How to fix verizon 1x 2023

Here's how to fix iPhone 7 Verizon LTE issues in a few simple steps. The issue affects the latest iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus handsets only.

A little over a week back it came to public knowledge that iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus users were having LTE connectivity issues on Verizon. The devices would function normally on LTE for a while but would jump back to 1x or 3G connectivity. Once the cellular rollover had taken place, the devices would fail to connect back to Verizon's LTE network. But of course, putting the phone in airplane mode or giving it a quick restart fixed the issue immediately but temporarily. Today though, we will show you how you can fix the issue for good, but you will lose Voice over LTE (VoLTE). But in return you'll get stable LTE connectivity for data.


1. On your iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus, launch the Settings app.

2. Now tap on Cellular.

3. Select Cellular Data Options.

4. Now enable LTE, then select Data Only.

With Voice over LTE turned off, you'll notice your iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus will remain connected to Verizon's network, with no fallbacks to 3G or 1x whatsoever. But keep one thing in mind: with this fix in place, your device won't be able to make phone calls over LTE, it'll explicitly use that feature for data only, as set in the last step of the above tutorial.

Of course, Apple and Verizon both are well aware of the issue and are working together for a fix. Whether that fix arrives as a carrier update or an update to iOS remains to be seen. But whenever it drops for everyone, we will let our users know about it.

Wrap Up

Just like any other flagship handset, the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus is having its fair share of issues. Obviously they will be resolved over time using updates and whatnot. The point here is: it's best for everyone to exercise patience when such issues arise. The companies behind the service or product you're using are always aware of what is going on, but it's only a matter of time things are patched up in the most reliable way possible.

Wrapping things up - if you're on Verizon and have been facing LTE related issues, then do give the above fix a try. Also let us know in the comments section how the fix worked out for you.

How to fix verizon 1x 2023

  • #1

I am considering an iPhone 5S on Verizon, but I am concerned about the data speeds when an LTE signal is not available.

If you have service with Verizon, and are in an area where LTE is not available (for whatever reason) what kind of speeds do you get? If you would post a screen shot of your speed test, along with your location. I would appreciate it.

  • #2

I have Verizon and an iPhone 5s - for about 5 mins of my daily drive in a small town called Vacaville I switch to 3G and the speeds are slow- like 1.5 mbs but it's 5 mins out of a 45 min drive otherwise I am on LTE 99% of the time with Verizon - I travel regularly to Reno, Vegas and Atlanta without issues

  • #3

When my VZW service drops down to 3g, I get about 2.00 Mbps download and .9 Mbps upload. I'd not even consider using data at 1x, its too slow.

Compare that with my 23Mbs/10MBps LTE speeds, the 3G is much slower but its workable.

  • #4

Surprisingly Verizon 3G is good, when I drop down to 3g (which is hardly ever) it works extremely well and Im coming from Sprint 3G which is the same technology as Verizons 3G but Verizon does a much better job at throughput and capacity. I see speeds of 1.5 -2 megs down and about half a meg up. Defa workable connection, not optimal but it works for everything including streaming.

How to fix verizon 1x 2023

  • #5

You probably will drop to 3G speeds, if anything. Finding 1X is pretty rare.
The speeds I've gotten range from 0.5 to 1.9 Mbps. Even at 0.5 Mbps, it is still extremely usable (streaming video and audio work though not as great as LTE).

  • #6

Attached is a speedtest result. LTE vs 3G vs WIFI.

  • How to fix verizon 1x 2023


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  • #7

Seeing as VZW has the largest LTE network by far, you won't be on EVDO often.

  • #8

Seeing as VZW has the largest LTE network by far, you won't be on EVDO often.

No, that's not entirely true. I have very good LTE strength here in Boston and it drops down to 3G from time to time. Besides the OP is asking about 3G speeds not about how extensive the LTE coverage is.

  • #9

my 1x speed might as well not even be data.

  • #10

No, that's not entirely true. I have very good LTE strength here in Boston and it drops down to 3G from time to time. Besides the OP is asking about 3G speeds not about how extensive the LTE coverage is.

I'm also in Boston and you do bring up a valid point. I do see EVDO once in a while on VZW.

  • #11

Depending on the area, 3G may perform better than LTE as the LTE network is overloaded in a lot of places.

  • #12

Depending on the area, 3G may perform better than LTE as the LTE network is overloaded in a lot of places.

Doubtful, my buddy on VZ pulls at least 10 during peak hours on LTE and less than 0.5 Mbps on EVDO on a good day.

How to fix verizon 1x 2023

  • #13

Doubtful, my buddy on VZ pulls at least 10 during peak hours on LTE and less than 0.5 Mbps on EVDO on a good day.

What area is he located in?

  • #14

What area is he located in?

Outside of Milwaukee

  • #15

my 1x speed might as well not even be data.

Well it's basically not data

  • #16

The last time I got 1x or "O" (iOS 6 and earlier) was when I was in the middle of nowhere. Most of the time I had LTE and for maybe 10% of the time I had 3G. VZWs 3G is fairly fast. Outside, I can pull 2Mbps both ways, but a more realistic speed would be around 1-1.5Mbps both ways.

How to fix verizon 1x 2023

  • #17

A lot of interesting comments...thanks.

Do you all hold the LTE signal indoors as well as you do outside?

Also, how does the iPhone 5S display the different Verizon signals (LTE -> 3G -> 1x)?
Are there any other display indicators I'm missing?

Last edited: Jan 27, 2014

  • #18

My LTE is just as good inside as it is out. However, it is slower depending on the age of the building your in. A newer building should have little to no signal drop. Meanwhile, an older building might experiance a dropped bar or 2, switching from LTE to 3G or just slower LTE speeds.

Regarding the indicators, iOS 7 forward identifies VZWs network with LTE, 3G, and 1x. Before iOS 7, 1x was "O".

Worth noting that the 1x network is mainly for calls only. It can do data, but it is DOG SLOW. I'm talking dial-up slow.

Also worth noting that unless you are hugging a cell site, having LTE on will drop the signal 1 bar. Where I am I usually get 4 bars if I switch LTE off. But having LTE on lowers the amount of bars to 3. Meanwhile, if I'm in a store with a cell tower on the property, I can get 5 bars and LTE no problem. Travel 1/4-1/2 mile down the road and one bar drops.

  • #19

Doubtful, my buddy on VZ pulls at least 10 during peak hours on LTE and less than 0.5 Mbps on EVDO on a good day.

Verizon is piss poor around the Seattle area during the day and is almost unusable to the point of having to switch to 3G to get anything to load. I believe the CEO even admitted they messed up by letting the network get so bad in some areas.

How to fix verizon 1x 2023

  • #20

My LTE is just as good inside as it is out. However, it is slower depending on the age of the building your in. A newer building should have little to no signal drop. Meanwhile, an older building might experiance a dropped bar or 2, switching from LTE to 3G or just slower LTE speeds.

Regarding the indicators, iOS 7 forward identifies VZWs network with LTE, 3G, and 1x. Before iOS 7, 1x was "O".

Got it.

Worth noting that the 1x network is mainly for calls only. It can do data, but it is DOG SLOW. I'm talking dial-up slow.

Even though I prioritize call quality over data, the slow 1x speed is what concerns me about moving to Verizon.

Also worth noting that unless you are hugging a cell site, having LTE on will drop the signal 1 bar. Where I am I usually get 4 bars if I switch LTE off. But having LTE on lowers the amount of bars to 3. Meanwhile, if I'm in a store with a cell tower on the property, I can get 5 bars and LTE no problem. Travel 1/4-1/2 mile down the road and one bar drops.

Interesting... I wonder if the LTE signal is less robust than CDMA (1x or EVDO)?

Do you know if LTE, in your area, is on the same frequency as the CDMA signal? From what I have read, Verizon uses mainly 700 MHz bands for the main network, and some AWS bands for supplemental LTE coverage. I know they have deployed it in the city, but I'm not sure of they have done so for my area - Westchester, NY.

What area are you located in?

  • #21

Verizon - 3G and 1x speeds

It depends on your area. I have Verizon and currently live a work just north of Baltimore. Data speeds on 3G are rarely above 1 mb. 1x is pretty much useless for more then iMessage.

How to fix verizon 1x 2023

  • #22

My 3G in a brick buildings basement which with sprint I had no coverage.

  • How to fix verizon 1x 2023


    186.7 KB · Views: 375

  • #23

Even though I prioritize call quality over data, the slow 1x speed is what concerns me about moving to Verizon.

Interesting... I wonder if the LTE signal is less robust than CDMA (1x or EVDO)?

Do you know if LTE, in your area, is on the same frequency as the CDMA signal? From what I have read, Verizon uses mainly 700 MHz bands for the main network, and some AWS bands for supplemental LTE coverage. I know they have deployed it in the city, but I'm not sure of they have done so for my area - Westchester, NY.

What area are you located in?

I wouldn't worry about 1x unless your visiting the boonies. I'm outside (not "just outside", but outside) of Los Angeles and I always get awesome signal.

Regarding the frequency, I'm not exactly sure what band we operate on. Even if I head into LA it still does the same thing. The speed stays the same and once the LTE connection is dropped when making a phone call, the signal goes back up (or down depending on far away you are from the cell site).

  • #24

I wouldn't worry about 1x unless your visiting the boonies. I'm outside (not "just outside", but outside) of Los Angeles and I always get awesome signal.

Regarding the frequency, I'm not exactly sure what band we operate on. Even if I head into LA it still does the same thing. The speed stays the same and once the LTE connection is dropped when making a phone call, the signal goes back up (or down depending on far away you are from the cell site).

I agree and disagree about 1x. As a Verizon 4S owner I see it more often then I'd like.

That said, I kind of agree because the majority of the time you'll be on LTE, then 3G and finally 1x. Unfortunately I don't have the luxury of LTE.

And I'm not positive about this but I also notice 1x when I'm in a building/basement so maybe the penetration of 1x is better then Verizon's 3G.

  • #25

I agree and disagree about 1x. As a Verizon 4S owner I see it more often then I'd like.

That said, I kind of agree because the majority of the time you'll be on LTE, then 3G and finally 1x. Unfortunately I don't have the luxury of LTE.

And I'm not positive about this but I also notice 1x when I'm in a building/basement so maybe the penetration of 1x is better then Verizon's 3G.

Yeah I didn't think of that. 1x does go further. I didn't think about that since we don't have basements in SoCal.

How do I fix Verizon 1X connection?

Turn Airplane Mode on, then off for another way to reconnect. You can always try a new SIM card (they are free at a corporate Verizon store, and customer service can also mail you one if a store is not close by.) SIM cards can go bad so a new one may solve the issue. Correct Answer!

What Verizon phones will stop working in 2022?

Starting the day before your December 2022 bill cycle begins, if you are a Verizon customer using a 3G CDMA or 4G phone device that does not support HD Voice (Non-VoLTE), your line will be suspended without billing, and the device will no longer make/receive calls, send/receive text messages, or use data services.

Why am I only getting 1X on my phone?

Way in the beginning is 1X on the Verizon network, for example. The 1X means you can't get a better signal for the 3G and LTE networks. 1X may give you voice service if your phone is capable of getting enough of a signal. It's usually good only for a very short text SMS.

Will Verizon stop supporting 4G?

Verizon is sending free 4G flip phones to customers who are still using the company's older 3G network, which it plans to retire by the end of 2022, according to the company's support page. Verizon's issuing the devices to people who haven't yet upgraded to a 4G LTE phone.