Odds of getting quads in texas holdem

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Odds of getting quads in texas holdem

I have no idea how to even start to calculate this...

Odds of getting quads in texas holdem

level 1

(odds of flopping quads) squared, I believe.

level 1

Odds of flopping quads before being dealt cards:~ 0.03% Odds of flopping quads twice in row: 0.03*0.03 = 0.0009%

level 1

So, because no one is being actually helpful here...

Odds of flopping quads twice while holding only one of the cards (i.e., AdXd, flop XsXcXh): approx. 2.6 * 10-9
Odds of flopping quads twice with a pocket pair: approx. 6.0 * 10-2
Odds of flopping quads twice, once with a pocket pair, and once with only one relevant card: approx. 1.25 * 10-5 (aka "somewhere in between")

level 1

the probability is more than zero, but less than one.

level 1

Odds of flopping Quads while holding pocket pairs:

407 to 1 (or 0.25% chance)

Hope you won some serious moolah while you were running like God!

level 1

It depends on if your hold cards were paired both times or not.

level 1

Were your cards pockets?

If so: (2/50 * 1/49 * 48/48) +(48/50 * 2/49 * 1/48) +(2/50 * 48/49 * 1/48) = 288/112896 then ^ 2 = 51984/12745506816 = 0.0000065

If not: 3/50 * 2/49 * 1/48 = 6 / 117600 = (1 / 19600)2 = 1/ 380 million ie less than 1/1000 of the chance with pockets.


...Im guessing that at least one of your hands was pockets....

level 2

IANAM, but your odds for "sans pocket pairs" only accounts for one card. I think the first number should be 6/50.

Also, note that this calculation yields the chance of consecutively flopping flopped quads per every set of two hands played. So given a night in which hundreds of hands are played, the chances would be a lot higher.

level 2

The odds of flopping quads with a pocket pair are about 407-to-1, or 0.25%. Squaring that gives us 0.06%, or about 1667-to-1. You're somehow off by two orders of magnitude.

level 2

Yes, both were pocket pairs, first was pocket 5's (slow played, got a bet out of 8 high on the turn) second was pocket 4's AI PF for a quarter of my stack.

Thank- you very much for your calculations

level 1

So did you get any biters on either hand? The few times I've had quads I was only bet into once.

level 2

The first one I had 55, UTG raise 3x, got three callers, flop came 535 I checked flop and turn as I was second to act, button bets 3/4 pot on turn with 8 high, I check river as well, he tank checked. I really don't know what else I could have done to get more value considering the stack sizes and considering no one had a real hand to pay me off. I don't think I got max value but at the same time I feel like I would have scared anyone with a bet on the flop or turn... sure I could c-bet the flop but I opted not to because I feel as my table image was quite tight at that point.

Second hand I had 44 and was AI pre vs A10.

level 1

50% you either flop quads twice in a row, or you don't

level 1

My accurate calculations = fuck all.

level 1

Asking this question demonstrates 2 things:

a) You have no comprehension of simple probability (which helps in this game)

b) You are over analyzing factors of the game that have absolutely nothing to do with anything. Who cares. Pay attention to more important meta or you're losing out.

level 2

Odds of getting a friendly response in r/poker ~ 50%

Odds of getting a response that'll help your game ~ 90%

level 2

Well to be fair, in regard to your first point, figuring out how frequently you flop quads is a reasonably sophisticated combination question, but you are spot on regarding the second point.

level 1

The odds will vary too drastically throughout a hand for there to be an "official" number.

However, if you're not in a game, the odds of drawing five random cards from the top of a deck and getting four-of-a-kind are: ~1/4,000.

Hold 'Em is effectively a seven-card hand though, and I dunno about doing it twice in a row. I guess you can look around here for more data, but I didn't find anything useful.

level 2

If it was flopped twice in a row, we don't need to be concerned about the turn and river. So, if your 1/4,000 is correct, then it happening on back-to-back hands would be about 1/16,000,000.

How often do you get quads in poker?

To put this into context, assuming any starting hand, we'll flop Quads or better roughly once every 3,333 flops. Assuming we play roughly 25% of our starting hands, we can expect to flop Quads or better approximately once every 13,332 hands.

What are the odds of getting 4 of a kind in poker?

The odds of getting quads in a poker hand are 4,164-to-1. The probability of making 4-of-a-kind is 0.0256%. There are only 13 sets of quads in a 52-card poker deck. However, there are 156 distinct hands and 624 possible combinations.

How rare is 4 of a kind in Texas Holdem?

5-card poker hands.

What are the odds of flopping quads with one card?

And, if you were wondering what the odds are of flopping quads with just one card (i.e., when not holding a pocket pair), that would be 0.001%.