How to write an email asking for sponsorship

If your team is considering requesting sponsorship from a local business, a sponsorship letter is a good way to explain your cause while also proposing how this partnership will benefit both parties. 

International Nonprofit Sponsorship Letter

Subject: [nonprofit’s name] needs your help from overseas!

Dear [sponsor’s name],

My name is [name] and I work with [nonprofit’s name] in [international location]. Though you may not have heard of our organization, we have over [amount of staff] and raise [yearly fundraising revenue in dollars] each year to help bring awareness to and support [nonprofit mission].

Currently, we are working hard to [nonprofit goal or upcoming project] and are in the process of raising money to support it. If we raise [fundraising goal], we will be able to provide [physical impact coming from donations]. So far, we are [amount of money] away from our goal and hope to reach it with the help of people like you.

Even though you are far away, we know that you can make a difference if you decide to sponsor our organization. With [specific amount], you can help [nonprofit’s name] continue to [specific action nonprofit does].

To thank you for your generous contribution and support, [nonprofit’s name] would like to offer you [incentive] in exchange for your sponsorship.

We would love to discuss a relationship for the future, so please contact us if you’d like to get involved or have any questions about our organization.

Thank you,

[nonprofit’s name]

[phone number]


Key Takeaway from This Sponsorship Letter

If you help run an international nonprofit and you’re looking for sponsorships from supporters abroad, you need to clearly explain what your nonprofit is and the goals your team is working for. Because your organization is based in a different country, your mission may not be as well known. Make sure to emphasize the good your organization is doing with specific examples to show potential sponsors.

Give them a reason to sponsor your nonprofit instead of a similar one where they live— mention what makes your organization different from others or provide incentives that’ll attract sponsors to you.

Sponsorship Letter for Charity Event

Subject: Help us with [organization’s mission] with this year’s [event name]

Dear [sponsor’s name],

My name is [name] and I am the [position] for [organization]. Each year, [organization’s name] team works extremely hard to bring awareness and raise money for [cause]. This [month], we’re excited to host a very exciting event: [event name].

This is our most important annual event, with last year’s event raising [amount of money] in total. This year, we want to go even further and host our most impactful event yet!

[organization’s name] has been hosting this event for over [time period] and last year we had [amount of people] attend. This year, we’re expecting an even bigger crowd, so we have to consider a number of increased expenses. A successful event will ensure that we [specific examples of how this charity event will actually help and impact the cause].

Please consider sponsoring our event. A gift of [dollar amount] will make a huge difference in our ability to plan and execute this event.

We’d also like to offer you something in return for your generosity. [organization’s name] will [incentive, for example: give free tickets, give discounts on future events, offer invitations to a gala that will recognize sponsors].

If you’d like to support our event or discuss our plans, please contact me at [email/phone number].

Thank you,


[phone number]


What Does This Letter Do Well?

This sponsorship letter gets straight to the point and explains your organization and what kind of charity event you’re hosting. When you’re asking others to sponsor an event, don’t waste any time with irrelevant information. Describe your event very specifically so that your prospective sponsor is able to immediately gauge whether they’re interested.

It helps to choose a sponsor whose goals or values also line up with yours. Lastly, listing out the various incentives you offer will end the sponsorship request on a positive note. This way they know that their generosity doesn’t go unnoticed. It is always smart to offer free admission to your event if they do decide to sponsor you, after all, they did help your team launch it!

Sponsorships and Cause-based Organizations

Cause-based organizations like nonprofits or even churches know how vital sponsorships can be in helping fund their mission or a specific event. Whether you’re asking corporations to sponsor your nonprofit all year round for a more consistent source of support or you’re seeking sponsorship for a specific fundraising event, don’t be afraid to make that ask. It could be the beginning of a mutually beneficial partnership!

However, be mindful of the rules and guidelines behind corporate sponsorship programs. They usually have an application process, and depending on how large the corporation is, it can be quite competitive. If you want a sponsorship for a specific event, make sure to submit your application with enough time for the corporation to properly review it.

What are some examples of corporations with sponsorship programs?

  • Dick’s Sporting Goods – If you’re a sports team or league, Dick’s Sporting Goods offers a sponsorship program to give young athletes the opportunity to play. Having a corporate sponsor that relates to your organization can be extremely beneficial, especially to the sponsored party. It’s a great way to start a relationship with a corporation who can actually help your cause and make an impactful difference.
  • Publix – If you are an organization that focuses on youth, education, reducing hunger, or alleviating homelessness, Publix might sponsor you based on your request. Publix is a huge grocery retailer with stores in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia. With a variety of robust resources to help your cause, Publix can be a great ally to have when your organization wants to conduct a fundraising event or needs some type of consistent support.
  • Delta – One of the most well known airlines in the world, Delta also has a great sponsorship program for various types of organizations and events. Delta accepts partnership opportunities that help increase their brand awareness, generate revenue, and support positive community involvement! However, they have specific guidelines in place as well, so keep your eyes open for the list of causes and events that Delta will not provide support for.

Sponsorship Letter for K-12 Schools

Subject: The students of [school’s name] are counting on you!

Dear [sponsor’s name],

My name is [name] and I work at [school’s name] as [job position]. Our staff works hard each year to make sure our students are provided with opportunities which help them develop important skills like communication, teamwork, patience, and dedication.

This year we’re establishing a new program that [program details and what it will provide for the students]. In the past, programs like this have [benefits and impact].

But we need your help. It costs [total budget amount to run this program, and we can’t raise this money alone. With your sponsorship of [donation amount], we will be able to provide [impact of donation, for example: school supplies, snacks, uniforms etc.] to our kids.

Our school frequently relies on the generosity of community supporters just like you. If you decide to donate, we’d like to offer you a [incentive] as a thank you for helping our kids.

Please contact us at [email/phone number] if you have any questions or would like to arrange a sponsorship with our school.

Thank you,


[phone number]


Key Takeaway from This Sponsorship Letter

If you’re a school, you are probably sending your sponsorship local businesses who are familiar with your school or maybe even have kids who go to your school Try to emphasize how this specific program is benefitting the kids and give clear examples. People don’t want to donate when they don’t know exactly where their money is going!

Suggest a specific amount of money so they don’t feel pressured to give too much and that they know specifically what program they’re funding.

Sponsorship Letters for Sports Team

Subject: Help us reach our winning goal and take home the trophy!

Dear [sponsor’s name],

My name is [name] and I’m the [position] of [name of team/club].

[Talk about your team/club/group and its members. For instance, if you’re the head of a little league soccer team, you should mention that your team is for girls under 15 years old. Don’t forget to mention your accomplishments!]

Each year, there are many expenses that come with running our team. From [expenses, for example: uniforms, travel fees, food] to [expenses], our players are calling out to you for help.

Would you be willing to sponsor [name of sports team] so that we can cover the costs of [expenses: new uniforms, equipment, travel fees]? With a one-time sponsorship of [donation amount], we can provide [physical impact, for example: buy safer helmets] for the whole season and beyond.

To thank you, we’d like to offer you [incentive] and proudly feature your business’s logo on our uniforms. Spread awareness of [donor’s business] while also helping this incredible group of kids follow their dreams!

Contact us at [email/phone number] if you have any questions about our team or how you can get involved. We’d love to start this conversation with you.

Thank you,


[photo of the team]

What Does This Letter Do Well?

When you’re asking for a sponsorship for your sports team, make sure to emphasize the incentives. Usually local businesses or corporations will sponsor a team just so their name appears on their jerseys. Having that type of publicity will spread the word of their business while also making them look like a helpful community member.

Remember to outline exactly what you need help paying for so that you can work out a fair deal. Let them know who you and your team are. You never know, if your team is sponsored by a restaurant you could be eating there every week! Also, it doesn’t hurt to include a photo of your team. It’ll humanize your sponsorship request, and who can say no to a group of cute kids?

Sponsorship Letters for Museums

Subject: Help us bring [exhibit name] to life at [museum’s name]!

Dear [sponsor’s name],

My name is [name] and I am the [position] of [museum’s name]. [Give a brief description of your museum, especially if it is not as well known.]

We at [museum’s name] work hard to bring beautiful exhibits like [past successful exhibit] to life and curate programs like [past museum program] for unique and memorable experiences.

We are planning a [program, event, exhibit] and are so excited to launch it. Last year, our programs brought in [amount of people], and we hope to pass those numbers this time around. We hope to bring [give a brief description of your program/event/exhibit and something special and unique about it] for our supporters and other [type of museum, art, science] lovers like you!

However, we need your help. There are many expenses that come with bringing [program/event/exhibit] to our patrons. With [name a number of expenses], we need [amount of money].

Would you consider helping to sponsor our [program/event/exhibit]? With your support of amount of [ amount], we’d be so much closer to our goal.

If you’d like to discuss our plans and sponsorship options, please contact me at [phone number]. If you decide to become a sponsor, [museum’s name] would like to offer you [incentive, for example: discounted tickets, a plaque, etc].

Thank you so much for any help you may be able to provide, we greatly appreciate it!

[museum’s name]

[phone number]


What Does This Letter Do Well?

This letter does a great job at introducing your museum and what your position is. If your museum is not as well known as others, make sure to emphasize what makes your museum unique. Showcase why a sponsorship with your museum is important for you and valuable for them.

When you ask for the sponsorship, be very clear on which program or exhibit needs support. Explain to your potential sponsors how their support can do so much for your team by outlining clearly what your expenses are— whether it’s to support specific programming or more general operational expenses for setting up your new exhibit.

Sponsorship and Corporate Philanthropy

While the most direct benefits from a sponsorship go to the party requesting the support, corporations are still very attracted to this type of partnership, especially if it’s with a nonprofit or another cause-based organization.

When corporations give back to organizations in their communities, it is an opportunity for them to build stronger connections while also improving their brand’s public image. They do this through the broader concept of corporate philanthropy.

These days, businesses know that being philanthropically minded is important, not only to benefit their community around them but to attract younger waves of socially-conscious employees and talent.

Employers who show that they also care about what’s going on around them, whether it’s through matching gift programs, volunteer grants, or structured sponsorships, have a better chance at bringing in young, fresh-minded workers!

Through corporate sponsorships, businesses will offer their financial support in exchange for some sort of public recognition and association with the sponsored organization.

This can reveal itself in public thank-yous from the nonprofit’s director, with a corporate sponsor’s logo displayed on different parts of a nonprofit’s website, on printed materials at a fundraising event, and more.

Thank You Letter to Sponsors for Donations

Subject: [organization’s name] wants to thank our favorite sponsor!

Dear [sponsor’s name],

We at [organization’s name] cannot thank you enough for your recent donation of [donation amount] and your choice to begin this partnership with us. Without supporters like you, our [event, fundraiser, production, program, etc] wouldn’t be able to flourish.

We’re so excited to get started! With your sponsorship, we have already started to [initial use of money], and it’s only just the beginning. We hope to launch our [event, fundraiser, production, program, etc] on [date, time frame], and thanks to you it seems like we’re on track. We hope to see you there so you can see what you helped bring to life!

As we mentioned before, we’d like to offer you [incentive] to really show our true appreciation. To accept it, please [come to our offices, go to this website, call this number]. We just want you to know how much your sponsorship means to [organization’s name]. Supporters like you help us in ways you can’t even imagine.

If you have any questions about your sponsorship, or want to make some changes, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email/phone number/website].

Thank you and see you soon,

[organization’s name]

Key Takeaway from This Sponsorship Letter

When you’re asking another organization or individual to sponsor your event, you have to know that they’re going out of their way to help your team out. It’s important that you thank your sponsors after that initial donation is made in order to start the conversation between sponsor and sponsee. This relationship should be positive and engaging, so make sure to start off on the right foot.

Remind your sponsors exactly why their donation helped your cause with some physical examples of progress so far. Updating your sponsors on the status of your organization’s event is a great way to continue this relationship, as well.

Don’t forget to provide information on how they can receive the incentive that you originally offered. You don’t want them to think your organization gives out empty promises!

How do you politely ask for sponsorship?

Determine your needs. The first step to asking for sponsorship is determining what you actually need. ... .
Outline what you have to offer. ... .
Create a one-pager. ... .
Create a list of prospects. ... .
Try to get in touch with an individual, if at all possible. ... .
Keep it short and sweet! ... .
Follow Up. ... .
If at first you don't succeed, try again..

How do you write a sponsor email?

Consider following these steps to effectively write a sponsorship letter for an event:.
Understand the need. ... .
Research potential sponsors. ... .
Include an introduction. ... .
Explain the reason for the letter. ... .
Provide information about your audience. ... .
Explain the purpose of the event. ... .
Add a signature. ... .
Follow up with the recipients..

How do you ask someone to sponsor you examples?

We can't meet our goal without the help of people/companies like you/yours. That's why I'm writing to you. Would you consider making a donation of [amount] to help sponsor our event? By giving to [name of event], you'll be able to help us [accomplish goal, assist members of our community, save lives, etc.

How do you write a letter asking for donations or sponsorship examples?

How to write a letter asking for donations or sponsorship.
Write methods to contact you. ... .
Address the prospect by name. ... .
Discuss your mission. ... .
Include the benefits of sponsoring you. ... .
Thank the reader for their time. ... .
Add your signature..