Pregnancy pre existing condition short term disability

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Penn State Employee Benefits has announced that as a result of employee feedback and favorable claims experience during its first year of offering short-term disability coverage, Unum, the firm providing supplemental insurance coverage, has agreed to waive the pre-existing condition clause for Penn State employees.

Beginning Monday, April 1, the pre-existing condition clause will no longer apply to short-term disability benefits for any non-work-related illness or injury with an incurred disability date of April 1, 2019, or later. Any non-work-related illness or injury that occurred prior to Monday, April 1, 2019, will still be subject to the current pre-existing condition terms.

This positive change applies to all University employees currently enrolled in the short-term disability benefit plan with Unum, as well as employees hired on or after April 1, 2019.

Currently, a pre-existing condition exists if:

  • You received medical treatment, consultation, care or services, or took prescribed drugs or medicines in the 3 months prior to the effective date of coverage.
  • The disability begins in the first 12 months after the effective date of coverage.

A common example of a pre-existing condition is pregnancy. Under the prior plan provisions, if maternity treatment began prior to the effective date of coverage, and the need to use the benefit happens in the first 12 months of coverage, the individual would not be eligible to use their short-term disability insurance. The short-term disability benefit enhancement will now permit access to the benefit for any maternity leaves involving newborn birth dates of April 1 or later, regardless of any prior treatment.

Employees are welcome to contact HR Services with questions regarding this change with short-term disability benefits by calling 814-864-1473 or submitting an inquiry via WorkLion. Additional information is also posted in the WorkLion knowledge base.

Last Updated April 10, 2019

Pregnancy pre existing condition short term disability

A common question I get from women at open enrollment time is if pregnancy is a pre-existing condition for short term disability. Usually, this question comes from women who are already pregnant and who aren’t currently enrolled in the STD plan. So in this article, I’m going to talk about how pregnancy is treated under most plans.

Pregnancy and the Pre-Existing Condition Limitation

Most group disability plans are guaranteed issue at every enrollment. This means you can enroll without any medical questions and will be approved regardless of health. However, in exchange for the guaranteed approval, any claims may be subject to what’s called a pre-ex, or a pre-existing condition clause.

The most common pre-ex clauses are 3/12, 6/12 and 12/12.

Here’s is what the numbers 3/12, 6/12 and 12/12 mean:

(Number of Months Look Back Period)  /  (Number of Months Look Back Applies)

A 3/12 pre-ex means that if you file a claim within the first 12 months the policy is in effect, the insurance company will look back 3 months before the policy took effect to see if it was caused by a pre-existing condition. If it’s a 6/12, then the insurance company will look back 6 months for a pre-existing condition for any claim filed in the first 12 months.

If the condition was pre-existing during the look back period, then the insurance company can deny the claim.

Keep in mind that if you are enrolling in the disability plan in November but the plan takes effect on January 1 that the 12 months begins on January 1 and the look back period would be the three, six or 12 months before the effective date and not the date you enrolled.

If you are pregnant when you enroll, your claim for short term disability will most certainly come in the first 12 months the plan is in effect and therefore, your claim would be denied.

However, if you enrolled in October and got pregnant on January 10th after the effective date, then your pregnancy would not be considered pre-existing since it occurred after the effective date.

The Difference Between Group and Voluntary Disability Plans

One factor that may come into play is whether the disability plan you are being offered is a group disability plan or a voluntary one.

The difference between a group plan and a voluntary plan is underwriting. While group disability might be guaranteed issue at every enrollment, a voluntary disability plan might only be guaranteed issue when you are first eligible.

If it’s a voluntary plan, if you don’t enroll the first time you are eligible and want to enroll later, you might have to answer the medical questions to get in. If you are pregnant, this could possibly prevent you from being approved for the short term disability.

In addition, if you have to answer medical questions to qualify for your disability plan, if you have any other medical conditions outside of being pregnant, those conditions might prevent you from getting disability insurance as well.

The best time to enroll is when you are first eligible under those plans.

Options If You Are Already Pregnant

If you are already pregnant, you’ll want to check out how much vacation and sick time you have available that you could use doing your maternity leave.

You can also check to see if your employer offers some type of hospital indemnity plan. If they do, these plans are often offered on a guaranteed issue basis with no medical questions or pre-existing conditions.

Ask your employer or their insurance representative specifically does hospital indemnity insurance cover pregnancy. If it does, then the cash it pays directly to you might help out.

Alternatively, there are some companies that allow you to allow you to buy, sell and donate vacation time. If your company does that, a possible solution to not having short term disability insurance is to buy it or get some one to donate it to you.

As far as donations go, most donations are made for people with serious illnesses and so I wouldn’t really count on that as an option.

The other option is to take your maternity leave unpaid.

Sign Up the Year Before You Get Pregnant if Possible

If you are trying to get pregnant, you might consider signing up at the enrollment period prior to the year you want to get pregnant.

If your employer’s plan looks back for any claim filed in the first 12 months after the effective date and you satisfy that 12 month time period in the year prior, then your pregnancy won’t be considered pre-existing.

If this is a planned pregnancy, that might help you out to remember to do that.


Pregnancy is considered a pre-existing condition if you are a newly enrolled in your disability plan and most likely will be excluded. Try and plan ahead and make sure you enroll when first eligible or the year before to get around the pre-ex clause found in most group disability plans.

As always, in group insurance, every plan may vary in what it covers depending on what your employer negotiated with the insurance company.

Let me know how you handled your short term disability in the comments below to help my readers further understand their options.

Can pregnancy be a pre

Yes. You can be pregnant when you sign up for health insurance. If this happens, pregnancy is called a pre-existing condition. This means you had the condition (you were pregnant) before you sign up for health insurance.

Can disability insurance be denied for pre

Yes. Insurance companies can deny you coverage for pre-existing conditions, but they can also extend disability coverage with exclusions.

What is a 3/12 pre

Pre-existing Condition Exclusion: 3/3/12 A pre-existing condition is a condition for which you received medical treatment, consultation, care or services including diagnostic measures, or took prescribed drugs or medicines in the 3 months just prior to your effective date.

When can I apply for SDI for pregnancy?

You must complete and submit your claim within 41 days from the date your family leave begins by: SDI Online: Filing electronically through SDI Online is strongly recommended because it expedites the review process.