Life below zero: next generation chris morse accident

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Life below zero: next generation chris morse accident

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Life below zero: next generation chris morse accident

level 1

Did anybody watch Yukon Men?? On the very last episode of season 7 of Yukon Men, Chris and Jesse got stuck on a snowmobile in the middle of frozen nowhere. They had run out of food and fleeing their small cabin seemed like they're best bet. Jesse's toes were changing colors and she thought she had the beginnings of frostbite.. next thing I know they pop up on LBZ: Next Gen with zero explanation of how they got out of that perilous situation, likely received help from the production crew, would be my guess. But it has still never been mentioned as of yet. In the Next Gen season trailer, Chris has some bad leg injury as a result of rubbing up against the blade of some axe and cut his leg really badly requiring a tourniquet. Though we've seen nothing to indicate that has taken place during the season as of now, I really hope that storyline is not another cliffhanger that is ignored in the future. It's a survival reality show, I'd appreciate some continuity..

level 2

What happened to Chris after his leg accident? There was a little teaser which showed him on a stretcher being taken "somewhere"... and he's totally out of it. I've been searching for some info and can find nothing. Obviously, he survived since the show continues on, but it seems out of order. His injury looked very serious.

level 1

I started watching it this week. I like Alex so far. Chris and Jesse annoy me. Haven't made up my mind about the others yet.

Side note, I've been grooving on the music they've featured on this show and wish they'd release a soundtrack for it or list the songs out.

level 2

Super annoying, They were on The Last Alaskans too weren’t they? Anyway they were annoying on that show too.

level 2

Chris and Jesse annoy me

I cannot put my finger in "why?" but I somewhat feel the same way, still I am interested into see how they will become selfreliant in their cabin.

level 2

what are some of the artists? I'd love to hear what they use. Some of it sounds like Mogwai but never can pinpoint it

level 1

I don't really like anyone except Manzo. I only watch Next Gen to look at the pretty scenery tbh.

level 1

amatuer cast, filmed and manipulated by greedy directors wanting more survival action in their shows..

level 1

Chris and Jessi are super annoying! Bring back Glen

level 2

Chris and Jessi are super annoying! Bring back Glen

Glen has the same problem Ricko does: avoiding Friend of the Court. They both have fathered several children, and do nothing to pay for their support. Both love to describe their efforts in gathering and hunting using terms like "for the greater good... etc"; too bad supporting their children doesn't rank as important to them.

level 1

i just think someone is going to survive the dark winter.

level 2

they have cell phones and internet. and facebok & instas. the show doesnt show all that stuff

level 2

Almost all of them are plugged in, they'll survive just fine LOL

level 1

I haven't started yet but do they still do the weird "horror" vibe that the original has?

level 2

just when someone says "BEAR" then it gets all weird..

level 1

I just can't seem to get into it like I am LBZ. I'm not sure why.

level 2

Maybe because you already know the cast of the original LBZ?

Life below zero: next generation chris morse accident


I love alaskan shows but not this

I thought it would be living in the wild all year long but they come across as weekend warrior wannabe's that go to their families cabin once a year. I struggled through the first episode and got halfway through the second and decided enough is enough of this boring sh###

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Too much background sound

The sound people must think if they turn up the volume, they might get an Emmy like Life Below Zero has in the past. But they have the volume so high it's hard to hear what the cast is saying.

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Too much loud, annoying music.

I would have rated the show higher if it wasn't for the loud annoying music. I had To put CC on because when the homesteaders were talking, I couldn't hear what they were saying. Why are the producers using music?

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Winter vacation

This is like Alaskan Bush people- phony- they are seasonal. Have real jobs and go on vacation to "rough it". Nothing like Jesse Holmes- Sue Aikens or the Hailstones

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we get it, winter gets cold you need food and death is all around you Reality TV at its most boring

Do we need another Life Below Zero? NO! Are we that sheltered that watching people live in the bush is worth the time? Not everyone in the lower 48 works in an office and would starve to death without their local Kroger. I've spent many years in northern Minnesota and the mountains of Colorado, hunting fishing camping and living a simple life. I never felt like death was close The original LBZ was bad enough with the fake dangers around every corner. Now we get to see another generation live like people have lived for 10's of thousands of years except they have modern equipment and modern weapons. Realty TV started out horrible and is getting worse.

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So un-interesting

I am a huge fan of LBZ and am so very dissapointed with its spinnoff next generation. The cast you have chosen are just not interesting. This Mazo guy talks as if we are all 8 years old. The young couple gives the impression they have no idea what is happening around them and if that relationship lasts another year I'll be surprised. He seems to just barely put up with his wife and your expecting him to yell at her any minute. Thr guy driving his home made snow plow....come on folks watching paint dry would be more interesting. I liked the guy with his children as he really knows how to do what needs to be done. The rest have no idea. I learned so much from LBZ but fron next gen I learn nothing and just FF through every episode. They I'm sure are very nice folks but I'd like to see people who have some skills for surviving. Building a whole house and cutting it all using an axe and hand saw makes no sense. Would it kill them to have a chain saw? Just the time savings alone are termendous. I hope I don't sound unappreciative as I love these type of shows but PLEASE pick better participants . Thank you. I noticed so many viewers who agree this show is not good and the comments all support what I and others are saying. If your going to ask us to review the show then do something about it when it is obviously a complete FLOP.

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Background music too loud! Can't hear speech. If it doesn't improve we will discontinue to watch. Enjoy original Life Below Zero. Jessie and Sue are favorites. Next Generation is a waste. If noise continues will stop watching.

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First view thoughts

This is a loss. Especially the couple riding the noisy dirt bikes around, but complaining about the noises and smells of "city" life.

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Uneventful. Unimaginative. Unwatchable.

I've tried. I can't take any more. Worse than viewing the only DIY Youtube video on a specific topic and being forced to endure 30 minutes of non-relative chatter to glean 30 seconds of relative content.

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Jessi and Chris failed miserably on Mountain Men a few years ago, I'm almost wondering if I'm seeing the example same footage just delayed. We will watch them spiral into the abyss, mark my words.

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Chris and Jessi Morse are such amateurs living as homesteaders. I feel like when I'm watching they doing to die because none of them seem to have any skills to be there. This is sad and lack any interest compared to life below zero the 1st series. The Rowland's are much better homesteaders. Just get rid of Chris and Jess.

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Really (Reality)

I don't know what they were thinking. Please cancel LBZ New Generation or get some people that are bad assery. Chris and Jessi need to go. They couldn't make it on Yukon men and they are lame on this show. They are the worst. They need to find people like Sue Aikens, Hailstone's and their girls and Rico DeWilde and his children have more you know what than the Morses. Andy Bassich and his girlfriend from Florida. Going from 100 degree weather to below zero. You got some bad assery there for sure. Jesse running the dog sleds. He is awesome. They are all awesome. Please film more shows with them instead of new generation. There is however a couple of exceptions. Switch Michael Manzo and Alex Javor over to the original show.

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Background music so laud

It's so annoying to watch with the background music being so laud, usually I like to watch the show when I go to bed but since the background music is so tense and laud I won't be watching like this.

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Complete embarrassment to the original

Warning: Spoilers

So hard to take seriously Jessi Morse with her pink rubber boots. She randomly shoots and loses her 14 dollar arrows. A complete farce. It's pretty obvious that this comedy of a show gets cancelled after the 1st season.

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Annoying background noise

I LOVE the original show. Hate this one. Super loud and annoying background noise. It is so unnecessary. Won't continue to watch because of this. I have to mute it and use closed captions in order to tolerate watching it.

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Chris is such a drama queen. I feel bad for his wife. Can someone please tell him to man up.

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This show is a joke compared to the original Life Below Zero. Waste of time and I can't believe that National Geographic would air this.

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How many times can Jess & Chris say Cosna in one show, we get it you live in the Cosna we don't have to hear it every other word. With commercials your in about 15 minuets of the show and the last show you said Cozna 14 times. Give it a break!!!

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Background Music

Stop it. We can barely hear the words for the sound of the music. The show is good but we have to read the captions and turn off the sound, So Stupid.

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This spin off is a flop. Particularly the ex vet who constantly evangelizes against living in modern (comfortable) society. The OG life below calls out the differences between lifestyles but they don't have a running commentary on how much we ( the vast majority of the planets population) suck and are doing it wrong. I don't find this spin off entertaining, I find it annoying. If the producers are reading this, focus your energies on the original LBZ series and please do not renew this horrible fiasco

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This looks like a bunch of people on vacation.

There's no way some of this people live like they show on TV. The ex vet guy with the dog looks like he goes to the Cabin on the weekends. His cabin is made out of plywood and I'm not sure if it has insulation. Which will make it impossible to tolerate the cold. The show absolutely suck!! The couple I believe Chris and his wife. That guy is such a winer. He had a cut and made such a show. I tough he almost cut his leg of but if you notice on one of the episodes it show the scar and it look like it was nothing much for the drama he did!!

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Only one of these people will be living the life in 2 years and he's been doing for awhile already! The rest are all talk and no action and weak skills...

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Warning: Spoilers

This New Generation is just HORRIBLE!

I really enjoyed all of the people in the first show except the Guy with the racing dogs. The dogs were kept in boxes unless they were pulling a sled for him, racing or working. This Next Generation; the people are boring apparently none of them are Natives of Alaska so there are no real lessons they can add about the culture of an Alaskan Native. Who cares that a man takes his 3 year old son on a bear hunt and doesn't kill a bear. That was probably for the best since in some scenes his 3 year old was walking behind him possibly in harms way; or a girl that TRIES to hunt with a bow and arrow. Then there's the guy whose boat motor broke and he just happened to have a spare or else he would have perished with a spoiling moose in his boat. LET IT GO! They would have done better just showing re-runs of the original show rather than mess up the whole idea with this Next Generation group of people. It's apparent that the casting director couldn't do any better this time, which should have been an indicator to just shut it down. It was a "One Hit Wonder".

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How much are Chris and Jessie worth?

Stars Sue Aiken, Jesse Holmes, and Jessie Holmes are each worth an estimated $500,000.

Who is the new family on life below zero next generation?

Meet the 2022 Life Below Zero Next Generation cast Chris and Jessica Morse. Chevie and Sonta Roach and their three children, Sydney, Ryder and Emery. Johnny Rolfe. Kaleb and Brittany Rowland and their children, Gilbert and Elovie.