Jason todd x reader wearing his clothes

Word Count: 1,600

Tags: @idkmanicantenglish @mayahoelland2013

Request from @hurricane-anxiety:  Would you mind writing a Jason Todd x reader where jay comes home like super smashed? 👉🏻👈🏻

Based off my drunk dumbass friends.

Jason is out late, spending time with a few friends. You enjoy a quiet night in the apartment by yourself, catching up on a show that Jason hates and eating take out from your favorite restaurant. By the time midnight rolls around, there’s still no sign of Jason coming back to the apartment, so you text him good night and tell him you’ll leave the kitchen light on. He texts back a few minutes later, saying “good nigty babe i live yoi”. 

Chuckling at the gratuitous spelling errors, you plug your phone in and crawl into bed. After thirty minutes of tossing and turning in bed which includes retrieving another blanket since your cuddly space heater isn’t here, you finally fall asleep. 

The sound of the front door to your apartment closing wakes you up. Normally, Jason is silent, but you suppose it was because you were sleeping lighter than normal without him in bed. You groggily open your eyes and glance at the clock on your nightstand: 2:31 AM. Knowing Jason will come into your bedroom in a minute, you roll back over. 

As you begin to drift away again, you hear a cabinet door slam shut followed by a frantic, but whispered: “Shit!” 

Sounds like Jason let a cabinet door slip you explain to yourself, closing your eyes again. Thirty seconds later, you hear a loud bang! Followed by an even louder bang and a shouted: “Fuck!” 

Deciding to see what your usually silent boyfriend is up to, you roll out of bed, only dressed in a pair of underwear and one of his shirts. The kitchen light blinds you for a moment, forcing you to squint. Through your squinting, you find Jason tangled up in one of your bar stools and laying on the ground. 

You blink, your eyes adjusting. 

“Y/N!” Jason exclaims with an easy grin that is quickly replaced with guilt. “Wait, did I wake you up?” 

You raise your eyebrows at Jason. 

“Kinda,” You admit groggily. 

“Shit, I’m sorry, babe.” 

“You uh…” You gesture to the bar stool Jason is tangled in. “You having some problems there?” 

Jason giggles, looking a little sheepish. 

“I went to sit down but then tipped backward.” 

Your eyebrows raise even higher. Jason is almost never this giggly and he’s definitely coordinated enough to sit in the bar stools without tipping them over. A small laugh escapes as you connect the dots. 

A night out with friends. 

Poorly spelled texts. 

Very loud. 





Jason is drunk.

Watching you laugh seems to make Jason laugh even if he doesn’t know what you’re laughing at. 

“You’re a goof,” You tell him, stepping over to help Jason upright. 

Jason grins, wraps an arm around your shoulder and kisses your head

“Yeah, but I’m your goof.” 

You smile, helping Jason into a bar stool that’s not on the ground. You run your fingers through his hair, warmth bubbling up in your chest as Jason leans against your hand happily. 

“Yeah, you are.” 

Jason’s grin widens at your words. You kiss the top of his head and walk into the kitchen to get him a glass of water. 

“Fun night?” You ask. 

Jason giggles, his face red. He slouches in the bar stool to lean heavily against the kitchen island. 

“Yeah, it was. I’ve missed Roy.” 

“I bet you have,” You slide the glass across the bar to him. 

“What’s this?” He asks, staring down into the liquid. 

“Water,” You tell him. “You need to drink it.” 

“But I don’t want to drink it.” 

“You’ll wish you drank it in the morning.” 

“But it’s not the morning yet,” Jason astutely points out. 

You glance at the clock on your oven which reads 2:43 AM. 

“Yeah, it is,” You point at the clock with a raised eyebrow. 

“That doesn’t count,” Jason waves his hand. “I haven’t slept yet, so it’s not morning.” 

You laugh, rolling your eyes at Jason’s logic. 

“I will be sure to inform the world that the morning doesn’t start until you wake up.” 

“That’s right,” Jason says proudly with a dopey grin. “See to it that the world knows.” 

“But you should still drink the water.” 

“But I don’t want to drink the water.” 

“Will you please drink the water? For me?” 

Jason looks at you suspiciously. 

“Just one glass,” You barter. 

“Just one?” He raises an eyebrow. 

“One,” You promise. “And I’ll make you a sandwich.” 

His eyes light up. 

“Oh, with tomatoes!” 

“With tomatoes,” You agree, walking over to the fridge. “And the works. But, you have to drink that glass of water first.” 

Jason pouts but takes a few big gulps of the water which satisfies you enough to pull out all the ingredients from the fridge and start making his sandwich. 

“I love you,” He says randomly. 

You look up from cutting a tomato to see Jason leaning on his arm, his eyes fond. 

“I love you too,” You tell him, leaning across the bar on your toes to kiss his nose. 

Jason grins, leaning down to get a proper, but brief kiss from you. As you spread the condiments onto the bread with a knife, Jason clambers down from his chair to round the kitchen island and hug you from behind, leaning heavily against you. He lays his chin on your shoulder, watching you make the sandwich. 

“You’re more than I deserve,” He murmurs against your head. 

You finish putting everything on the sandwich and turn in Jason’s grasp, letting him rest his forehead against yours. 

“What makes you say that?” You ask. 

“Someone who has done as much fucked up shit as I have doesn’t get to be this happy,” He tells you as he kisses you. 

You reach up and cup his face, feeling a few thin scars along his jaw. 

“I think someone who has been through as much as you have deserves to be happy.” 

He grins, kissing you again. 

“Well, you make me ridiculously happy.” 

You smile. 

“I love you,” He softly whispers to you. 

“I love you too,” You respond easily, kissing his head. “Also your sandwich is done, but you have to drink your water first.” 

Jason groans. 

“I don’t need water,” He insists as you slip out of his grip. 

“Yes, you do,” You tell him, pulling him toward the chair. 

He stumbles, walking heavily as he pushes you against the bar again, his hands sliding up your thighs. 

“This my shirt?” He asks, playing with the bottom of it.

“Maybe,” You shrug. 

Jason grins, kissing you again as his hands slide under the shirt. 

“I like it when you wear my clothes.” 

“I know,” You smirk, kissing him back. “Come on, eat your sandwich and drink your water.” 

“But I see something else I’d much rather eat,” Jason growls in your ear, pulling you flush against him. 

You laugh, smacking his chest lightly. 

“Easy there, tiger. You can barely hold yourself up right now.” 

“That’s okay, I don’t need to,” Jason grins, nibbling on your earlobe. “You can just ride me.” 

You roll your eyes, running your hands up his arms as his hands squeeze your sides. 

“I want to go to bed,” You tell him. 

“Funny, I do too,” Jason purrs. 

You put a hand on his chest, pushing him away from your ear. He smiles down at you, resting his forehead against yours as he sways slightly. 

“To sleep,” You clarify. 

“What fun are you?” Jason teases. 

“I’d be a whole lot more fun if it wasn’t 2:30 in the morning,” You snark back, pecking his lips. 

Jason laughs, wrapping his arms around you for a tight hug. 

“I’m sorry I woke you up,” He mutters into your hair. 

“You can make it up to me by finishing your water and eating that sandwich I just made you.” 

Jason sighs dramatically. 

“I suppose I can!” He announces loudly then stumbles toward the bar stool, barely missing a collision with the floor.

You snicker, holding the back of the stool to ensure it doesn’t tip again as Jason as he enjoys his sandwich and drinks his water. 

“Next time, I’ll get drunk with you then we can have drunk sex,” You promise as Jason finishes the last of his water. 

“Really?” Jason asks eagerly. 

You roll your eyes at his eagerness. 

“Babe, you act like we didn’t have sex this morning.” 

“But that was so long ago,” Jason whines. 

You laugh, helping Jason out of the chair. 

“You are so dramatic.” 

“I am a man with needs!” Jason exclaims as you walk him back to your bedroom. 

“You’re an idiot.” 

“Again,” Jason slings his arm around your shoulder, kissing your head. “Your idiot.” 

“Your brother may have been onto something, warning me,” You tease. 

“You know,” Jason admits. “I think Damian is starting to grow on me.” 

“Starting to grow on you?” You shake your head with a sputtering laugh. “He’s been around for six years!”

“He’s not the easiest person to get along with!” 

“And I’m sure your brothers would say the same thing about you,” You tease, kissing Jason’s cheek. 

“Yeah, yeah,” Jason stumbles, leaning heavily on you for a moment. 

He collapses onto the bed face down, kicking his shoes off. You lean in the doorway, watching him, amused. 

“You comfortable there, Jay?” 

He grumbles something into the pillow. You roll your eyes fondly and help Jason pull off his jeans. 

“Oh, babe, I thought you said no sex?” Jason grins, running his hands up your legs. 

“That still stands,” You tell him. “I don’t want to be woken up by you whining about being uncomfortable because you fell asleep in jeans.” 

“I love it when you talk dirty,” Jason teases, kissing you. 

“Uh-huh, shut up, you dork,” You smile, kissing him back. 

You shut off the lights then crawl into bed with Jason. He immediately pulls you against his chest, burying his face into your hair. 

“Good night,” He mumbles to you. 

You smile fondly against his chest. 

“Good night, Jaybird.” 

Thank you guys for being patient! I will be working through the other requests! I’ve missed y’all