Neighbors put basketball hoop in front of my house

Neighbors put basketball hoop in front of my house

A mother of seven put up a message for her neighbors in West Sacramento to see.

"This neighborhood is full of Karens!" reads the sign that's taped to her family's basketball hoop out front.

Raquel Davis told CBS13 she reached her breaking point when a neighbor complained about her children skateboarding in front of their home on a Saturday night.

"I didn't know it was not okay for kids to be outside skateboarding," said Davis.

The neighbor told Davis he could hear the kids from inside his home and asked if they could quiet down and watch their language.

Davis said she talked to her children but the neighbor left visibly upset. That's when she decided to put up the sign.

"I felt this is my son's birthday. They're out skateboarding and I guess I was at my final straw," said Davis. "My last thing. I don't know what to do so I put up the sign."

Davis told CBS13 the cops have been called on her children at least three times within the last few months.

"So now that it's with my kids and cops are being called on them, I don't really know how to resolve this when they're just skateboarding," she said.

CBS13 also talked to one neighbor who says while he hasn't called the police, everyone on the block is fired up about the skateboarding and other noise complaints.

“These folks moved in and it’s basically ‘The Animal House,’ house in the neighborhood,” Bruce Foster told CBS13. “There is like no sense of noise control.”

“That’s why I came to this because I don’t know what else to do," continued Davis. "I don’t know who’s calling. I keep my kids in past dark. I don’t know what to do."

Photo: Getty Images

At our beach house, we have a basketball hoop in the driveway. It's a bit of an odd setup, because we have 2 garages and 2 driveways. One driveway/garage is attached to the house and is in front of the house. We are on a corner lot, and the other garage is detached, large, and the driveway is on the side street. So, it's further from the house, but it is VERY obviously part of the same property. (And we aren't talking acres of land here. It's a small beach community.)

We don't live there full time, and sometimes many weeks go by between our visits there, even at this time of year. Sometimes we find evidence that people must have been using the hoop. For example, last weekend we arrived to find that someone had adjusted the hoop to make it lower. So obviously young kids (or short adults) were using it. Or something just adjusted it to be funny, I don't know. We also had an issue last year when someone we knew (but not well -- we aren't friends) was letting his kids use the hoop both when we weren't there, and when we were! I had a few times when I was in the house and suddenly heard a bouncing ball in the driveway...looked out to find a group of kids playing. I finally had a talk with the kids (they were HS age) and said I didn't want to be liable if someone got hurt, so please don't use the hoop. (BTW, one of the kids was hanging from the hoop, the ball was bouncing into the garden, etc...). Another time there was a big group kids, AND their dads, using the hoop (while I was in the house) and half of them were sprawled out on the grass like it was a public park. I went out and said, "Uh, hellooo...." And they were like, "Oh, we didn't know you were here!" As if it would be totally fine if I wasn't home.

(BTW we don't leave a basketball out, so these people are obviously planning ahead and bringing their own. It's not like they're just walking by and deciding to shoot a few hoops.)

Agh. So, first of all, what would you do? Just let it be used and be super chill about the whole thing? Or would you be annoyed too? And assuming you're in the annoyed camp, what would you do?

I thought about making some kind of sign that "cheerfully" states that the driveway and hoop are private property. But how do I create a sign that would hold up to the weather (moisture, wind, etc)? And what's the best (briefest) way to word it?

Oh, and just to be clear, this is an in-ground basketball hoop that costs several hundred dollars, not a toy hoop.


Cranky in New England

I realize this is non-wedding related, but the wedding wire community is always helpful at advice. My husband and I moved into a new house that was recently built. There is a basketball hoop placed 2 inches from our property line in front of our property where we would like to park. We live on a VERY steep slope in the back that leads to a very large creek. Before we moved in, the ball went onto our property and rolled all the way behind our house where it is very steep to climb down. The boy went down after his ball, falling numerous times, hanging onto our house for balance. This has happened a few times. It is very dangerous because of the slope. The owner of the hoop lives across the street and down a little bit. We have a small garage that we are using for storage and won't be parking in. We would like to park in front of the house where this hoop is, which we have been doing since we moved in... (continued in comments)


  • Neighbors put basketball hoop in front of my house

    Super September 2016

    Yesterday, the children asked us to move our vehicle because they would like to play. My husband said he is in the middle of painting and would move it in a little bit, but we would appreciate if they moved it in front of their own house in the future because we would like to park there. (I couldn't move it because it's a standard). The adult neighbor then came over yelling at us saying we are causing all kinds of trouble and being rude. She said no one owns the sidewalk and that they can place a basketball hoop wherever they want. We should park somewhere else so the children in the neighborhood could play there. I told her that I didn't want the hoop there because it is dangerous and they shouldn't be coming on our property. She said that is ridiculous that they can't walk on our grass. And the boy is sixteen and will not fall on the slope, he has been doing it for years he won't fall or get hurt. (It was an empty lot for ten years). It is so steep, one little trip and you could roll down and break your neck ending up in the creek. I said it is not safe, and now there is a house here so they can't treat it like an empty lot anymore and come behind our house whenever they want. She was furious and yelling at both of us saying we just don't want the hoop there. Throughout the entire community, there is only one other hoop placed on the street. All of the rest are in people's driveways. She stormed off saying we were horrible and trying to cause trouble. We just don't want the ball coming onto our property (which it always does) and causing kids of numerous ages to be climbing down the sleep slope on our property, possibly getting hurt. All we want is for them to move the hoop on their side of the street by their own house so we can park there and the ball stops rolling down the hill. I have numerous medical problems and don't want to park up the street because it is further to walk/carry things, which is difficult on it's own for me. I understand that no one owns the street, but why can't they just place it in their driveway or in front of their own property? We moved the car for now, but don't know what to do going further. Any advice would help. Thanks, guys!

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  • Neighbors put basketball hoop in front of my house

    Master October 2017

    JSull · on August 7, 2017 at 11:25 AM

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    I'm petty as fuck so I would just keep parking there until they moved it.

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  • Neighbors put basketball hoop in front of my house

    Super September 2016

    That's what we want to do, but I feel like she is going to come over screaming every time. We want and try to talk to the mom, but I have a feeling she is going to act the same way.

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  • What town to you live in? In my neighborhood, the sidewalk is city property and no one is allowed to place a basketball hoop like that...unless they obtain a special permit. Check your zone's building department codes. And if you find the hoop is a violation, report to the building department and it will be removed.

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  • Neighbors put basketball hoop in front of my house

    Master July 1867

    OGJessieJV · on August 7, 2017 at 11:27 AM

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    This is where you need to get the city involved and possibly build a fence. Your neighbours have obviously been used to one way, and now you need to enforce another. Stand your ground and get the law on your side.

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  • Neighbors put basketball hoop in front of my house

    Super May 2018

    Amanda · on August 7, 2017 at 11:28 AM

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    Agree with @Mrs Sullivan To Be. How rude and confrontational for her to just come over and start an argument rather than having an adult conversation about her issue. If it's on the sidewalk, is it possible that's a town issue? Not sure of the laws, but if it's not supposed to be there, I would be the petty one to complain about it so it forces her to move it.

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  • Neighbors put basketball hoop in front of my house

    Master April 2017

    Bemyguest · on August 7, 2017 at 11:29 AM

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    Agree with Mrs Sullivan. Keep parking there. She's clearly mad she actually has to parent her children (telling them not to go onto neighbors property) and is taking it out on you.

    It's a liability issue too. If someone gets hurt it's unfortunately on you. I'd document every damn time you talk to her. Don't let the kids come onto your property anymore, and don't let them go down that hill. Put up no trespassing signs and say something every time a kid tries. If they lose their ball, oh well their problem.

    Seriously, I bet after the first time they lose their ball and you won't let them get it the hoop gets moved. This lady is completely in the wrong.

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  • Neighbors put basketball hoop in front of my house

    Super October 2017

    CoolKat · on August 7, 2017 at 11:29 AM

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    I agree with all of your reasons. It is not safe and that is now your property. There is no reason you should park your car further away so kids can play basketball. There are other hoops in the neighborhood and I am sure there is a park nearby.

    Hopefully this neighbor was having a bad day so she took it out on you and she is not an actual jerk.

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  • Neighbors put basketball hoop in front of my house

    VIP August 2017

    SSJKarigan · on August 7, 2017 at 11:40 AM

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    I agree with PPs - keep parking there, put up a fence, and have a no-trespassing sign. As @Bemyguest mentioned, that could be a huge liability issue. I had a big trampoline growing up and some random kid came into our backyard and broke his ankle playing on it when we weren't home. We got sued... shit is real. Get the town/city involved.

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  • Nancy · on August 7, 2017 at 11:43 AM

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    Please call City Hall and find somebody that can help you. Not only is this annoying, there is a liability issue. Somebody hurts themselves on your property, you're responsible. Please contact your Homeowner's Insurance and find out their input. We have a pool and carry a required extra million. I deal with children all day and the liability/responsibility for anybody under 18 is staggering. I would do all this immediately

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  • Neighbors put basketball hoop in front of my house

    Master July 2015

    I agree with everyone else... you should look into your local city ordinances about the rules of the sidewalks/streets. You should be able to park in front of your house. They do not own the sidewalk in front of your house, and therefore do not have any legal right to put a basketball hoop there. I would continue to park there and if the kids want to play, they can move the hoop. DO NOT park somewhere else simply to appease this woman, she is being unreasonable!!

    There is 100% a liability concern about a kid going into your yard and getting hurt on your property. This adult should have come over and talked to you rationally and politely, instead they come over confrontational and starting an argument. This tells me that they would DEFINITELY sue you and hold you accountable if their kid got hurt on your property, despite them scoffing at the idea that it was dangerous.

    You definitely should build a fence as soon as you can. Its expensive, but it will be a worthwhile investment.

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  • Neighbors put basketball hoop in front of my house

    Expert May 2018

    BGR · on August 7, 2017 at 11:43 AM

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    In all honesty, I would keep parking there and if she came to my house again to yell at me I would call the police. I don't have time to deal with crazy.

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  • Neighbors put basketball hoop in front of my house

    Super September 2016

    Thanks, everyone! I'm relieved you guys agree I am not being unreasonable.

    I couldn't believe how rude she was being and her argument was very weak. There was no need for her to be so rude. You guys are right, she would be the first one to sue if her nephew got hurt.

    We are going to continue to park there and try and talk with the mom. I have pictures of her son coming onto our property down the slope.

    I'm going to call the city and see if there is anything they can do. The hoop is technically on the property of a foreclosed house, so maybe I can reach out to the bank or something.

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  • Neighbors put basketball hoop in front of my house

    Master June 2017

    Definitely call the city and see what you can do to get your ass off the hook if those kids come onto your property again. That was really immature of her to come over and yell at you.

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  • Neighbors put basketball hoop in front of my house

    Master July 1867

    OGJessieJV · on August 7, 2017 at 11:53 AM

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    I would take pictures and send them to your local alderman. Their office will be able to assist you.

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  • Neighbors put basketball hoop in front of my house

    Expert May 2018

    MissMay18 · on August 7, 2017 at 11:53 AM

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  • Neighbors put basketball hoop in front of my house

    Super September 2016

    @Mrs.Coakly -- it was very rude of her! I was shaking and trying to remain calm. I don't want our neighbors to hate us, but they have to be reasonable. If it's not such a big deal, put it in front of your own house. She won't want to do that because she likes to park there.

    I wanted to I can put a few foosball tables and maybe a ping pong table in front of your house and you would be alright with it? I think I would have been punched in the face. lol

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  • Nancy · on August 7, 2017 at 12:02 PM

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  • Kathleen Smith · on August 7, 2017 at 12:04 PM

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    Some people just suck.

    A friend of mine had her son's friends come over to play. These friends were brothers. When their mom came by to pick them up the brothers began wrestling/fighting in the driveway. An arm got broken! Days later the mom called my friend asking who her homeowners insurance was with. My friend asked why ... the mom wanted to make the homeowner pay for it since the arm was broken on her property. My friend said, "I am not telling you because this is not my problem. If you do make a claim I will fight it. And from now on any play dates with your kids will take place at a public park."

    OP, welcome to geing a homeowner!

    ETA : You are correct with your concerns and I believe the city will side with you.

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  • Neighbors put basketball hoop in front of my house

    Master March 2018

    Chip · on August 7, 2017 at 12:08 PM

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    Wow, for real?

    can your husband move it to where the owner of said hoop lives? ETA Or better yet, have the city remove it?

    I second putting up a fence around the property - that is a HUGE liability!

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Can a basketball hoop be in the street?

In some areas, a properly displayed basketball hoop on private property can still result in the rim and net overhanging the sidewalk or street. The Fire Code requires an 8 feet clearance over any street or sidewalk for vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic.

Is a basketball hoop an attractive nuisance?

Types of Attractive Nuisances Outdoor fire pits, a tree house, play sets, basketball hoops, pets, and more are all examples of attractive nuisances. If a person owns something that can entice others on to their property than they are at an increased risk for liability or damage to the home.

How far should a basketball hoop be from the driveway?

Look for approximately 2 feet to 4 feet of overhang for the best balance of safety and performance. A basketball hoop with an overhang of 5 feet or more can compromise performance because the weight of the glass backboard will increase shake in the system.

How do you deal with a basketball noise?

Here are some ways you can block basketball noise:.
Add mass to the wall the basketball is bounced off..
Dampen the floor..
Reinforce your fence..
Reduce sound transmission through your windows..
Use a white noise machine..