How to write a two weeks notice

Resign from your job without burning bridges. Learn how to write a professional and courteous two weeks’ notice letter.

Throughout your career and for any number of reasons, you might have to leave a professional position. But no matter the timing nor the reason, be it a move to a new company or even a new industry, you should always try to resign graciously. That includes giving your current employer an official two weeks’ notice. Read on to learn how to write a professional two weeks’ notice letter in seven steps.

Keep your letter brief.

Employers usually prefer all communication — even resignation letters — to be brief. Follow these steps to write your two weeks’ notice:

  1. Date and recipient’s address: Start with a date and the recipient’s name and company address.
  2. Greeting: Greet your manager professionally by their last name.
  3. Resignation notice: State that you intend to resign from your position and provide the date of your last workday.
  4. Reason for resigning: You can explain your reason for leaving in one or two sentences — it’s optional but it can help your employer see things from your perspective.
  5. Expression of gratitude: Thank your employer for the opportunity to work with them. Mention a couple of positive things you’ve experienced.
  6. Offer of support: State that you will continue working as usual until your last day. Offer to help your employer during the coming transition period.
  7. Signature: Finish your letter with your signature, printed name, and contact information.

Submit your resignation notice in the right way.

The most courteous way to submit your letter is to meet your employer and give them your printed two weeks’ notice in person. If that’s not possible, you can submit your resignation letter through email. But instead of including your letter within the email body, consider attaching it as a PDF file to make it more official.

After writing your letter whatever text processing software you chose, quickly convert it to PDF with Adobe Acrobat online services for a clean and professional look. Then you can resign on a positive note.

A two weeks’ notice letter is a formal statement of your plan to resign two weeks from the day you submit it. Two weeks is the standard resignation time frame in the US, whether you’re writing a resignation letter for career-specific or life-related reasons.


Submitting a formal letter of resignation is important. Following business etiquette helps you leave on good terms with your supervisor, which makes getting letters of recommendation from them easier.

The type of resignation letter you need to write depends on your situation. Here are 4 two weeks’ notice templates that fit any resignation circumstances:

  1. Simple two weeks’ notice letter template
  2. Professional two weeks’ notice letter template
  3. Formal two weeks’ notice letter template
  4. Two weeks’ notice email template

We’ve also included other important information to consider before resigning.

1. Simple two weeks’ notice letter template

You don’t need to write a lengthy essay about why you’re leaving your company. Your letter of resignation is an official notice to get the process started, so you only need to include basic information.

A simple letter is ideal when you:

  • aren’t too familiar with your manager
  • want to use a neutral tone
  • don’t feel a need to include a reason in your letter

Here’s a two weeks’ notice letter template that’s short and sweet but still includes all the necessary details:

How to write a two weeks notice

Download Professional Two Weeks’ Notice Letter Template (Word)

Professional Two Weeks’ Notice Letter (Text Format)

Formal Resignation Letter

[Your Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]


[Today’s Date]

[Company Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

Please accept this letter as my formal resignation from [Position Name] at [Company Name], effective two weeks from today, [Current Date].

I have been fortunate during my time at [Company Name] for the opportunity to grow and learn more about [Industry]. Your guidance and support have equipped me with valuable skills and experience.

I hope that we will have opportunities to collaborate in the future.

Please let me know how I can be of help during the transition period. I wish you and the company the very best going forward.


[Your Signature]
[Your Name]

3. Formal two weeks’ notice letter template

When writing a resignation letter, match the tone to your situation. If you work in an environment that emphasizes formality and professionalism, or if you’re typically formal with your manager and want to show respect, write a formal resignation letter using the following template:

How to write a two weeks notice

Download Formal Two Weeks’ Notice Letter Template (Word)

Formal Two Weeks’ Notice Letter (Text Format)

Formal Resignation Letter

[Your Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]


[Today’s Date]

[Company Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

Please accept this letter as my formal resignation from my position as [Position Name] at [Company Name], effective two weeks from today’s date, [Current Date].

I appreciate the opportunities for growth and development you have provided during my tenure. Thank you for your guidance and support.

Please let me know how I can be of help during the transition period. I wish you and the company the very best going forward.


[Your Signature]
[Your Name]

4. Two weeks’ notice email template

We recommend always trying to submit a hard copy of your two weeks’ notice letter. But if you work remotely or have always communicated with your manager via email, a resignation email is acceptable.

A two weeks’ notice email only needs your manager’s email and a clear subject line, typically written as “Letter of Resignation,” followed by your name and your exit date and reasons.

How to write a two weeks notice
Remember to proofread your email before you click Send.

Here’s an email two weeks’ notice template you can customize for your resignation:

How to write a two weeks notice

Download Email Resignation Letter Template (Word)

Two Weeks’ Notice Email (Text Format)

Email Resignation Letter

To: [Manager’s Email Address]
Subject: Letter of Resignation – [Your Name]

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to inform you of my resignation from [Position Name] at [Company Name], effective two weeks from today, [Current Date].

Thank you for the many opportunities you have provided to grow and learn under your guidance. I am grateful for the experience.

Please let me know how I can be of assistance during the transition period. I wish you and the company the very best going forward.


[Your Name]

Information to consider before giving your two weeks’ notice

Before resigning, answer the following questions to ensure two weeks gives you enough time to move to the next step in your career:

Employment Issues

  • Do you have another job lined up, and when does it begin?
  • How much downtime do you have between jobs?

Financial Issues

  • How will quitting your job affect your ability to pay rent and other expenses?
  • Will you go on unemployment, and if so have you notified your state?

HR Issues

  • How will you handle your remaining paid time off: will you take all of it before you hand in your two weeks’ notice, cash it out, or give it up?
  • How will you handle company-owned items, accounts, and files?

Life Issues

  • How will this affect your health insurance?
  • If you have a work permit, who do you need to notify about your change?
  • Have you worked out your 401(k) details?


Also, be prepared in case your manager terminates your employment immediately by backing up important files and compiling samples of your work for your portfolio.

How do you politely put in a two weeks notice?

How to give two weeks notice.
Review your employee handbook or contract..
Tell your boss first..
Plan what you'll say—and keep it simple..
Prepare to answer follow-up questions and talk about next steps..
Have an end date in mind..
Give your two weeks' notice face-to-face..
Consider writing a letter of resignation..

What should I say in a two week notice?

I am writing to provide my two weeks' notice. My last date will be [end date]. I will work with A, B and C to transition my current projects. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Do you have to give a reason for 2 weeks notice?

Most U.S. states have at-will employment, which means that an employee can resign without notice and for no stated cause.