Missed period negative pregnancy test brown discharge cramping

Guest over a year ago

I am 9 days late for my period done one pregnancy test on day 5 and one on day 9 (both were afternoon time) They came back negative!! On day 6/7 i had very light spotting of blood which i thought was start of my period, infact it was more like a brown discharge if anything. Its still there a little when i wipe. I have sore and hard boobs but nothing major i occasionaly get this when im on my period anyway.No other symptoms really. I have been having unprotected sex with my boyfreind now for 3 years (not trying, but not Not trying if that makes sence?) I really want to be pregnant and i havent experienced this before so im hoping this is it! Has anyone got any advice on what i should do? has this happened to anyone else? when should i test again? Thanks

Dusky240011 over a year ago

I had that problem b4 also. My dr said the "brown discharge " is dried blood from last period. Sometimes it's there other times it's not. If u don't have 1 in a few days take another test in the morning. U get best results w morning urine. Good luck. And remember u will have a baby when the time is right. Don't give up. Have faith.

Guest over a year ago

Hi. It is definitely dried blood from your last period. Whenever your period is late, don't take just one pregnancy test - take two or even more of them in the similar part of day.

Usually, those morning urine tests are the most reliable. 

But look, there is a huge possibility that you are pregnant. According to my good friend experience, you can be 4 weeks pregnant - for example, and still be pregnant.

Ultrasound can help you deal with this issue. Definitely, brown or pink spotting can be a sign of early pregnancy symptoms. Late period and negative pregnancy test sometimes are not that reliable. 

carter8083 over a year ago

i have had more or less the same thing, me and my boyfriend are trying to concieve so i stopped taking the pill 6 weeks ago and my period is now nearly two weeks late and all i've had is 2 days of extremely light brown sticky bleeding which is only visable when wiping, i did a few pregnancy tests over a week ago and both were neg, so im not sure if this was a weird period or im pregnant. I spoke to a doctor yesterday and she told me this could just be a very light period due to the pill hormone being in my system or it could be implantation bleeding (which occurs about 2-3 weeks after conception) she also told me that cos i didn't know when i ovulated i could of done the pregnancy tests too early or i could be one the people who don't have enough hormone in my body to get a positive urine test this early so she's done a blood test to make sure im not pregnant andif im not she will give me some tablets to kick start my periods. So i think its worth getting a blood test done by your doctor asap to make sure and start doing ovulation tests so you know when your likely to get pregnant as it sounds like you want to, good luck sarah x

Crismm266216 over a year ago

C an you girls tell me what happened. I'm on the same boat and its driving me crazy. I even want my period to come even though we are ttc. I am 9 days late, very light spotting, like a drop a day, pink or brown dep on day, and cramps, but no pregnancy (negative tests). I had my gynaecologist checkup 3 weeks ago and everything seemed fine and I am normally 28 days exactly.  

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xobubblyxo23 over a year ago

The same thing is happening to me. My last menstrual cycle was 10/22 its now 11/26 my cycle is usually 28 days long. Yesterday 11/25 i noticed brown discharge, looks like old blood at the end of a period. I put a pad on thinking my period would start. This morning i wake up and theres nothing on the pad but when i wipe, the same brown blood is on the toiletpaper. My breast are sore, i dont know what else to do, ive taken 4 pregnancy test (afternoon) they came up negative.

babyGirl94 over a year ago

i dont think this will help you but last month i was 9 days late tested on day 6 and was negative period was short and
light now a month later im 6 Days late tested day 3 Kinda Light brown discharge day 4 Me and my bf never use protection not really caring If anything happens but would like it to happen

Guest over a year ago

I had this, but turned out my period was just late, might have been a mix of stress and willigness to be pregnant. I did get pregnant a month later tho. Good luck!

Babygirl94 over a year ago

Im not really stressed but Idk maybe its just tin willingNess of it i just kinda throws me off i mean i wanna be but the tests have all been negative

Guest over a year ago

I just request the peeople who start with the forum and also to kindly come backa nd reply

as to what happened. It is not only helpful for the people who may suffer such a thing in the future

but also help couples who have been trying to conceive. THanks a lot...

Guest over a year ago

i am going through everything you did. Were you pregnant? The earliest I would see the doctor was 2 weeks from now.

CandK337005 over a year ago

I am in the same boat! Can someone please give an update

mspaige over a year ago

I'm in need of advice as well ladies. Last cycle I was 9 days late and had 3 days of light bleeding I tested on day 8 and was negative. So when I began spotting I took it as a period but today when I looked over the ovulation calendar added those dates as spotting and not AF it says I would have been ovulating then. That was almost two weeks ago now my boobs are tender. My question is could this have been implantation bleeding , ovulation spotting, or pg and I just tested too early? Thanks Baby Dust to you all

Courtslouise over a year ago

i was ovulating when I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend on the 2nd April I was due on my period on the 15/16th making me 8/9 days late. I feel sick when I smoke, the smell of most things make me feel sick and I have backache a lot recently. I took a test at 4 days late and it said negative but it was just a cheap one, I took another test yesterday and it was a faint negative line on a clear blue test. Today I had brown light spotting that lasted about 20mins but only visible on toilet paper but nothing at all now. Could I be pregnant? My periods are normally pretty regular

Guest over a year ago

I feel like I'm going crazy. I am 6 days late. I have taken several pregnancy tests most morning....some afternoon. All negative. Today at 6 days missed i started a very light brown discharge. We were also not, not trying but now that all of the tests are coming up negative I am feeling very down. Could I still be pregnant? The nurse at my docs office told me to call back after being two weeks late. It seemed very unhelpful. So I'm here seeking advice and support! Thanks!

Why do I have brown discharge and cramps but no period?

When there is no pregnancy, brown discharge may be caused by: old blood leaving the uterus a few days after the end of a period. a period just beginning to start, where the flow is very light. ovulation spotting, which may be pinkish-brown.

Why is my period late but I have cramps and negative pregnancy test?

There are many reasons your period could be late other than pregnancy. Stress, illness, and changes in weight or nutrition can all affect your menstrual cycle. If you're taking hormonal birth control or took emergency contraception, that can also change your period.

Why am I cramping and having brown discharge?

Brown discharge can happen at the beginning and end of your period because the blood oxidizes. It can also be a sign of certain STIs like chlamydia and gonorrhea or pelvic inflammatory disease. Bloody, brown discharge is also the most common sign of endometrial cancer.

Why do I have brown discharge when I'm not on my period and I missed my period last month?

Infections such as bacterial vaginosis (BV) or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) may lead to brown spotting or bleeding. Some infections, such as gonorrhea or chlamydia, may not cause symptoms in the early stages.