Online buying in organizational markets is prominent because internet technology

Online buying in organizational markets is prominent because internet technology

_____ is the marketing of products to companies, governments, or not-for-profit organizations for use

in the creation of goods and services that they then produce and market to others. - Business marketing

Which of the following is an organizational buyer?

A. Girl Guides buying mint cookies to sell in their local neighbourhood to raise funds for charity.

B. A girl buying Timbits from Tim Hortons.

C. A couple buying a mega pack of cleaning supplies from Costco for their cottage.

D. A group of friends pooling their funds and buying a Lotto 6/49 ticket. - A. Girl Guides buying mint

cookies to sell in their local neighbourhood to raise funds for charity.

Which of the following statements represents an organizational buying decision?

A. Mr. Crowe buys a Toyota minivan to commute to work.

B. A dentist buys a new DVD player for her den.

C. Mr. Langley hires a housecleaning service to clean his apartment.

D. A restaurant owner hires a snow removal service to keep the parking lot clear for its clients. - D. A

restaurant owner hires a snow removal service to keep the parking lot clear for its clients.

Which of the following is true about organizational buyers?

A. Their total purchases in a year are far more than that of ultimate consumers.

B. They purchase and lease smaller amounts of supplies than ultimate consumers.

C. They purchase only business services for their firm.

D. They purchase only raw materials for their firm. - A. Their total purchases in a year are far more than

that of ultimate consumers.

An industrial firm: - in some way reprocesses a product or service it buys before selling it again to the

next buyer.

Marker Jimmy's Co., a large cocoa-bean processor, buys cocoa beans and converts the beans into

cocoa powder and cocoa butter, which is sold to companies that manufacture consumer products

containing chocolate. Marker Jimmy's Co. is operating in a(n) _____ market. - industrial

A manufacturer of consumer food products for the Chinese market in North America buys several

thousand tonnes of camellia nuts annually. It converts those nuts into cooking oil that is popular among

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Which of these is a reason that online buying is so prominent in organizational markets?

Which of the following is a reason that online buying is so prominent in organizational markets? Technology can substantially reduce buyer order processing costs. Using online technologies ensures contact with other technologically-savvy organizations that are likely to have impressive financial statements.

What are three primary reasons for the popularity of online buying?

Ease of Buying Attracts Customers.

What are the 3 types of organizational markets?

The main organizational market types are producers, resellers and institutions.

What are the three markets that comprise organizational buyers?

Organizational buyers are divided into three markets, which are: industrial, retailer, and government.