Sample letter of recommendation for volunteer work

Sample letter of recommendation for volunteer work

Some organizations require a volunteer recommendation letter before accepting volunteers into their organization. It may be that money will be handled or stringent rules followed to maintain a tax exempt status. Such a letter can be from anyone who can testify to the honesty, integrity and character of the volunteer.


This sample volunteer recommendation letter is from the chairperson of a local chapter of the American Heart Association. It is written to the current president of the local chapter of the American Cancer Society on behalf of an individual who is volunteering to serve as the treasurer or the organization.

Dear Ms. Whitney:

It is my honor to recommend one of the most dedicated volunteers to ever work with me at our local chapter of the American Heart Association. Caroline Ford has more energy and determination than anyone I have ever seen. We have raised record dollars since her involvement with AHA due to her unique and creative fundraising ideas. Right now Caroline is not holding an office with AHA but is serving as one of our busy “worker bees.” It is my belief that she has the multi-tasking talent it takes to also fill the vacant spot of treasurer at the local chapter of the American Cancer Society.

Caroline is the type who fulfills her commitments no matter what it takes. Even if she bites off a little more than she can chew, she presses on with dedication to do what she promised to do. There is no one I know who is more honest and trustworthy than Caroline. She has passed the background check required by the AHA and I am sure will have no dings on her record of volunteerism that will stop her from serving as your treasurer. She understands and adheres to proper accounting practices, compiles accurate financial reports and keeps excellent record of every transaction.

I have never worked with anyone who has the level of enthusiasm that Caroline possesses. Having lost family members to both heart disease and cancer, finding cures for these two diseases is extremely important to her. She is a tireless worker who is dependable and affable. Caroline is not afraid to change the game plan if a process is not working out. She is flexible and her goal is success for the chapter, whatever it takes. Caroline is committed to making our community a better place with the sacrifice of her time and efforts through local volunteerism. Put simply, she is just a person who cares.

Well-liked and respected by her peers, there are few people I have enjoyed working with more than Caroline. I am confident you would be happy with her work.I am happy to recommend Caroline Ford as a volunteer for our local American Cancer Society and believe she will make an excellent treasurer. If you would like to discuss my experiences volunteering with Caroline, please contact me at (555)-555-5555 or email me at [email]


Harry Jones

Harry Jones


ABC County Chapter

American Heart Association

Sample letter of recommendation for volunteer work

If you are in a leadership role with a nonprofit organization, volunteers may sometimes ask you to write a letter of recommendation on their behalf. Whether a volunteer has asked you to provide a recommendation letter for a job application, college or grad school admission, scholarship application, other volunteer role, or for another reason, the template provided here can easily be customized to meet your needs.

Sample Letter of Recommendation for a Volunteer

The template provided here can easily be customized for any request to write a letter of recommendation for a volunteer. To access the template, just click the image below. It will open in PDF format in a new window or tab, depending on your computer's configuration. Click anywhere in the text to make changes, then save and/or print when you are ready. See this guide to printables if you need working assistance with the document.

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Considerations for Writing a Volunteer Recommendation Letter

It's important to keep in mind that being asked to write a letter of recommendation for an individual is both an honor and a significant responsibility. You should only agree to write this kind of letter if you are going to follow through with the commitment and can truly provide a positive reference for the individual. Key tips to keep in mind include:

  • Find out from the individual requesting the letter if there are specific guidelines for what should be covered in the letter and how the letter should be submitted.
  • Check with the nonprofit organization to verify if writing such a letter on behalf of a volunteer is allowed within the group's policies.
  • Make sure you know the purpose of the letter before you start writing so you can adjust the angle appropriately. For example, the content of a scholarship recommendation letter would not be the same as a general character reference or a business reference.
  • Regardless of the purpose, follow an appropriate business letter format.
  • Clarify that your experience with the individual is specific to his or her volunteer work.
  • Indicate if you are on staff for the organization or if you are also a volunteer.
  • Specify the type of duties the person performed with which you are familiar.
  • List positive skills and/or traits that you observed the individual exhibiting.
  • End the letter appropriately, being sure to include your telephone number and email address.
  • Proofread carefully, ensuring that the letter is accurate and free from grammatical mistakes.

Paying Forward the Good Deeds of Volunteers

Writing a recommendation letter for a person who has willingly shared his or her time and talent with a cause that you believe in is a great way to reward volunteerism. Think of your role in writing such as letter as a way of paying forward the good deeds the individual performed through volunteering. The time you spend helping a volunteer accomplish a personal or professional goal by providing a written recommendation is a great example of volunteer relations and the power of networking.

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How do I write a simple letter of recommendation?

How do I write a personal recommendation letter?.
Always start with the date..
State who you are recommending and what you are recommending them for..
Describe how long you know the person and in what capacity..
State their best qualities..
Give details about the person's character, morals, and values..

Is it worth getting a letter of reference from a volunteer position?

Volunteer managers typically write these letters at the volunteer's request. Letters of recommendation can help bolster a volunteer's application to a university, a scholarship, or even a full-time job, while also communicating important insights into the applicant's values, skills, and interests.

What is a volunteer reference?

When you are going through the application process for a volunteer position, if the organization is interested in offering you the position, the organization may ask for references. References are people that can answer questions about your character, your work ethic, your skills and how well you will do the role.

How do you write a recommendation for a team member?

How to write a recommendation letter for a coworker.
Review the necessary information. ... .
Introduce yourself and explain your professional relationship. ... .
Include specific examples of your coworker's accomplishments. ... .
Explain what your coworker will add to the new company or university. ... .
Include contact information..