Strategic questions to ask senior leaders in an interview

Strategic questions to ask senior leaders in an interview

Have you ever approached a leader you liked at a professional convention and gone utterly speechless? You could have been a tad star-struck. Perhaps you were aware that there were a plethora of nice questions you could pose to them… However, you decided to say the very first one out loud. Few people can think of the perfect question on the spur of the moment. 

Now would be the moment to draw from the experts as our planet wrestles with a worldwide epidemic. Leaders are running high in a tough scenario, and now is our time to learn from them. Motivate leaders and reassure them that this is what they were prepared for, but also use the opportunity to connect with and gain from them. One of the really effective methods to develop and learn is to travel.

Asking questions is perhaps one of its most effective methods to develop and learn. Inquire of those who are already doing whatever you wish to accomplish. Inquire about the experiences of leaders who have been on quite separate approaches. Development takes place as a result of active participation with each other. To make the situation better next time, what you need is a few smart questions under your sleeve.

Getting Ready to Ask Remarkable Questions

You’re undoubtedly satisfied with the process of a specific leader you appreciate. You visit their blog, subscribe to their email, or follow them on social networking sites. You’ve read their book if they’ve authored one. Don’t spend valuable one-on-one time with them by asking them questions they’ve previously responded to a hundred times. Going to ask them how they got involved in their business, for example, is pointless if the entire narrative has already been written on their website or in their autobiography.

Here are some questions to ask experienced leaders so that you may keep developing as a leader

1.How do you conduct roundtable discussions and encourage people to be creative?

It might be difficult to organize roundtable discussions and encourage innovation. Furthermore, this duty might take on a variety of forms depending on the company. Observing how all the other leaders foster innovative ideas in their organizations might help you build your personal leadership toolbox. They can ask provocative questions or have a distinct knack for drawing people together just to spark a productive discussion. These would be the lessons we can take from other leaders to better our respective groups.

2.How do you continue to be motivated by the organization’s purpose while inspiring others?

It’s natural to feel overworked while attempting to inspire others and boost yourself, yet leaders see it all the time, and people need it. Because it’s a challenging endeavor, this is an excellent point to raise to other leaders to learn what they’ve experienced throughout their own path. It will be advantageous to grasp what techniques and tools a leader employ to effectively balance the operation.

3.What are all the regular ways you maintain your organization on track with the goal and aims of the company?

It is a basic one, and yet a helpful one. Leaders don’t only provide commands to everyone else around them. They set the tone in which everyone can use their unique talent to pursue the foundation’s goal and objective. The purpose and vision of your organization cannot be forgotten in the humdrum of everyday activities, so how can you instill that goal and vision in your employees? That’s where a leader comes in, and why asking other leaders this question is so important.

4.What steps do you take to create a comfortable workplace?

This may be among the most underappreciated qualities of leadership. This is not the trophy you’re looking for, but a happy and healthy work atmosphere is priceless to a company. Understanding how other leaders create a positive workplace might enable you to become a leader who is focused on helping your organization rather than pursuing personal achievement.

5.What has been your favorite book this year?

As a leader, you must read exceptional books from other leaders continuously, since these will include the greatest of their knowledge in an easily digestible style.

6.When it comes to employing somebody, what would be the most essential thing you take into account?

You may not be able to recruit a full-time staff right now, but now even collaborating with the incorrect contractor may be a headache.

7.How can you ensure that new employees effectively “understand” your company’s values?

Even though you employ somebody who obviously has the abilities you require, you would like them to immediately integrate into the culture you’ve worked so hard to cultivate. This isn’t going to be possible by chance. You might be able to avoid significant difficulties with your own firm in the future if you study how the other leaders do this.

8.Do you frequently encourage your staff with any thought-provoking questions?

Even though you are questioning a leader, he or she most likely has questions for staff. Leaders are expected to be both encouragers and competitors, thus they frequently develop questions to elicit reasoning skills and problem-solving from their workers throughout time.

9.How can you strike a balance between future planning and also being there for your staff?

Serving people in the now while looking at the bigger picture is an important component of leadership. That’s just another balancing task for leaders, since it may often seem like two opposing mindsets. Examining how a leader could divide the present from the future might allow you to handle your responsibilities as a leader. Naturally, there seems to be some overlap, and everything will be intertwined. However, throughout the end, the leader should symbolize future aspirations while still encouraging people daily

10.As a leader, what has always been one of your most significant problems?

This could be something really wide and a continual challenge, or it could be something very intimate. This question might provide insight into what problems you could face and how to prepare for them. Leaders wouldn’t have to go about it alone, but understanding how to effectively assist one another may make a difference in people’s lives.

11.Is there something you do in your spare time that aids you to thrive in your professional life?

Cultivating good habits that drive leadership and a positive work attitude begins in your private life, whether it’s through meditation, exercise, or something else entirely.

12.For you, how much does work-life balance entail?

This has always been an intriguing topic, and it can be really a good one to ask during an interview session since it may reveal a lot about a company and how well it treats its employees. Similarly, a leader’s attitude on work-life balance is likely to have influenced how he or she evolved to where they are now.

13.What resources will you recommend to upcoming leaders?

Even though other leaders and their own stories may teach us a lot, they might have been shaped by textbooks, seminars, or even other great thinkers. Those materials might be as beneficial to you too.

14.Who are your role models, and why are they important to you?

The majority of today’s outstanding leaders can turn towards the people who helped them along the way. Mentors help other people become better leaders. Because mentors emerge from many aspects of life, mentoring may take many forms. Be it an elder member of the family, a lecturer from college, or someone you encountered at a tech conference, the individuals who teach current leaders can reveal a lot concerning them. Learning from a leader about who their mentor was and why they chose them provides insight into what it takes to be a leader.

15.What were some of the most remarkable insights you learned through your mentors?

This question would be a follow-up to the preceding one, and it seeks additional information on what lessons a leader learned from others who helped him or her along the road. These teachings could be beneficial to you and could be applied to your path. As the leader is proof, the advice comes with the assurance that it works. Mentoring lessons are typically the guidance that folks remember for years, far longer than most of what they study in a lecture or a conference.

16.How do you pass on the life-changing insights you’ve learned from your mentors?

Keeping with the mentor concept, this question aims to learn how a leader applies what he or she has learned and shares it with everyone. A passion to educate and contribute is a vital characteristic of a leader, yet deliberately and consistently teaching others can sometimes be challenging. Leaders that discuss what they’ve learned are often more likely to be regarded and seen as more engaged with their followers. A successful leader recognizes that the secret to success is sharing information.

17.Is there anything you hope that somebody had informed you earlier in your chosen profession?

This question is a reversal of the mentor question, and it asks a leader to think about a useful lesson they would have to grasp on the go. What kind of counsel might have prepared them for such a situation? This seems to be an opportunity to discover the particular and individual teachings that a leader may provide. It’s difficult to anticipate every circumstance, so what a leader understands from them provides them with greater wisdom to impart with others.

18.When do you think it’s appropriate to fire a tough employee?

It is about deal-breakers or demarcations: could there be a specific transgression that somehow this leader would deem so serious that it would result in someone being fired? What kind of patience do you think they’d have? This can provide you with valuable insight regarding their personal opinions, which is crucial if you hope to collaborate or associate with them in the future.

19.How would you decide who you want to promote?

This is, in some respects, the inverse of the preceding question. This can help you determine what characteristics the leader values most – but it can also enable you to come up with a suitable structure or strategy to use when it’s time to promote somebody on your staff.

20.What has been going well this week for you and your crew? Did you have any victories?

This is a wonderful step to begin since it establishes a good tone for the discussion and encourages employees to recognize and applaud their successes. Make careful to call attention to the little but important details that could otherwise go unnoticed. Also, as you observe, pay heed to what your workers perceive as victories in terms of the job.

21.What traits do you seek from a potential employee, and why so?

Not only will the answer to this question provide perspective onto what traits are vital to leaders, but it also provides advice as to what characteristics to nurture in yourself. Recognizing essential characteristics in others is a crucial aspect of becoming a successful leader. It might be difficult to know what you’re looking for, although understanding what to look for would be half the fight. When you improve these characteristics in yourself, you’ll see them in everyone else and see how much of an impact they could create in a squad.

22.Do you recall a moment when you were terrified in your profession?

This question elicits a more emotive reaction from a leader than inquiring about a chance they undertook. Fear is sometimes misunderstood as a synonym for leadership, whereas in reality, leaders are frequently fearful. Instead of assuming that leaders aren’t ever afraid, inquire about a moment when they conquered a problem and what they learned as a result. It’s fine to be afraid now and again, but leaders must illustrate how to deal with the fear front on. Understanding the sentiments that play a significant role in a professional path is very beneficial while asking leaders questions. They could have taken a unique path in life that you can learn from.

23.What are some of the leadership characteristics you’re still working on?

Leaders don’t really come to a point throughout their life where they cease learning and improving. A leader would be someone who focuses on themselves and their interests regularly. When witnessing a brilliant leader, it can often be overlooked. Understanding what a leader is focusing on, on the other hand, might motivate you to keep going. Perhaps what they’re concentrating on is something you’re having trouble with as well, and their response can help you improve a certain skill.

24.How would you find an opportunity to learn new things while leading?

This one is a follow-up to the prior one, and it invites the leader to explain how they find opportunities to design their leadership skills while completing their everyday tasks. This question invites participants to describe how they organize their schedules to include learning. It’s a question about managing time but from the perspective of a leader. It’s natural to also be immersed in the everyday chores and responsibilities as you put in the effort to be a leader, but making time so that you can keep on growing is vital for both you and your staff or colleagues.

25.What function do you think compassion and humility serve in your leadership?

It’s always a good idea to end with a good question. 

This is a pretty particular question, yet it shines a spotlight on qualities that are sometimes neglected in leadership. These traits have become particularly important in leadership mostly during extraordinary circumstances we are living in. Most of today’s famous leaders have gained appreciation as a result of their achievements. Compassion and humility are vital traits for every leader to have, but knowing how well these traits are used in a specific leadership job may help you learn how and when to nurture them.


A common thread running across these issues is the need to remember that leaders are also people. Since these leaders are individuals with experiences like ours, it’s critical to discuss specific and invasive questions rather than a generic -how did you do it?-  Understand that becoming a leader requires empathetic traits, and your questions must represent this. Your inquiries must be thoughtful and purposeful if we want to genuinely obtain insight from several other leaders.

Don’t anticipate all the solutions; instead, anticipate additional tools to bring to your leadership arsenal. Every leader seems to have a unique narrative to tell and unique counsel to provide, therefore the deeper interest and excitement you offer to them, the more you will learn.

A few more questions that you could pose

  1. How would you or other leaders within your company convey your company’s fundamental values?
  2. As a business leader, what are the most critical choices you make?
  3. Could you describe the influence of social networking and the World wide web on your company or yourself, if there was any?
  4. What is one blunder you see leaders make more often than others?
  5. What are the most daunting problems that leaders face?

What are good questions to ask a leader in an interview?

Top 20 Leadership Interview Questions and Answers.
Tell me/us about the time you demonstrated leadership skills at work? ... .
What is your leadership style? ... .
Which supporting skills do you think are more important for a leader? ... .
How do you manage a conflict situation? ... .
What was the hardest decision you have taken as a leader?.

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General managing director questions.
Why are you interested in applying for this position?.
What do you know about our company and this role?.
Why do you think that you fit in with this company and this job?.
Do you ever do volunteer work related to this position?.
Can you tell us more about your management style?.