I want to delete my blocked list permanently on messenger

I want to delete my blocked list permanently on messenger

Preliminary information

I want to delete my blocked list permanently on messenger

Before getting to the heart of the topic, going to explain how to permanently delete a contact from Facebook Messenger, it is necessary to make some clarifications in this regard.

Let's start by saying that the practice in question can be understood in two ways: the first is that relating to contact block, that is, blocking a person on Messenger to prevent them from sending us messages, knowing when we are online and viewing our stories; the second concerns the clearing the contact list uploaded to Messenger, in order to avoid the synchronization of Facebook information with that of the address book of your smartphone or tablet.

As for the blocking of contacts, this is an operation independent from the one that can be implemented by the app or by the Facebook website,  In the second case, however, it is worth bearing in mind that the practice cannot be carried out on individual contacts but only on the entire list of those that have been uploaded to the service.

Both procedures can be carried out both from smartphones and tablets, using the Messenger app, and from computers, via the messaging service site and Facebook, depending on the operation to be performed.

Permanently delete a contact from Facebook Messenger from smartphones and tablets

Having made the necessary clarifications above, I would say that the time has come to take the real action: below, you will find explained how to permanently delete a contact from Messenger from smartphones and tablets.

As I told you, depending on what your actual needs are, you can either block a user than to carry out the clearing the contact list.

Contact block

I want to delete my blocked list permanently on messenger

Do you want to get rid of a certain contact on Messenger by blocking it? Then proceed to start theapps on Messenger for Android or iOS, by tapping on the relative icon (Quella with the white background and the blue balloon) e, if necessary, log in to your account.

At this point, type the name of the contact of your interest in the field Search, located at the top, select the suggestion relevant among those you see appear e, on the next screen, tap the name of the person in question, which you find above. Now, choose the voice Block placed at the bottom, then that Block your Messenger and confirm your intentions by pressing the button Block.

In addition to what I have just indicated, you can block a contact on Messenger by tapping on your profile picture (located at the top of the application screen), by selecting the item Peoplewhy are you cheating? Blocked e, subsequently, the wording Add someone. Then select the name of the contact of your interest from the list that you see appear and that's it.

In case of second thoughts, you can always cancel the blocking of one or more contacts by going to the section Blocked above, by selecting the name of the person to be unblocked in the list below the wording Block messages from e, finally, by pressing on the item Unblock on Messenger. For more details, refer to my specific guide on how to unblock someone on Messenger.

Delete contact list

I want to delete my blocked list permanently on messenger

Are you interested in understeing how to clear the list of contacts imported on Messenger? To do this, proceed as follows: open theapps on Messenger on your smartphone or tablet and select the your profile picture, which you find at the top. In the new screen that appears, select the item People and then that Manage your contacts. Finally, click on the button Delete all contacts And that's it. Unfortunately it is not possible to delete individual contacts.

Keep in mind that, proceeding as I just indicated, you will remove the list of contacts uploaded to Facebook but, if the option to upload them is still active, they will be uploaded again at a later time. If you want to prevent this from happening, you need to turn off the option for syncing contacts on Messenger.

To do this, select the again your profile picture that you find at the top of the Messenger app screen, then the voice People e, successively, the wording Upload your contacts. Then tap on the item disable and confirm by pressing on Remove.

Permanently delete a contact from Facebook Messenger from computer

As I told you earlier, permanently delete a contact from Facebook Messenger, blocking it o deleting the entire contact list, it is also a feasible operation from computer, acting directly from Messenger or Facebook, as appropriate: find all the details below.

Contact block

I want to delete my blocked list permanently on messenger

To permanently get rid of a Messenger contact by acting directly from it, the first step you need to take is to start the browser that you usually use to surf the net from your PC (eg. Chrome), visit the Messenger main page and log into your account (if necessary). If you use theMessenger application for Windows 10, on the other he, call it up from the Start menu, click on the relative link e, once the main screen is displayed, log in to your account (always if necessary).

Now, type the name of the contact of your interest in the search field, at the top left, and select the most relevant suggestion. In the chat screen that you see, if you are using Messenger from the web, expe the menu Privacy and assistance on the right and select the option Block messages, while if you are using the Messenger application for Windows 10 click on the first name of the user at the top and then proceed as I just indicated. Then, confirm what your intentions are by clicking on the item again Block messages, in the box that appears.

As an alternative to the procedure I have just indicated, click on the button with thegear (on the Web version of Messenger you find it at the top left, while on the application for Windows 10 it is at the bottom) and select the item Settings from the menu that opens. In the window that appears, then click on the entry Manage on Facebook che trovi in ​​corrispondenza della wording Block.

On the Facebook page that will open at this point, locate the wording Message blocking, type il name of the person you want to block on Messenger in the field adjacent to the writing Block messages fromselect il suggestion most relevant among those offered to you and click on end, in the window that opens.

Should you have second thoughts, you can cancel the block on Messenger by simply clicking on the link Unlock that you find next to the name of the person of your interest in the list of blocked contacts visible on the Facebook page above, in correspondence with the section Message blocking

Delete contact list

I want to delete my blocked list permanently on messenger

If you want to permanently delete a contact from Facebook Messenger by removing the contact list possibly loaded on the service, the procedure you must follow, from your computer, is as follows: go to the page relating to loading and managing contacts on the site Facebook and log into your account (if necessary).

Then select the link See the contacts you've uploaded to Messenger at the bottom and proceed with the removal of the contacts in the list below, by clicking on the button Delete all contacts and confirming the choice made by pressing the button again Delete all contacts (in the window that opens).

Keep in mind that, while removing the contacts uploaded from Messenger, if the function to automatically upload the data in question is enabled in the app, then your contacts will be uploaded again.

If you want to prevent this from happening, I suggest you disable the functionality in question by acting from the Messenger application, following the instructions I gave you in the chapter on deleting contacts from mobile.

In case of dubbi or problem

I want to delete my blocked list permanently on messenger

Have you followed my instructions on how to permanently delete a contact from Messenger but, in the course of work, something went wrong or did you have doubts? Given the circumstances, the best suggestion I can offer you is to contact the Service center of Facebook.

Da smartphone or tablet, you can access the Facebook Help Center through the same Messenger app, by starting the latter, by pressing on tua photo which is located at the top left and then on the item Help, which you find by scrolling the displayed screen. Then, type the keyword related to your problem or doubt in the appropriate field, at the top, and select therelevant topic among the suggestions you see appear.

Da computerInstead, you can access the Help Center by visiting its home page. Next, type the keyword of your interest in the search bar located at the top and select the relevant suggestion among those you see appear.

If you feel you need more information and if you want to find out which other systems you can use to receive assistance and support from the Facebook team, I suggest you read my guide specifically dedicated to how to contact Facebook.

How do I delete my blocked list?

Remove Number from Block List.
From a Home screen, navigate: Apps. Call Filter. ..
Tap. Block. ..
Tap. Blocked. (top of screen)..
Tap a blocked number..
Tap. Unblock number. ..
Tap. Confirm. ..

How do I hide my Blocked contacts on Facebook?

Click on the arrow on the upper-right corner of your Facebook page. Select “Settings & Privacy” > “Activity Log” In the column on the left, look for “Filter” (it will be a small blue link in the upper-right corner of the column) and click on it. Scroll down to and select “Hidden from Timeline.” Click on “Save Changes.”

Can you delete blocked messages on Messenger?

If you choose to block one of your Facebook friends, messages you sent to the blocked friend will still appear in your Messages folder. You can, however, manually delete messages you previously sent to this blocked Facebook friend.