If i were invisible for a day essay 300 words

I actually really hate the life that I am having now. As everyone can see what I am doing and I really hate this. Also, I always want to do something I can’t do. May be I don’t have brave to do and sometimes I don’t have ability to do.
If I were invisible for one day, I would first go and scare someone. I may open the door without making any noises. Or I could make many noises without let them to see my face. Someone told me that scare someone is pretty funny. As they may make some funny faces and they will absolutely make you laugh. I always hear this kind of experiences but I have never tried this before.
The next thing I would is to go to the teachers’ offices. I would go and see the exam papers. So that I don’t need to study so many things. Or may be my marks could be higher. Also, if I were lucky enough, may be I could make a photocopy of the exam papers. Also, may be I could stay at the offices for a longer time. As I think that teachers’ offices are very mysterious, so I just wanted to see what will the teachers do and the environment of the offices.
The third thing I wanted to do is to eat everything I want to without paying any money. I actually have many things I want to eat. However, they are very expensive. Or just I don’t have the money to eat them. If I became invisible for one day, I would go to many restaurants to eat everything I want to eat.
Can be invisible is such a great thing for me! I can do many things if I become invisible. Badly, it would never happened. So may be I can just work harder for the exams and just forget all the delicious food! ~.~


If I could make myself invisible for a day

To be invisible for a day! Rather a romantic fancy! You start thinking about me. It is the month of May. Perhaps you anticipate that I being a student would go into the office of the Central Board of Secondary Education and tamper with the results. But pardon me: when you wink thus of me you insult me I admit I shall fare well at any examination, Moreover, I am not dishonest. I would not abuse my super human power of being invisible in this dishonest way. Certainly I would see my marks.

If I could make myself invisible for a day my first venture would be to drive to the aerodrome, I would get into an aero plane going to Tashkent. Having alighted from the plane, I would jump on the hood of any motor car going in the direction of the place where our late Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri breathed his last. I would enter the building and bow my head. Very much would I wish that I had flowers with me to place them on the memorial of the late Prime Minister.

Having achieve that purpose I would return to Delhi by another aero plane. Straight way I would drive invisible to the Rashtrapati Bhavan. I would see the President at work. If I found the President busy in some confidential work, I would salute him and would rush out. For to be curious is one thing and to be prying is another.

By nature man is curious. He is more cu5rios if he knows none can see him. You will not blame me if I then rush to see how the President of Janate Party works. It would be a great privilege to see this common, yet uncommon ,an, thinking of policies for our welfare. But then I am invisible for a day! Time at my disposal is short. I would have to rush out of thjis lace also to do something else.

You know this busy programme would give me fatigue. I know that I am invisible. I would enter some cinema hall. None would demand the ticket. I would smile proudly at those presenting tickets to the gate keeper. Having enjoyed myself for a while, I would slip out of the hall during the interval. I would visit the Cinema restaurant. I would visit pick up a few cups of Quality Ice cream and would refresh myself. This I would so then the salesman is busy looking into some other direction,. If up the cups under this eyes, he would be frightened. I would of course pay for it by slipping a one rupee note into his pocket.

The day over I would like to see how people conduct themselves at night. I would loiter about in the bazaars of Delhi. What piece of first hand information I would have of pleasure of the rich of the suffering of the crimes of the wicked? I would like to know more about human nature. But then a twenty four hour day is too short. Were it longer I would have satisfied my curiosity at the end of the months many more things. For the present I would feel contended with this much.

She keeps everything speaks and span. The doctor has very little time at his disposal and everything must be well prepared beforehand.

She sets the beds of the patients and cleans the shelf. She brings the necessary things to the patients for brushing the teeth and washing the face. She distributes the breakfast among all the patients strictly according to the instruction of the doctor.

At noon, she distributes lunch to the patients. She also asks them if they want some change in their diet of the next day.

In the afternoon, almost the same routine is repeated. The temperature is taken washing is done, the prescribed doses of medicines are given and tea is provided to the patients. Groaning, moaning and weeping of patients starts again.

When her duty is over she hands over the charge to another nurse and goes to her hostel where she changes clothes. Then she takes rest for some time and does a little reading. In the evening she goes out for marketing. She likes to spend a few hours in the company of her friends in some coffee house.

An embodiment of tenderness, sympathy, discipline smartness and good temper the life of nurse is a lifelong dedication to the service of the humanity. It is but difficult to measure in terms of monkey what she does for us.

What if I was invisible paragraph?

If I were invisible I would enjoy the feeling of non-existence and escape from all cares and tensions of life. That would give me a long-desired opportunity to be away from the torments and tortures of the bitter realities of life. Being invisible, I would have to the liberty to go anywhere.

What would you do if you were invisible for a day Brainly?

Answer: if i was given a chance to be invisible for a day, i would like to watch over my family and friends and see how they are doing weithout me beside them. because all that i care in this world is their safety and happiness.

How can I become invisible in real life?

Five methods for turning invisible, ranked by the inventor of a real-life invisibility cloak.
Magic. Giphy. ... .
Chemistry. Giphy. ... .
Dynamic Camouflage. Giphy. ... .
Bending space/time. ... .

Would you like to become invisible What advantages and disadvantages do you?

It would be a unique and adventurous experience. I would be able to free people caught in the vicious circle of crime, help the police catch criminals and help the deprived sections of the society. I would not like to convert... Yes, I would like to become invisible, but only if I could get back to normal.