How to add rss feed to facebook page

Facebook no longer supports importing RSS feeds into a profile or page, but you can use third-party tools to complete this task. Automatically importing the RSS feed of your company blog is a great way to keep your Facebook page updated with new content. It also makes it easier for your Facebook fans to keep up with your blog from within their Facebook news feeds.

RSS Graffiti

Step 1

Navigate to the RSS Graffiti app page using the Facebook search bar (direct link in Resources).

Step 2

Click "Go to App," and then click "Allow" to grant the app permission to manage your Facebook profile or page.

Step 3

Click "Add New Publishing Plan," type a name for the RSS feed and click "Create Publishing Plan."

Step 4

Click "Add New" in the sources section, enter the address of your RSS feed and click "Add Source."

Step 5

Adjust the name of the feed source, if necessary, select the frequency of RSS feed updates on your Facebook page and then click "Save."

Step 6

Click "Add New" in the target section and then select the Facebook profile or page on which you want to publish your RSS feed.

Step 7

Select the post style you want to use for content imported from your RSS feed, and then click "Save Changes."

Step 8

Slide the on/off switch to "On" to begin pushing your RSS feed content to the Facebook page or profile you configured.

Social RSS

Step 1

Navigate to the Social RSS app page using the Facebook search bar (link in Resources).

Step 2

Click "Go to App," and then click "Allow" to grant the app permission to manage your Facebook profile or page.

Step 3

Select the page or profile on which you want to publish your RSS feed.

Step 4

Enter the address of your RSS feed and click the checkbox beside "Publish to Wall."

Step 5

Select if you want to display a thumbnail image that accompanies your post updates.

Step 6

Click "Save Settings" to complete configuration of Social RSS.


Step 1

Navigate to IFTTT and sign up for a free account (link in Resources).

Step 2

Click "Create a Recipe."

Step 3

Click "this" and then select "Feed."

Step 4

Click "New feed item," enter the address of your RSS feed and click "Create Trigger."

Step 5

Click "that," and then select "Facebook" to publish your feed to a profile page or "Facebook Page" to publish your feed to a fan page.

Step 6

Click "Activate," and then click "Go to App" and "Allow."

Step 7

Click "Create a link post," and then click "Create Action."



Writer Bio

Jason Spidle is a technology enthusiast and writer. His writing on computers, smartphones, Web design, Internet applications, sports and music has been published at a variety of websites including Salon, JunkMedia, Killed in Cars and The Columbia Free Times. Spidle maintains a number of blogs featuring poetry, short stories and other fiction.

Image Credit

Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images News/Getty Images

If you've got your own blog and a Facebook account, you've no doubt thought about merging them at some point. Facebook is understandably nervous about users flooding their friends with endless content streams, so each user is limited to one imported blog, and it's not easy to get to the starting point. Here's how you can do it:

  • Find the RSS feed for your blog. This is pretty easy; you can usually find it on the page by looking for the orange and white feed icon or the words "Subscribe" or "Follow" displayed at the top or bottom. Copy the link.
  • Head to Type that into your address bar, as clicking the "Notes" link on your main Facebook page might not bring up the right link. (You'll need to be logged in, of course.)
  • Click "Edit import settings" on the left side of the screen.
  • Paste your RSS feed into the "Web URL" field, tick the box agreeing with Facebook's terms of service, then click "Start Importing."

That's it! Here's a quick video overview:

You used to be able to make an RSS feed for any Facebook Page by finding its unique numerical ID and adding it to the end of a Facebook feed URL. Unfortunately, Facebook no longer lets you do this, and the tools and websites that could find the Page's ID stopped working.

But with Zapier, you can create an RSS feed for any Page you've created or where you're listed as an admin.

Through the automated workflows we call Zaps, you can easily follow what's happening on your Timeline from your favorite RSS reader. In this tutorial, we'll walk you through how to create an RSS feed for your Facebook Page.

Zapier is a no-code automation tool that empowers anyone to automate workflows and move data across 5,000+ apps. Our automatic workflows—which we call Zaps—send data between apps you use so every person and business can move forward at growth speed. Check out this page to learn how Zapier works.

Option 1: Get started quickly with a Zap template

We have a template to help you get started quickly. Click the button below, and you'll be guided through setup. You'll need to create a Zapier account if you don't already have one.

Here's how it works: 

  1. Click on the button to get started. 

  2. Connect your Facebook account, and select the Page you want to use.

  3. Select the information from a recent post to your Page timeline you want to use. 

  4. Name your RSS feed, and add the Facebook Page post information to your RSS feed item. 

  5. Test your workflow, and turn it on.

Option 2: Make your own Zap to create a Facebook Page RSS Feed

If you'd like more control over information in your Zap or would like to add additional actions, you can click here to create a new Zap from scratch and follow the instructions below.

How to get a Facebook Page RSS feed

Log in to Zapier, click the Create Zap button, and select Facebook Pages as the trigger app and New Post to Your Timeline as the trigger event. This is this event that starts your Zap.

How to add rss feed to facebook page

Connect your Facebook account, then select which of your Pages you want to use with Zapier. You'll then need to give Zapier permission to manage your Page to finish linking your account.

For each app you connect, Zapier will ask for a general set of permissions which allows you to be flexible with your Zaps. The only actions Zapier takes on your app accounts are those a given Zap needs to accomplish what you've set up.

Once your account is linked, select the Page you want to follow in the dropdown menu. Zapier will then test the Facebook integration.

How to add rss feed to facebook page

Next, click the plus signto add an action. The action is the event your Zap will perform once it's triggered. Search for and select RSS by Zapier as the action app and Create Item in Feed as the action event. Click Continue.

How to add rss feed to facebook page

Add a name for your RSS feed in the Feed URL box. This is the URL you'll later copy and add to your RSS feed reader.

Give your RSS feed a name under Feed Title.

How to add rss feed to facebook page

Then, click inside each required field to add the correct information from Facebook to the RSS feed. We've put the message text as the Item Title and the URL for the Timeline post as the Source URL. For the Content, put whatever will work best in your RSS reader or will be the most useful to you.

How to add rss feed to facebook page

Test your Zap, turn it on, and don't forget to copy your new RSS feed URL and add it to your RSS reader app. You can now follow what happens on your Facebook Page from inside your RSS feed reader.

Tip: Want to follow other Facebook Pages via RSS? You can't make your own RSS feed for them, but you can follow them along with your other RSS feeds with an Inoreader Professional account for $4.99/month.

To cut down on the time you spend posting to Facebook, you can also share new RSS feed posts to your Facebook Page with a Zap.

Originally published in March 2017, this post has been updated to focus exclusively on Facebook. Matthew Guay contributed to the original post and Krystina Martinez contributed an update in August 2021.

Can you add an RSS feed to Facebook?

Connect the RSS Feed to Your Facebook Page Then scroll to RSS Feeds and click on the Add button for Production RSS Feed. Though optional, we recommend configuring basic authentication (username and password) for your RSS feed and serving it with SSL/TLS (i.e. HTTPS) if you want your feed to be private.

How do I add an RSS feed to my Facebook business page?

Add new Facebook Pages posts to an RSS feed Click on the button to get started. Connect your Facebook account, and select the Page you want to use. Select the information from a recent post to your Page timeline you want to use. Name your RSS feed, and add the Facebook Page post information to your RSS feed item.

How do I add RSS feeds?

Tip: If you need help finding the RSS feed URL on a website, look for an RSS icon. Right-click that icon, and then copy the shortcut to the Clipboard. Press Ctrl+V to paste the information from the Clipboard into the RSS Feed location box. Choose Add > OK.

How do you post a feed on Facebook?

Tap in the top right of Facebook. Search for the Page you'd like to post on, then select it from the dropdown menu. Tap Posts, then tap Write something on the Page. Write your post, then tap Publish.