How to set up automatic zelle payments bank of america

Bank of America is the first financial institution to roll out a Zelle widget, cutting the steps required to send or request funds through the peer-to-peer payments service on mobile devices.

The move could give BofA an edge among consumers who primarily access banking and payments from their phones, though other Zelle banks are likely to follow with widgets of their own.

Widgets are icons that can take up a large portion of a smartphone's home screen, providing details such as weather reports and calendar reminders without requiring users to open an app. They can also provide shortcuts to common functions, as in the case with BofA's implementation.

The use of a widget also improves privacy and security, according to Julie Harris, BofA’s chief digital executive for global banking. Harris also recently became the bank's head of digital payments.

“When you’re about to send funds via Zelle in a crowded area or even with friends or family standing nearby, you don’t necessarily want everyone to see your bank balance or any other details while you’re opening the mobile app to get to the Zelle screen," Harris said. "With the widget, you skip that process and go directly to the screen for sending funds."

To access the Zelle widget, users must already have the Bank of America mobile app installed and authenticate themselves via a biometric trait or password. Those who don’t want to add a bulky icon to their home screen may also access BofA’s Zelle screen by long-pressing the mobile banking app’s icon to bring up a menu of shortcuts to payment services.

How to set up automatic zelle payments bank of america

The Zelle widget allows Bank of America customers to initiate payments and request money without opening the full mobile banking app.

“We’ve created a deep link giving users a fast-track way to transfer money with one click, and it also removes the awkwardness of worrying whether anyone is looking over your shoulder at your bank balance,” Harris said.

BofA’s Zelle widget automatically displays the user's six most recent transfers to further streamline the process of sending funds to frequent recipients.

“A lot of our younger consumers have already discovered the Zelle widget, and for others we’re promoting it online and in social media,” Harris said.

Being the first bank out with a Zelle widget could set BofA apart as a trendsetter, as more banks are likely to follow suit, adding widgets for a wide range of activities, according to Richard Crone, a principal with Crone Consulting.

“There could be a sort of ‘land rush’ in the short term for banks that want to be ‘top of home screen’ with widgets, but artificial intelligence and voice commands are likely to play a bigger role in the future, anticipating and facilitating access to the apps consumers use most often,” Crone said.

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    • Jul 28, 2020
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Updated: Apr 11

Updated: April 11, 2022

What is Auto-Transfer from Bank of America?

Auto-transfer allows for you to transfer funds from your EDD Bank of America account into your personal bank account automatically anytime new funds from your EDD unemployment hit your BoA account. This way you never have to log in to transfer funds - it does it for you!

Do I have a need to set up Auto-transfer for any reason?

Not at all - it's all about convenience. Setting up auto-transfer is completely up to each individual claimant. Most people prefer the convenience of having their EDD unemployment benefits accessible from an account that they use more regularly. During the pandemic, there were a lot of fraudulent claims and some people prefer using their own personal banking accounts instead of leaving any funds on their EDD debit card.

With that being said, we do recommend setting up auto-transfer and/or transferring any existing benefits that are in your Bank of America EDD account. We recommend this especially for anyone who had any issues with their ID verification and are potentially receiving a large lump sum in back pay. While the EDD branch of Bank of America is a legitimate bank, they often place more restrictions and limitations on certain claimant’s accounts for various unknown reasons. This can potentially result in a claimant only being able to withdraw or spend a certain amount of money each day and their account being frozen repeatedly for making too large of a transaction.

How to set up automatic zelle payments bank of america

How Do I Set Up Auto-Transfer?

It's very easy and only takes two steps:

1. Set up auto transfer

  • Sign into your account:

  • Go to "My Money" and click "Transfers"

How to set up automatic zelle payments bank of america

Scroll down and go to Recurring Transfer and Transfer-To Accounts

How to set up automatic zelle payments bank of america

Recurring Transfer

For Amount: You can choose “Full Deposit” for the full amount to be transferred or you can specify.

For When: Change to "After Each Deposit”

This makes it so every time money is deposited into the account from EDD, it will initiate a transfer.

Transfer-To Accounts

Connect it to your bank of choice by adding the corresponding account and routing number.

When EDD deposits the money into the debit card, it will automatically be transferred to a bank account of your choice.

2. Set up text alerts

  • Go to "My Settings" and click "Alerts"

  • Add your phone number or e-mail address -- whatever you prefer for notifications.

  • Check off "Value Load" - you'll get a notification for when money gets deposited

  • Check off "Funds Transfer Requested" - and you'll get a notification when money gets transferred

How to set up automatic zelle payments bank of america

How to set up automatic zelle payments bank of america

That’s it!! Now you don’t have to constantly sign in and monitor your account for when EDD is extra slow in processing your funds.

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We've helped thousands get the unemployment benefits they deserve. For just $25, schedule your 30-minute consultation now.

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How to set up automatic zelle payments bank of america
How to set up automatic zelle payments bank of america

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How to set up automatic zelle payments bank of america
How to set up automatic zelle payments bank of america

<path d="M18.6514224,10.4604595 C17.3924224,11.9688254 13.9774224,15.4790227 9.46342244,15.5 L9.42442244,15.5 C6.26242244,15.5 3.20842244,13.7938483 0.345422443,10.4264963 C-0.115140814,9.88163847 -0.115140814,9.08439833 0.345422443,8.5395405 C1.60442244,7.03117456 5.01942244,3.52097727 9.53342244,3.5 L9.57342244,3.5 C12.7354224,3.5 15.7894224,5.20615167 18.6524224,8.5735037 C19.1122856,9.11875503 19.1118633,9.91569484 18.6514224,10.4604595 Z M17.8674224,9.2228003 C15.2084224,6.09518855 12.4194224,4.50990594 9.57442244,4.50990594 L9.54042244,4.50990594 C5.46142244,4.52888537 2.30642244,7.78335969 1.14042244,9.18084575 C0.991393136,9.3517953 0.988008897,9.60533857 1.13242244,9.78019645 C3.79142244,12.9078082 6.58142244,14.4920919 9.42542244,14.4920919 L9.46042244,14.4920919 C13.5394224,14.4741114 16.6934224,11.2196371 17.8604224,9.822151 C18.0095734,9.6511131 18.0125381,9.39726759 17.8674224,9.2228003 L17.8674224,9.2228003 Z M9.49942244,13.3932823 C7.35251405,13.3646853 5.63255349,11.6080263 5.65157552,9.46333471 C5.67059754,7.31864313 7.42144652,5.59270141 9.56852513,5.6021069 C11.7156037,5.61151239 13.4512316,7.35272696 13.4514224,9.49750271 C13.4349115,11.6625186 11.6668124,13.4054651 9.49942244,13.3932823 L9.49942244,13.3932823 Z M9.49942244,6.61762258 C7.91092198,6.63961751 6.63891624,7.93990193 6.65354481,9.52676854 C6.66817338,11.1136351 7.96393479,12.3902997 9.55257137,12.3830695 C11.1412079,12.3758393 12.4252698,11.0874333 12.4254224,9.50049946 C12.4127657,7.89797688 11.1037033,6.60820738 9.49942244,6.61762258 L9.49942244,6.61762258 Z" />

How to set up automatic zelle payments bank of america
How to set up automatic zelle payments bank of america

<path d="M18.6514224,10.4604595 C17.3924224,11.9688254 13.9774224,15.4790227 9.46342244,15.5 L9.42442244,15.5 C6.26242244,15.5 3.20842244,13.7938483 0.345422443,10.4264963 C-0.115140814,9.88163847 -0.115140814,9.08439833 0.345422443,8.5395405 C1.60442244,7.03117456 5.01942244,3.52097727 9.53342244,3.5 L9.57342244,3.5 C12.7354224,3.5 15.7894224,5.20615167 18.6524224,8.5735037 C19.1122856,9.11875503 19.1118633,9.91569484 18.6514224,10.4604595 Z M17.8674224,9.2228003 C15.2084224,6.09518855 12.4194224,4.50990594 9.57442244,4.50990594 L9.54042244,4.50990594 C5.46142244,4.52888537 2.30642244,7.78335969 1.14042244,9.18084575 C0.991393136,9.3517953 0.988008897,9.60533857 1.13242244,9.78019645 C3.79142244,12.9078082 6.58142244,14.4920919 9.42542244,14.4920919 L9.46042244,14.4920919 C13.5394224,14.4741114 16.6934224,11.2196371 17.8604224,9.822151 C18.0095734,9.6511131 18.0125381,9.39726759 17.8674224,9.2228003 L17.8674224,9.2228003 Z M9.49942244,13.3932823 C7.35251405,13.3646853 5.63255349,11.6080263 5.65157552,9.46333471 C5.67059754,7.31864313 7.42144652,5.59270141 9.56852513,5.6021069 C11.7156037,5.61151239 13.4512316,7.35272696 13.4514224,9.49750271 C13.4349115,11.6625186 11.6668124,13.4054651 9.49942244,13.3932823 L9.49942244,13.3932823 Z M9.49942244,6.61762258 C7.91092198,6.63961751 6.63891624,7.93990193 6.65354481,9.52676854 C6.66817338,11.1136351 7.96393479,12.3902997 9.55257137,12.3830695 C11.1412079,12.3758393 12.4252698,11.0874333 12.4254224,9.50049946 C12.4127657,7.89797688 11.1037033,6.60820738 9.49942244,6.61762258 L9.49942244,6.61762258 Z" />

How to set up automatic zelle payments bank of america

Can you set up recurring payments on Zelle?

How do I set up a recurring payment plan with Zelle®? Once you log in to online banking, choose Payments, and then select Send Money with Zelle®. On the Enter Amount screen, select Change, and then choose Frequency to set up your recurring payment.

Can Zelle do recurring payments Bank of America?

Bank of America allows sending up to $3,500 per day and up to $20,000 every 30 days through Zelle, but it doesn't support scheduling automatic monthly payments.

How do I set up automatic payments on Bank of America app?

Log in, select Bill Pay tab and locate the credit card account you'd like to set automatic payments up on. Click the AutoPay link next to the company and bill, select Set Up AutoPay, then Set Up Based on the eBill. Select your Pay From account, Amount and Deliver by date on which you'd like the payment sent.