Movie titles to describe sex life

Movie titles to describe sex life

This week on twitter there was a fun little “Trending Topic” called #My Sex Life In Movie Titles.  There were lots of funny suggestions by the people joining in the conversation who seemed to find a common theme of failure in the bedroom with movie titles such as Clueless, Home Alone, 40 Year Old Virgin or Gone in 60 Seconds.

On the other end of the scale there were the optimistic movie titles like The Dark Knight Rises, 127 Hours, I Am Legend & The Longest Yard, or the just plain dark but very funny ones such as There Will Be Blood or You’re Next.

Needless to say, there were some hilarious responses but a lot of people seemed to be saying the same movies over and over, so I decided to take some of their best ideas and create my own comprehensive list of Sex Life in Movie Titles here.

It turned out to be a long list, so I decided to break it up a bit by putting the movies under some fun but meaningful headings such as You Wish or The Sad Truth.

So in no particular order here are some of my favourite Movie Titles That Could Be Used to Describe Our Sex Lives.  If you’ve got any more funny titles, please add them in the comments below.

We’re Going on an Adventure

Into The Wild
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Into The Deep
20,000 Leagues Under The Sea
A Long Way Down

You Wish

The Whole Nine Yards
Here Comes The Boom
The Natural
As Good As It Gets
Magic Mike
Reel Steel
Days of Thunder
Top Gun
Big Daddy
A Night To Remember / Titanic
The Man
Bruce Almighty / Evan Almighty
I Am Legend
The Heat / Heat
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
A New Hope (Star Wars)
War Horse
The Return of the King (The Lord of the Rings)
Alpha Dog
The Gift
Lethal Weapon
Easy A
The Hard Way
The Longest Yard

In Her Dreams

Drop Dead Gorgeous
She’s All That
I Give it a Year
She’s The One
Six Days Seven Nights
127 Hours
The Next Three Days
My Girl
The Hot Chick

The Sad Truth?

40 Year Old Virgin
The Rookie
Training Day
The Impossible
Ghost Town
Ghost World
The Invention of Lying
The Day After Tomorrow
He’s Just Not That Into You
Failure to Launch
She’s Out of My League
Home Alone (all of them)
Mission: Impossible
About Time
Any Day Now
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
Up in the Air
It’s Kind of a Funny Story
Silent Hill
Dead Calm
Me Myself I
Morning Glory
Only the Lonely
Dr. No
Little Nicky
Never Been Kissed
A Series of Unfortunate Events

In a Hurry?

Gone in 60 Seconds
Rush Hour
30 Minutes or Less
Premium Rush
The Quick and the Dead
15 Minutes
New York Minute
Any Given Sunday
Before Sunrise / Sunset / Midnight

The Super Hero – If Only

The Dark Knight Rises
Iron Man
Man of Steel / Superman
The Incredible Hulk
The Incredibles
The One (Jet Li’s)

Too much Internet For You

The Social Network
For a Good Time, Call
2010: The Year We Make Contact
Alone in the Dark

Animal Planet of Raw Sex

Planet of the Apes
The Perfect Storm
The River Wild
The Elephant Man
Hot Fuzz
The Hunger Games
Fast & Furious
The X-Files

It’s All Fun & Games in the Bedroom

Toy Story
Just Go With It
The Breakfast Club
Yes Man
The Naked Gun
The Game
Easy Rider

Afraid of Sex

Eyes Wide Shut
Clear & Present Danger
(Indiana Jones and) The Temple of Doom / The Last Crusade
A Lonely Place to Die
The Hole
The Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter)
Man on a Ledge
Dead Man Walking
Say It Isn’t So
A Long Way From Home
Dog Day Afternoon
Diary of a Whimpy Kid
The Abyss

It Must Be Love (think I’m gonna vom)

Punch Drunk Love
Warm Bodies
Crazy, Stupid, Love
Eat, Prey, Love
The Girl Next Door
Stuck on You

You Like it Rough? How Dirty Do You Want To Go?

The Cabin in the Woods
The Lord of the Rings… Hmm, too much?
The Phantom Menace
Slap Her, She’s French
Snatch… Oh, how rude?
Deep Impact
The Expendables
The Core
Wreck it Ralph
Demolition Man
Mad Max / Beyond the Thunderdome
Kick Ass
In Too Deep
Indecent Proposal
Zero Dark Thirty
Donkey Punch
Fatal Attraction
There Will Be Blood

The Dark Side of The Force – Maybe Even a Bit Rapey

While You Were Sleeping
Raging Bull
What Doesn’t Kill You
Killing Them Softly
The Hurt Locker
Your Next
Pain & Gain
Drag Me To Hell
No One Lives
The Devil Inside

So which one is yours?  Tell us in the comments below, or share any more you can think of.  If you enjoyed this post, why not share it with your friends?  If it made you smile, I’m sure it will make them happy too.

About the Author: Chris Russell has a passion for movies and loves to share that passion here on Movie Retrospect where readers can join the discussion in the comments below or directly to Chris though his Google+ profile. If you enjoyed this post, please follow @MovieRetrospect on Twitter.

Chris loves movies, films & cool TV shows and loves to share that passion here on Movie Retrospect. If you enjoyed this post, please follow @MovieRetrospect on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.

How do you come up with a movie title?

A good way into coming up with a great movie title is to consider what the core essence of your story is. What's it really about? What's the core conflict? What's the overall emotion you want to convey in your script's title?

What is the best movie title?

Best Movie Titles Ever.
Pulp Fiction (1994) R | 154 min | Crime, Drama. ... .
Taxidermia (2006) Not Rated | 91 min | Comedy, Drama, Horror. ... .
Naked Lunch (1991) R | 115 min | Drama. ... .
There Will Be Blood (2007) R | 158 min | Drama. ... .
Trainspotting (1996) ... .
Delicatessen (1991) ... .
Requiem for a Dream (2000) ... .
A Clockwork Orange (1971).