How to get human urine smell out of wood

Taking care of others is tough work, especially when it’s an aging loved one. You always want to provide the best care, and sometimes that means cleaning up urinary incontinence accidents. It can be hard to get urine odor out of the house, garments, and bedding. There are the usual household sprays and detergents that you can pick up at the store, but they only help a little.

Don’t worry! It’s a common concern with many caregivers. There are several things you can do to get rid of urine odor in the house and make your aging loved one comfortable. We’ll go over everything from odor eliminators to wipes for adults. Take a look at these top 12 ways to eliminate urine odors out of the house.

  1. Start to Clean Up as Soon as You Can
    The most effective way to keep urine odor down in the house is to clean it as soon as possible. If urine sits for too long, it stains and leaves an odor that is hard to get out. Keep calm, gather your cleaning supplies, and reassure your loved one that everything is perfectly fine.

  2. It’s Better to Use Paper Towels
    Whether it’s just paper towels from the kitchen or something a little more industrial, it’s best to use disposable cleaning rags to soak up urine, because they can be taken out of the house immediately. To keep urine odors out of the house, put the rags you use in their own trash bag, and seal it shut. Take the bag out to your trash can as soon as possible. If you have to use reusable rags, make sure to also put them into a trash bag, and wash them as quickly as you can.

  3. Clean Again with Disposable Wipes
    After you’ve wiped down everything with paper towels, go back over the area with odor eliminating wipes to sanitize. Thoroughly wipe as many surfaces as you can to get rid of anything you may have missed with paper towels. Make sure to throw these wipes in the same bag as your paper towels.

  4. Use Enzymatic Cleaners
    Urine contains uric acid crystals. Enzymatic cleaners cling to uric acid, destroy, and take odor with it. Enzymatic cleaners not only destroy urine stains and odor, it also eliminates odor causing bacteria around the stain. Spray the cleaner on the area and rub until the stain and odor are gone.

  5. Try These Common Household Ingredients
    You can actually make very powerful odor eliminators at home. Try mixing about a cup of peroxide, three tablespoons of baking soda, and just a couple drops of dish detergent. Spray the area, allow it to sit for about 20 minutes, and rub the area until the odor is eliminated. Be sure to do a small test patch first!

  6. Use Borax and Other Grocery Store Items for Odors in Bedding
    To get stubborn odors out of bedding and clothing, try simply mixing equal parts Borax and washing soda. These two ingredients are safe to use in any washing machine and can usually be found at your local grocery store. You can also try mixing in a little vinegar or apple cider vinegar too.

  7. Use Bed Pads or Adult Diapers
    Disposable bed pads, often referred to as Chux, are absorbent, waterproof pads that can be put under sheets or on the floor to prevent any urinary incontinence accidents from spreading further around the house. You can also try adult diapers. They are incredibly convenient and are an excellent way to keep urine odor down in the house. You can find adult diapers in many different sizes and styles to suit your loved one. Both Chux and adult diapers are available in disposable and reusable options.

  8. Turn On a Black Light
    If you’re really having a hard time finding the source of urine odor, try using a black light. It shows any stains you may have missed. Make sure to mark the spots where there are stains, so you can easily clean them when you turn on the lights.

  9. Use Odor Eliminating Spray
    Odor eliminating spray is a great and fast way to remove urine odor from the home. However, it’s important to choose a medical-grade odor eliminating spray that actually gets rid of odor, instead of masking it.

  10. Give Essential Oils a Try
    If you want something more natural, you can make an odor eliminating spray at home using essential oils. Mix together a half teaspoon of orange essential oil (or one of your choice), one teaspoon of vinegar, one teaspoon of baking powder, and 5 ounces of hydrogen peroxide. Spray your mixture on the area and let dry.

  11. Practice Excellent Hygiene
    Above all else, it’s important to keep you and your loved one clean. Urine smells especially strong on skin, so be sure to always wash your hands after you’re done cleaning and use gloves when necessary.

    It’s also extremely important for you to make sure your loved one is clean too. Use disposable wipes for adults to clean any urine off the skin while in between bathing, change their bedding frequently, and never leave them in a used diaper.

  12. Reach Out to Other Caregivers
    There are times when caring for an aging loved one can be overwhelming. Stay connected with friends, family, and other caregivers to get advice on any trouble or concerns you have.
  13. Turn to ParentCaregiving for the Best Products in Urinary Incontinence

    At ParentCaregiving we are determined to give you the best products to care for your aging loved ones. We have the best odor eliminating spray, disposable wipes for adults, adult diapers, and more. Our friendly experts are always standing by to answer any of your questions. Let us transform your aging and caregiving challenges into great products and easy solutions.

Can you get pee smell out of wood?

Pour the hydrogen peroxide over the stain and then cover it with a clean cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide. Cover the cloth with plastic wrap, weighting it with a book if necessary. Allow this to sit overnight or for at least 8 hours. The hydrogen peroxide should remove any stains and eliminate the urine odor.

What neutralizes the smell of human urine?

Make a solution of baking soda, peroxide and any dish detergent. The combination of the three is often powerful enough to drive away strong urine smells. The solutions is eight fluid ounces of peroxide, three tablespoons of baking soda, and a few drops of dish detergent.

What kills urine smell on wood?

Mix one cup of vinegar into a warm water-filled bucket and the add some drops of grapefruit oil to the solution to get rid of the odor. Scrub the floor with this safe cleaning solution, concentrating on the most prominent spots. As you scrub, the odor and stains should be disappearing.

What does human urine do to wood?

Please note that the basis of urine, when dry, is uric acid salt crystals that will gradually burn surfaces over time. As such, urine left untreated on a hardwood floor for a number of years will result in corrosion to the fibers of the wood.