of this short story of James Thurber, a soft-spoken solemn elderly, never lived his dreams. He leads a monotonous life overwhelmed by his astute wife. The short story illustrates just a short span of a usual day of Walter Mitty whi Dreams are somewhat differently interpreted by different people. To some of us dreams are just literal dreams. But to many dreams are untouchable fragments of longing. Dream can be a life we wanna live. Dream can be a life we never lived. Walter Mitty, the protagonist of this short story of James Thurber, a soft-spoken solemn elderly, never lived his dreams. He leads a monotonous life overwhelmed by his astute wife. The short story illustrates just a short span of a usual day of Walter Mitty while he roams around the town of Winterbury with his wife. He keeps roleplaying his cherished lives in his daydreams. He is nothing outside, in the real world. But he is the hero in his imaginary world, he becomes a fighter pilot, a surgeon, a shooter and what not. You might say, the guy is a complete looser, living a disoriented and ramshackle life, shaken from his existential roots. But you are seeing the empty half of the glass here. Walter Mitty embraces his day dreams as if it all happened. That's how his actual life feels inferior. “We only live once, Sergeant — or do we?” Or we can live as many as we want simultaneously. Life's too short for living enough. There lies a dormant Walter Mitty within ourselves. But we're too busy or too serious to acknowledge it. We all can't be Walter Mitty as he, with that faint, fleeting smile playing about his lips, he faces the firing squad; erect and motionless, proud and disdainful. Walter Mitty, the Undefeated, inscrutable to the last, living his dream coldly but boldly. ...more

The secret life of walter mitty thurber

This snippet of cozy brilliance by Thurber is his best short story ever, a story that makes the ordinary feel extraordinary. A story that gives the reader open permission to do the same in their life. A way to take a trip in your coziest chair without more than simply using your mind.

Walter Mitty is a regular chap who likes to day dream a few times a day; his adventurous second life is rich and riveting and so often interrupted by his whiny wife and life’s demands. Without worry he’s able to per

This snippet of cozy brilliance by Thurber is his best short story ever, a story that makes the ordinary feel extraordinary. A story that gives the reader open permission to do the same in their life. A way to take a trip in your coziest chair without more than simply using your mind.

Walter Mitty is a regular chap who likes to day dream a few times a day; his adventurous second life is rich and riveting and so often interrupted by his whiny wife and life’s demands. Without worry he’s able to perform his tasks while shuffling his head dreams as if one was shuffling his ipod or playlist walking down a crowded street or working away on their computer with their head in better places. Mitty does his best to balance his wonderful imagination with the daily grind, even if his life isn’t too hard, his mental happy trips seem physical to his wife who is on a whole other plane ready to take his temperature. This is a delightful story that can be read and re-read in a short amount of time and it will always be delicious and imaginative.

- Kasia S.


The secret life of walter mitty thurber

This was a quick read! And I should have done it long ago after I have watched the movie.

Anyway, like most modernists, for me at least, James Thurber nails it! This is a perfect depiction of man’s need for autonomy, individualism and self-assertion among the ranks of men … even when it is only through the magnificent realm of imagination and visualization.

Check this out:

"Then, with that faint, fleeting smile playing about his lips, he faced the firing squad; erect and motionless, proud and disd

This was a quick read! And I should have done it long ago after I have watched the movie.

Anyway, like most modernists, for me at least, James Thurber nails it! This is a perfect depiction of man’s need for autonomy, individualism and self-assertion among the ranks of men … even when it is only through the magnificent realm of imagination and visualization.

Check this out:

"Then, with that faint, fleeting smile playing about his lips, he faced the firing squad; erect and motionless, proud and disdainful, Walter Mitty the Undefeated, inscrutable to the last."

How about that for an assertion of courage, valor and masculinity! And only because and after a series of imaginative experiences Walter has: first as a resourceful marine commander, second as a shrewd doctor, third as a courageous world war pilot, and fourth as a defiant martyr in the face of his executors in the quotation above.

Walter zones out into these daytime fantasies as he drives his blabbering wife to the hairdresser. No kidding! I’d throw myself out of the car after steering it towards a cliff if I end up with someone like her!

The moral here is this: men will do anything for freedom.


The secret life of walter mitty thurber

A bored, distracted, mild-mannered, soft-spoken husband drives and goes with his domineering wife to various weekly shoppings and then wife's visit to beauty parlor. Dealing with this frustratingly dull, monotonous weekly routine and by extension his dull, monotonous life, all the while he keeps daydreaming about himself in thrilling, larger-than-life heroic adventures: a daring Navy pilot in a sea storm; a flawless surgeon performing a critical surgery; a deadly assassin keeping his cool while A bored, distracted, mild-mannered, soft-spoken husband drives and goes with his domineering wife to various weekly shoppings and then wife's visit to beauty parlor. Dealing with this frustratingly dull, monotonous weekly routine and by extension his dull, monotonous life, all the while he keeps daydreaming about himself in thrilling, larger-than-life heroic adventures: a daring Navy pilot in a sea storm; a flawless surgeon performing a critical surgery; a deadly assassin keeping his cool while being interrogated in courtroom; a fearless Air Force pilot volunteering in a secret suicide bombing mission; and finally, facing a firing squad disdainfully with a smile on his lips and head held high in pride. He maybe is living a dull, boring, monotonous life now, but he could very well have been a hero in different lives who regularly gets involved in audacious, one-of-a-kind adventures and goes to exotic locations. And maybe one day he will.

At least this was the essence I understood, and felt from this brilliant little short story. Then I watched the 2013 film adaptation, and it was equally brilliant, breathtakingly imaginative, highly inspiring, and moving. To me of course. The film is not a literal adaptation with the story, but a thematic one, as it followed a similar mild-mannered, soft-spoken, always-distracted person in his frequent daring daydreams, who then one day in spite of himself and without planning, has to get off his ass and actually go on an impromptu grand adventure around the world like his imaginations. Where the short story left to the imaginations, the film picks up to the realizations. They both compliment each other perfectly in their themes of our urban solitude in crowds, with visions of living life at its fullest and aching to fulfill those visions into reality.

A 35-year old middle-aged person. Solitary. Disconnected. Lonely. Left the job. No purposes. Sits on his chair all life without leaving his four walls and his prison. And daydreams of big adventures to reach the end of the worlds, and to climb the highest mountains, and time travel to different universes, and fly beyond the galaxies. But never 'been anywhere', 'done anything'. I guess that makes me a Walter Mitty.

I haven't gone to Greenland, Iceland, North Sea, Himalayas. Not yet. One day. One day to scale the Everest. Its in my bucket list. Maybe one day I will.

Both the short story and the film touched me somewhere deep inside. To the dusted, decaying, hardened soul of this disconnected gray urban existence with colors of life. Of Hope. To feel alive.

'Walter Mitty lighted a cigarette. It began to rain, rain with sleet in it. He stood up against the wall of the drugstore, smoking... He put his shoulders back and his heels together. He took one last drag on his cigarette and snapped it away. Then, with that faint, fleeting smile playing about his lips, he faced the firing squad; erect and motionless, proud and disdainful, Walter Mitty the Undefeated, inscrutable to the last.'

Short story to read:


The secret life of walter mitty thurber

Took advantage of the free download from Audible, in anticipation of the film. Ben Stiller has a nice reading voice, which was a tad shocking to me, because I mean, it's Stiller. I've never really thought of him as a narrator and was pleasantly surprised.

The length of the story itself is shocking as well. A 32 page tale(or 15 minute long narration) translated onto the screen as a full length feature? Obviously a lot of liberties have been taken (as was the case with Where The Wild Things Are wh

Took advantage of the free download from Audible, in anticipation of the film. Ben Stiller has a nice reading voice, which was a tad shocking to me, because I mean, it's Stiller. I've never really thought of him as a narrator and was pleasantly surprised.

The length of the story itself is shocking as well. A 32 page tale(or 15 minute long narration) translated onto the screen as a full length feature? Obviously a lot of liberties have been taken (as was the case with Where The Wild Things Are when it was adapted for film), and it'll be interesting to see what Walter gets himself into!

I didn't find the writing to be all that amazing or the story to be all that engaging. No better or worse than a hundred other short stories I've read. Heck, I've read stories that knocked my socks off so hard... that I'm curious to know WHY THIS ONE and not those?


The secret life of walter mitty thurber

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (Novella) by James Thurber 5★♥

I bought this very short ebook to read before I saw the movie. It is very short. But it was cute. And boy Walter is a dreamer. I am a little curious as to how old Walter is. He's married. And has a little bit of a bossy wife. Or so that's what Walter thinks. All he would like to do is daydream about anything, be it a surgeon who is the only one who could save the patient or a soldier, or well... just about anything where Walter is the

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (Novella) by James Thurber 5★♥

I bought this very short ebook to read before I saw the movie. It is very short. But it was cute. And boy Walter is a dreamer. I am a little curious as to how old Walter is. He's married. And has a little bit of a bossy wife. Or so that's what Walter thinks. All he would like to do is daydream about anything, be it a surgeon who is the only one who could save the patient or a soldier, or well... just about anything where Walter is the grand hero.
I'll definitely reread this. There was so much stuff in this even though it was too short.


The secret life of walter mitty thurber

I've read quite a few of Thurber's short stories (and the ones I've read do tend to be short stories in the range of about 3 000 to 5 000 words) and these are two of the best. Although Walter Mitty is by far the most well known because of the Danny Kaye film, The Greatest Man in the World is in my humble opinion the more fascinating and engaging story of the two, the title itself being hugely ironic.
Anyway, both are quick reads and incredibly entertaining
I've read quite a few of Thurber's short stories (and the ones I've read do tend to be short stories in the range of about 3 000 to 5 000 words) and these are two of the best. Although Walter Mitty is by far the most well known because of the Danny Kaye film, The Greatest Man in the World is in my humble opinion the more fascinating and engaging story of the two, the title itself being hugely ironic.
Anyway, both are quick reads and incredibly entertaining

The secret life of walter mitty thurber

I first read The Secret Life of Walter Mitty when I was just out of high school, and I found myself totally relating to Walter Mitty in a big way. Not that I imagine myself being a surgeon or a pilot, but I often spend my time daydreaming and wishing for things that realistically will never happen for me. This time I listened to the audio version with Ben Stiller narrating, and it was a lovely little treat (as the whole thing is only 14 minutes long). I look forward to watching the movie again t I first read The Secret Life of Walter Mitty when I was just out of high school, and I found myself totally relating to Walter Mitty in a big way. Not that I imagine myself being a surgeon or a pilot, but I often spend my time daydreaming and wishing for things that realistically will never happen for me. This time I listened to the audio version with Ben Stiller narrating, and it was a lovely little treat (as the whole thing is only 14 minutes long). I look forward to watching the movie again this week.

Booktube-a-thon 2016 challenge: Read and watch a book-to-movie adaptation [or] read a book that's older than you.


The secret life of walter mitty thurber

A very short short story :D if you wanna know what's maybe going on in someone's head :D very light, different from the movie but still a good one A very short short story :D if you wanna know what's maybe going on in someone's head :D very light, different from the movie but still a good one ...more

The secret life of walter mitty thurber

The book was quite advanced and confusing to read, but however still made for a good read because it was just one of those books that grabs your attention and makes you want to keep reading. I think there was only one bad thing about it which was how confusing it was other than that a great read.

It was good that the story was in third-person because it helped control how confusing everything in the book was. Because it was in third-person everything was easier to understand because you could te

The book was quite advanced and confusing to read, but however still made for a good read because it was just one of those books that grabs your attention and makes you want to keep reading. I think there was only one bad thing about it which was how confusing it was other than that a great read.

It was good that the story was in third-person because it helped control how confusing everything in the book was. Because it was in third-person everything was easier to understand because you could tell what was going on everywhere in the book.

"He took one last drag on his cigarette and snapped it away. Then, with that faint, fleeting smile playing about his lips, he faced the firing squad; erect and motionless, proud and disdainful, Walter Mitty the Undefeated, inscrutable to the last." (James Thurber), this was quite confusing because of the amount of adjectives in this one, really long, sentence. I also do not remember anything about a firing squad which just added even more confusion to the whole story.


The secret life of walter mitty thurber

It was an American classic, a short story written in 1930's. I love how the prose became poetic, and how the author switched Mitty from an ordinary husband doing a weekly chore to become a surgeon. And a hero - inscrutable to the last.

There is something about onomatopoeia that made the short story appealing. It adds up to the reader imagining how Mitty quickly triggers a daydream. At one moment he is an assassin. And then he became a surgeon.

The thing with this short story is it leaves you a s

It was an American classic, a short story written in 1930's. I love how the prose became poetic, and how the author switched Mitty from an ordinary husband doing a weekly chore to become a surgeon. And a hero - inscrutable to the last.

There is something about onomatopoeia that made the short story appealing. It adds up to the reader imagining how Mitty quickly triggers a daydream. At one moment he is an assassin. And then he became a surgeon.

The thing with this short story is it leaves you a sort of a plot hang-over. He just waited. Stood there. And just like death via firing squad, he stayed motionless. Yet proud.

I guess this is what the author wanted to impart to the reader. Once the pen stopped he became still. And he was proud of his creation.

(view spoiler)[Thanks for the free audiobook and the newyorker archive. :) (hide spoiler)]


The secret life of walter mitty thurber

This book is not deserving of even one star. It is all confusing and puts and strange picture in your mind. If you are going to introduce the story don't start in a day dream with different character. The plot in the story makes no sense what so ever. Walter Mitty's wife is always rude which in so boring and mean.

Works Sited

Thurber, James. "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty." Conde Nast 18 Mar. web. 12 Jan. 2015.

This book is not deserving of even one star. It is all confusing and puts and strange picture in your mind. If you are going to introduce the story don't start in a day dream with different character. The plot in the story makes no sense what so ever. Walter Mitty's wife is always rude which in so boring and mean.

Works Sited

Thurber, James. "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty." Conde Nast 18 Mar. web. 12 Jan. 2015.


The secret life of walter mitty thurber

I do not understand the hype around James Thurber. He's allegedly this great American humorist. But his stories are rarely funny. Take this story, for example. It's very well written. And I enjoyed the Ben Stiller narration of the audiobook. But the story is sad and depressing; it's not remotely funny. To each his own, I guess. I do not understand the hype around James Thurber. He's allegedly this great American humorist. But his stories are rarely funny. Take this story, for example. It's very well written. And I enjoyed the Ben Stiller narration of the audiobook. But the story is sad and depressing; it's not remotely funny. To each his own, I guess. ...more

The secret life of walter mitty thurber

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is a very short read, where an ordinary man keeps escaping from his mundane life by virtue of his highly imaginative daydreams, in which he is a hero of sorts!
It is this basic idea which is the only thing common between this short story and the movie, which was one of the first movies I had seen last year :)

The secret life of walter mitty thurber

A SHORT, short story and you now I am not into short stories. Still, I liked it. Why? Because Thurber lets you escape with Mitty into his fantasy world, and you understand why he flees there. This has to be short, or it will be longer than the story itself.

The secret life of walter mitty thurber

I wish it is a Novel than a short story.

Thurber was born in Columbus, Ohio to Charles L. Thurber and Mary Agnes (Mame) Fisher Thurber. Both of his parents greatly influenced his work. His father, a sporadically employed clerk and minor politician who dreamed of being a lawyer or an actor, is said to have been the inspiration for the small, timid protagonist typical of many of his stories. Thurber described his mother as a "born comedien Thurber was born in Columbus, Ohio to Charles L. Thurber and Mary Agnes (Mame) Fisher Thurber. Both of his parents greatly influenced his work. His father, a sporadically employed clerk and minor politician who dreamed of being a lawyer or an actor, is said to have been the inspiration for the small, timid protagonist typical of many of his stories. Thurber described his mother as a "born comedienne" and "one of the finest comic talents I think I have ever known." She was a practical joker, on one occasion pretending to be crippled and attending a faith healer revival, only to jump up and proclaim herself healed.

Thurber had two brothers, William and Robert. Once, while playing a game of William Tell, his brother William shot James in the eye with an arrow. Because of the lack of medical technology, Thurber lost his eye. This injury would later cause him to be almost entirely blind. During his childhood he was unable to participate in sports and activities because of his injury, and instead developed a creative imagination, which he shared in his writings.

From 1913 to 1918, Thurber attended The Ohio State University, where he was a member of the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity. He never graduated from the University because his poor eyesight prevented him from taking a mandatory ROTC course. In 1995 he was posthumously awarded a degree.

From 1918 to 1920, at the close of World War I, Thurber worked as a code clerk for the Department of State, first in Washington, D.C. and then at the American Embassy in Paris, France. After this Thurber returned to Columbus, where he began his writing career as a reporter for the Columbus Dispatch from 1921 to 1924. During part of this time, he reviewed current books, films, and plays in a weekly column called "Credos and Curios," a title that later would be given to a posthumous collection of his work. Thurber also returned to Paris in this period, where he wrote for the Chicago Tribune and other newspapers.

In 1925, he moved to Greenwich Village in New York City, getting a job as a reporter for the New York Evening Post. He joined the staff of The New Yorker in 1927 as an editor with the help of his friend and fellow New Yorker contributor, E.B. White. His career as a cartoonist began in 1930 when White found some of Thurber's drawings in a trash can and submitted them for publication. Thurber would contribute both his writings and his drawings to The New Yorker until the 1950s.

Thurber was married twice. In 1922, Thurber married Althea Adams. The marriage was troubled and ended in divorce in May 1935. Adams gave Thurber his only child, his daughter Rosemary. Thurber remarried in June, 1935 to Helen Wismer. His second marriage lasted until he died in 1961, at the age of 66, due to complications from pneumonia, which followed upon a stroke suffered at his home. His last words, aside from the repeated word "God," were "God bless... God damn," according to Helen Thurber.


The secret life of walter mitty thurber

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The secret life of walter mitty thurber

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Is Secret Life of Walter Mitty a true story?

Walter Jackson Mitty is a fictional character in James Thurber's first short story "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty", first published in The New Yorker on March 18, 1939, and in book form in My World—and Welcome to It in 1942. Thurber loosely based the character, a daydreamer, on himself.