How to search photos liked by someone on facebook

How to search photos liked by someone on facebook

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Likes are an integral part of the Facebook ecosystem, enabling us to approve the comments and activities of others as well as express support for a particular brand, movie, celebrity, television show or other type of page. If you want to look up the likes registered by another Facebook user, you can see a selection of them by visiting the person's timeline. The activities visible to you depend on the privacy settings put in place by that user and whether you're confirmed Facebook friends with the user involved.

Step 1

Log in to Facebook and type the name of the friend whose likes you want to see in the search box at the top. Select the correct name when it appears to view your friend's timeline.

Step 2

Click "More" and then "Likes" to view content liked by the user. The likes shown here don't fit into any other categories and may include businesses, organizations, venues and other miscellaneous pages.

Step 3

Click "More" and choose another option from the drop-down list to see likes in that category. Select "Music," for example, to view all of the artist and music-related pages liked by the user.

Step 4

Click on your friend's name on the cover photo to return to the main timeline page and scroll down to the Recent Activity box, which may include notifications of recent likes. Click "More recent activity" to see if any older stories are available.



  • Hovering the cursor over the thumbs up symbol under any activity on Facebook shows you the users who have clicked to like it. This works in the news feed, on your timeline and on the timelines of others.
  • It is not possible to see a full archive of the comments, statuses, photos and other content liked by another Facebook user (in other words, any likes that don't involve a specific Facebook page). These likes may appear in your news feed if you are friends with the user, and may appear in the person's Recent Activity box.
  • Facebook gives users control over the visibility of the likes on their timelines. If you click through to a likes page and find there is nothing to display, it may be because the user has kept the list of liked pages private. Click the "Update info" button on your timeline page if you wish to configure the privacy of your own likes.

Writer Bio

An information technology journalist since 2002, David Nield writes about the Web, technology, hardware and software. He is an experienced editor, proofreader and copywriter for online publications such as CNET, TechRadar and Gizmodo. Nield holds a Bachelor of Arts in English literature and lives in Manchester, England.

How to search photos liked by someone on facebook

Facebook is used globally, and it’s also the biggest social media platform. However, one of the reasons it got so successful was the friends’ activities feature. You could see what they like and what they don’t – it gave you access you never had before. We assume you have noticed that you can’t see photos someone likes on Facebook anymore.

You are not wrong because Facebook removed this feature years ago. They did this because they wanted users to have more freedom with their privacy. Seeing what pictures your friends like is much more complicated than it used to be.

Back in the day, you could simply search for what your friends liked. However, nowadays, you can only see this on your feed. But you’ll see only those friends activities whom you interact with the most. If you want to find out the reasons, continue reading and see what we have discovered.

Reasons You Can’t See Photos Liked by Someone

Facebook already had 1.93 billion active daily users at the end of 2021. You can only imagine how many active users they have by today. Facebook wasn’t the first social media platform, but it’s fair to say that it has had the most significant impact on the social media world.

Let’s get to the point and find out why you can’t directly see photos that others are liked.

Facebook Has Updated Their Privacy Policy

How to search photos liked by someone on facebook

Over the years, Facebook has updated their privacy policy. One of the most significant changes has been the elimination of seeing someone’s activity through a feature.

This was something you could do in the past. However, due to their aim of improving their users’ privacy, it is no longer an option. Hence, you can no longer see photos someone likes on Facebook unless they appear organically on your feed.

Hidden Likes

We believe that Facebook’s privacy policy is not the only reason you can’t see someone’s likes or comments, even in an organic manner. According to us, another reason is that person is hiding their likes.

Facebook’s updated privacy options now provide this opportunity for you. You can choose who can see what’s on your profile if you wish to.

You Have Been Restricted

Another reason why you can’t see someone’s activity directly could be that they have restricted you from being able to do so. To simplify, they have banned or restricted you.

Banning or restricting someone is a common way to cut the connection with a specific person on Facebook.

Person Used Take a Break Option

Facebook even has a “Take a break” feature. If someone takes a break from you on Facebook, this person stops showing on your feed. What they like, comment, share, etc., is no longer displayed to you unless they end the break.

Also, Facebook never tells you when someone has taken a break from you.

So, this “take a break” feature can be why you can’t see photos liked by someone specific on Facebook.

You Have Been Unfriended

Nobody wants to admit it, but the most obvious reason could be that they unfriended you.

Facebook never sends you a notification when someone unfriends you, so if you do not see activity from someone specific, checking if you are still friends wouldn’t be the worst idea.

How To See Photos Someone Likes

How to search photos liked by someone on facebook

Now that you know the reasons you cannot see photos liked by someone, we would like to discuss how you can see them. We think that your best chance to do this is by tricking the algorithm.

You just have to show to Facebook Algorithm that you interact a lot with someone. It’s simple and effective, and you don’t have to do anything illegal. There are different ways to do this:

  • Reach out to them through Messenger.
  • React to their pictures & statuses.
  • Comment on their activities.

When you do them, you will be able to trick the Facebook algorithm into thinking you are close friends, due to which Facebook will show their activity more regularly on your feed.

Final Thoughts

The like button is a significant part of Facebook. Likes provide us with judgment, approval, and other kinds of information. When you get likes to some post, it feels good. It is also okay if you want to see what the other person likes; part of you wants to curate yourself in that manner so you can also benefit from their likes.

However, it is just frustrating when you cannot see their activity. Hence to calm your nerves, we have mentioned why you can’t see photos liked by someone on Facebook.

Out of all the reasons, which did you agree with, or do you think we forgot a major reason according to you? Let us know in the comment section.

How can I see what pictures My boyfriend likes on Facebook?

On the 'About' page, scroll down till you find a section' Likes. ' Then click on See All to see everything your boyfriend likes.

Can you search through likes on Facebook?

Using Facebook Search Feature Facebook's search feature is extremely powerful, allowing us to filter based on specific phrases or multiple phrases such as locations, names, times, likes, interests, and so on. You can look up people, posts, photos, videos, pages, apps, links, events, and so on.