Jon and laura grant update 2023


Laura and Jon met on

Jon was a Navy SEAL Combat Medic and he was staying in Fayetteville for a year so he wanted to connect with more people so he got on Match. The two met the day he arrived in town.

They quickly developed a bond together from their shared beliefs and outlook on life. They married in 2012.

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up."

Ecclesiastes 4:9

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.


John 14:27

Laura Grant discusses the long road to recovery for her husband Jon

Jon and Laura Grant Inspires Millions

Right before their 5th year anniversary, Jon and one of his buddies witnessed a huge fire happening downtown in Raleigh, NC. Being a Combat Medic, he would be able to offer beneficial assistance to those injured.

Unfortunately, Laura received a phone call telling her that Jon was unresponsive following a car accident. When Laura saw him in the hospital, he was all bruised up and there was blood everywhere. They didn’t think he would make it. They even called in to donate his organs. Thankfully, Jon was still alive but in a coma, and so they waited hoping he would make a full recovery. Laura whispered in Jon’s ear, “If it hurts too bad, I understand if you have to go but don’t hold on for me.”

“He had shearing of his whole brain,” his wife Laura Grant said. “Meaning his whole brain just shook and little tears throughout the whole thing occurred. He had two big brain bleeds.”

Doctors said 90 percent of a severe brain injury called diffuse axonal injury (DAI) survivors remain unconscious and the 10 percent who awakens from a coma have significant impairment.

But Laura had a feeling it wasn’t his time yet. Laura never left her husband’s side and turned to her faith, believing his strong will would pull him through.

Laura kept track of Jon’s posture and would use her Pilates background to make sure he was consistently being stimulated. She would align his spine, stretch his limbs, and rub his feet every day to get his brain stimulated.

In order for him to recover more efficiently, the doctors advised making sure his blood levels stay low. Though whenever Laura would enter the room Jon’s heart would spike up, causing a slight panic in the room and trying to force her to leave. Laura was touched and adamant about staying in the room with the love of her life.

“The main theme I hear is just how much they can see that Jon and I love each other,” she said. “You think about it like, we only communicated really on the soul level, so to see that, that’s one of the biggest lessons I feel like through Jon and I is reconnecting people at the soul level.”




What happened Jonny Grant?

Jonny suffered a severe brain injury called diffuse axonal injury (DAI) leaving him in a coma. "He had shearing of his whole brain," Laura Grant said. "Meaning his whole brain just shook and little tears throughout the whole thing occurred.

Who is Laura pilates?

Laura Wilson is the founder of Natural Pilates. Her passion for fitness started as a kid, but she pursued it in 2002 when she moved to USA. Starting with massage therapy, she study pilates under John Garey. The journey continued with yoga, GYROTONIC® and personal training.