Is 5 8 smaller than 3 4

Compare Fractions

Compare integers, decimals, fractions, mixed, or percents

Operand 1
and Operand 2


1 3/4 < 1.875

Showing Work

Using the given inputs:

Rewriting these inputs as decimals:

Comparing the decimal values we have:

Therefore, comparison shows:

1 3/4 < 1.875

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Calculator Use

Compare fractions to find which fraction is larger and which is smaller. You can also use this calculator to compare mixed numbers, compare decimals, compare integers and compare improper fractions.

How to Compare Fractions

To compare fractions with unlike denominators convert them to equivalent fractions with the same denominator.

  1. If you have mixed numbers convert them to improper fractions
  2. Find the lowest common denominator (LCD) for the fractions
  3. Convert each fraction into its equivalent with the LCD in the denominator
  4. Compare fractions: If denominators are the same you can compare the numerators. The fraction with the bigger numerator is the larger fraction.


Compare 5/6 and 3/8.

Find the LCD: The multiples of 6 are 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, etc. The multiples of 8 are 8, 16, 24, 32, etc. The lowest common multiple is 24 so we use that as the lowest common denominator.

Convert each fraction to its equivalent fraction using the LCD.
For 5/6, multiply numerator and denominator by 4 to have LCD = 24 in the denominator.

\( \dfrac{5}{6} \times \dfrac{4}{4} = \dfrac{20}{24} \)

For 3/8, multiply numerator and denominator by 3 to have LCD = 24 in the denominator.

\( \dfrac{3}{8} \times \dfrac{3}{3} = \dfrac{9}{24} \)

Compare the fractions. Because there are like denominators you can compare the numerators. 20 is larger than 9, so:


\( \dfrac{20}{24} > \dfrac{9}{24} \)

we conclude   

\( \dfrac{5}{6} > \dfrac{3}{8} \)

For additional fraction help see our Fractions Calculator, Simplify Fractions Calculator and Mixed Numbers Calculator.

References: Help with Fractions Finding The Least Common Denominator.

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Is 5 8 smaller than 3 4
Is 5 8 smaller than 3 4

Can't remember what 9/64" is in decimals? Neither can we. Use this handy chart to convert from fractions to decimals and millimeters.

Fraction Conversion Table







1/64 0.015625 0.396   33/64 0.515625 13.096
1/32 0.03125 0.793   17/32 0.53125 13.493
3/64 0.046875 1.19   35/64 0.546875 13.89
1/16 0.0625 1.587   9/16 0.5625 14.287
5/64 0.078125 1.984   37/64 0.578125 14.684
3/32 0.09375 2.381   19/32 0.59375 15.081
7/64 0.109375 2.778   39/64 0.609375 15.478
1/8 0.125 3.175   5/8 0.625 15.875
9/64 0.140625 3.571   41/64 0.640625 16.271
5/32 0.15625 3.968   21/32 0.65625 16.668
11/64 0.171875 4.365   43/64 0.671875 17.065
3/16 0.1875 4.762   11/16 0.6875 17.462
13/64 0.203125 5.159   45/64 0.703125 17.859
7/32 0.21875 5.556   23/32 0.71875 18.256
15/64 0.234375 5.953   47/64 0.734375 18.653
1/4 0.25 6.35   3/4 0.75 19.05
17/64 0.265625 6.746   49/64 0.765625 19.446
9/32 0.28125 7.143   25/32 0.78125 19.843
19/64 0.296875 7.54   51/64 0.796875 20.24
5/16 0.3125 7.937   13/16 0.8125 20.637
21/64 0.328125 8.334   53/64 0.828125 21.034
11/32 0.34375 8.731   27/32 0.84375 21.431
23/64 0.359375 9.128   55/64 0.859375 21.828
3/8 0.375 9.525   7/8 0.875 22.225
25/64 0.390625 9.921   57/64 0.890625 22.621
13/32 0.40625 10.318   29/32 0.90625 23.018
27/64 0.421875 10.715   59/64 0.921875 23.415
7/16 0.4375 11.112   15/16 0.9375 23.812
29/64 0.453125 11.509   61/64 0.953125 24.209
15/32 0.46875 11.906   31/32 0.96875 24.606
31/64 0.484375 12.303   63/64 0.984375 25.003
1/2 0.5 12.7   1 1 25.4

The Difference

Is 5 8 smaller than 3 4

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What size is bigger than 5 8?

Metric / Standard Wrench Conversion Chart.

Is 5/8 smaller than a quarter inch?

Explanation: To compare the two fractions, we must have common base so that the numerators can be directly matched. Now we have to find the L C M for the denominator of the two fractions to make the denominator common. (58)” button is (38)” greater than (14)” button.

Which ratio is bigger 3 4 or 5 6?

Answer: 5:6 is greater than 3:4. Think of it as a fraction, the bigger the first number (the numerator) and the smaller the second number (the denominator) the bigger the fraction.

How can you tell which fraction is greater?

As long as the denominators are the same, the fraction with the greater numerator is the greater fraction, as it contains more parts of the whole. The fraction with the lesser numerator is the lesser fraction as it contains fewer parts of the whole.