How to remove peanut butter oil from clothes

Enjoying a peanut butter sandwich can turn disastrous with a single spill on your clothes or carpet. Peanut butter is a hard stain to remove because it has oil and other ingredients. Check out this article to find out how to get peanut butter out of clothes.

Removing Peanut Butter Stains from Cotton, Acrylic, and Polyester Fabric

How to remove peanut butter oil from clothes

The first process we will be listing down is how to remove peanut butter from cotton, acrylic, or polyester fabric. This process will only require a few items, but it may be a lot of work for some who don’t have dry or wet spotters. Check out the process below.

What you need

  • Dull knife or spoon
  • Dry cleaning solvent
  • Dry spotter
  • Wet spotter
  • Absorbent pad
  • Sponge
  • Warm water


  1. The first thing to do is get rid of the excess stain by scraping it off with a spoon or a dull knife. Once you’re done, use the sponge to apply dry cleaning solvent to the stained area.
  2. Next, apply a dry spotter to the area.
  3. Put an absorbent pad with a dry spotter over the stained area and let it sit for as long as it can absorb the stain. Replace the pad now and then, and you can help loosen the stain by blotting the area.
  4. Once the stain is gone, rinse the area with a dry cleaning solvent. If the stain doesn’t loosen, try to apply an absorbent pad with a dry spotter no matter how many times you try sponging the stained area with warm water.
  5. After that, apply a wet spotter and blot it with an absorbent pad to help loosen the stain. If there is no more stain on the cloth, rinse it with water and let it air dry.

Removing Peanut Butter Stains from Silk, Rayon, and Wool Material

How to remove peanut butter oil from clothes

The following process on the list is how to remove peanut butter from other fabrics such as silk, rayon, and wool.

This process is just the same as before, but with some additions since these fabric types are more delicate than cotton. To find out how to do it, read the section below.

What you need

  • Dull knife or spoon
  • Dry cleaning solvent
  • Dry spotter
  • Wet spotter
  • Absorbent pad
  • Sponge
  • Warm water
  • Vinegar


  1. Start by scraping off any excess peanut butter from the clothes using a spoon or a dull knife. Put dry cleaning solvent on the stained area with a sponge and gently place an absorbent pad with a dry spotter on top of it. Do not remove the pad unless the stain is not sticking anymore. Replace it once it’s all used up and keep doing this until the stain is all removed.
  2. Once you’re done, rinse the area with the dry cleaning solvent and let it dry. For hard to remove stains, get warm water and mix it with a teaspoon of wet spotter and white vinegar.
  3. Next, gently apply it to the area with a sponge before placing an absorbent pad applied with a wet spotter on top of it. Keep it in place and remove it once it’s all used up. Ensure that the pad is always wet with white vinegar and wet spotter.
  4.  Once all the stain is removed, rinse the area with warm water and dry.

Removing Peanut Butter Stains from Non-Washable Clothes

How to remove peanut butter oil from clothes

Removing stains from non-washable can be very hard since you would need the help of a professional dry cleaner to get rid of them.

If you want to find out what to do, read the following sections.

What you need

  • Dull knife or spoon
  • Dry cleaning solvent
  • Home dry cleaning kit
  • Stain remover pen


  • For non-washable clothes, the first thing to do is remove excess stains on the clothes. This type of cloth will typically require the professional services of a dry cleaner. So if you can’t immediately bring the clothes to one, you need to remove any excess at least to make the stain easier to remove, even if it’s dried out.
  • There are many ways to get rid of stains on non-washable clothes. The first one is by scraping off liquid stains using a spoon or a dull knife. This process will help dry cleaners to focus on the stain that seeped through the fabric and get rid of it better. You may also want to spot clean the stained area with dry cleaning solvent. This will help lift the stain and make it easier to remove. But before you do it on the stained area, make sure to test it first on the inside of the cloth to see if it has undesirable effects on the fabric.
  • Another option for you is buying a dry cleaning kit at home and doing it all by yourself. Most people may not choose this since it can be nerve-wracking, especially for first-timers.  However, if you’re knowledgeable about the process and how to do it, you may go for it since all you need to do is to follow the process. Just start by removing excess stains with the stain removal pen that comes with the kit.
  • If you are not confident with dealing with the stain on your own, bring it to a professional dry cleaner as they can do all the work for you and make your life easier.

Removing Peanut Butter Stains from Upholstery

How to remove peanut butter oil from clothes

Another thing that may worry some people is peanut butter on upholstery. This material may seem delicate, and not everything may work to remove the stain. Read this next section to find out how to get peanut butter out of upholstery.

What you need

  • Spoon or dull knife
  • Dry cleaning solvent
  • Clean white cloth
  • Warm water
  • Dish soap
  • White vinegar


There are two ways to remove peanut butter stains from clothes. The first step in both ways is to lift as much stain as possible using a spoon or a dull knife.  This will help lessen the amount of stain to be removed from the cloth. Make sure that you don’t rub the stain since it may spread or set and make it harder to get rid of.

The first way to get rid of peanut butter stains from upholstery is by using white vinegar

Once you’ve scraped some off the stain, the next thing you need to do is create a solution with two cups of warm water that’s advisable for the cloth’s fabric, one tablespoon dish soap, and two tablespoons of white vinegar.

If you want to know why vinegar is mainly used for removing stains from clothes, check out this link.

Use a clean white cloth to apply the solution to the stained area. Continue doing this until there’s no more stain left. Once you’re done, rinse the area with warm water and a clean white cloth.

Let it air dry without getting direct contact with sunlight or any heat. If you choose to do this process, do not over-wet the material since it can cause damage in the long run.

The other way to remove peanut butter from clothes is by using a dry cleaning solvent

Here’s a link to check for those unfamiliar with dry cleaning solvent and its uses.

You’ll only need the solvent and a clean white cloth for this process. Blot the stained area continuously until the stain is entirely removed.

Removing Peanut Butter Stains from Carpet

How to remove peanut butter oil from clothes

By this point, you know how to get rid of peanut butter from any cloth fabric, but how do you get rid of peanut butter from your carpet? This is a common problem, especially for people with kids.

Luckily for you, we also prepared a section to figure out how to get peanut butter out of clothes. Read this part to see what you need and what to do.

What you need

  • Dull knife or spoon
  • Warm water
  • Dish soap
  • White vinegar
  • Clean white cloth or sponge
  • Vacuum


  1. The moment you see a peanut butter stain on your carpet, you need to act on it immediately. Lift some of the stains out from the carpet with a dull knife or a spoon. Do not use a paper towel to absorb any liquid stain since it will push the stain further into the carpet and make it harder to remove. Also, do not rub the stained area since you may just spread the stain.
  2. Next, make a mixture of two cups of warm water, two tablespoons of white vinegar, and a tablespoon of dish soap. Use a clean white cloth or a clean sponge to apply the solution to the carpet. Gently work your way from the outer sides of the stain to the center. This will help contain the stain in the area and gradually remove it.
  3. Use a clean part of the cloth once the stain is transferred until all the stain is removed. Once you’re sure that there’s no stain left, rinse the area with a clean white cloth and clean water. This step is crucial because leaving soap residue on the carpet can attract soil in the long run and spoil your carpet.
  4. After rinsing the area and ensuring no soap residue is left, let it air dry for a few hours. Vacuum the area once all dry to lift the carpet’s fibers and make it look brand new.


Now you know how to get peanut butter out of clothes, and you can enjoy having it at any time of the day. Just always make sure to work on any stain as fast as possible to make it easier to remove and make your life easier.

How to remove peanut butter oil from clothes

How do I get peanut butter stains out of clothes?

Using a clean white cloth, sponge the stain with the dry cleaning solvent. Blot until the solvent is absorbed. If the stain remains, mix one tablespoon of liquid dishwashing detergent and one tablespoon of white vinegar with two cups of warm water. Sponge the stain with this solution.

Does peanut butter stains come out?

Scrape to remove excess peanut butter. Wipe the surface with a cloth or sponge dipped in warm sudsy water. Rinse well and wipe dry with a clean cloth. If any oily residue remains, mix a poultice from water, powdered detergent, and bleach.

Does peanut butter wash out of clothes?

If you don't have a stain remover on hand, use a bit of heavy-duty liquid laundry detergent such as Tide or Persil to treat the stain. These detergents contain enough enzymes to break apart the oily component of peanut butter and surfactants to lift it away.

Will peanut butter come out in the wash?

Removing Peanut Butter Stains From Fabric Step 3: Launder in the hottest water the fabric will allow to get out the oil stain. Hint: Make sure the stain is gone after washing, but before you place in the dryer or you may set the stain. Repeat if necessary.