Stop walking on eggshells third edition pdf

Do you feel manipulated, controlled, or lied to? Are you the focus of intense, violent, and irrational rages? Do you feel you are "walking on eggshells" to avoid the next confrontation? If the answer is yes, someone you care about may have borderline personality disorder (BPD) - a mood disorder that causes negative self-image, emotional instability, and difficulty with interpersonal relationships.

Stop Walking on Eggshells has already helped more than a million people with friends and family members suffering from BPD understand this difficult disorder, set boundaries, and help their loved ones stop relying on dangerous BPD behaviors. This fully revised third edition has been updated with the very latest BPD research on comorbidity, extensive new information about narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), the effectiveness of schema therapy, and coping and communication skills you can use to stabilize your relationship with the BPD or NPD sufferer in your life. This compassionate guide will enable you to:

  • Make sense out of the chaos
  • Stand up for yourself and assert your needs
  • Defuse arguments and conflicts
  • Protect yourself and others from violent behavior

So I started reading "walking on eggshells" last week and immediately felt attacked and hated the author for having no empathy for us.

My boyfriend/ex (it's complicated) is reading it at the same time and said he cried many times as he's been reading it because it's putting how he's felt in our relationship into words that he couldn't do himself. He says he wished he read this a year ago before things were really falling apart. And he said it doesn't make him hate me like I feared, it actually makes him love for me more and understand me more. He has a lot of Sympathy for the emotional turmoil he's starting to see is going on inside of me. I've noticed lately when I have an episode his first thought is not to get upset but to say something like "it must be really hard to feel that way how can I help?"

After taking a break I tried to pick the book up again and tried to approach it with my guard down. The doctors who wrote it are extremely blunt and honestly it's nice to have someone not sugarcoat it and call it for what it is when you get past it. I too have cried many times reading it. It's very tough but It is helping me to understand the effect I have on those close to me and though it makes me feel really bad it's also been affecting my choices and I've been less snippy and thinking about what comes out of my mouth more often before letting it out. It's a completely different perspective from what I'm used to seeing.

Before this book, I didn't realize that a lot of the things I do that I chalked up to just who I am, are actually from BPD. And I'm realizing that I've completely lost perspective on who this guy in my life is. Over time he has become this secretly awful and devious person in my life and I'm now seeing that I made him responsible for all of our problems and though he isn't perfect he is actually a really good guy. I didn't realize how much I was hurting him.

I think this book can be really powerful for us because we don't actually want to hurt the ones around us and the more we understand how it is affecting others the more likely we will be to work on controlling it.

And yes even though it is very straightforward and can even seem cruel, there are also plenty of moments when the book expresses a deep empathy for us and goes out of their way to say that we can't help how we are and that we are experiencing extremely powerful emotions every single day that take over us. They actually explained it quite well.

If you do pick up this book please don't shove the whole thing down your throat at once. It will be a lot to take in. Take it in bits and pieces as it feels okay to you. But I do recommend it.

Download Stop Walking on Eggshells: Taking Your Life Back When Someone You Care About Has Borderline Personality Disorder PDF

Stop walking on eggshells third edition pdf

TitleStop Walking on Eggshells: Taking Your Life Back When Someone You Care About Has Borderline Personality Disorder
AuthorPaul Mason MS
File Size1.7 MB
Total Download1038

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